mevnal and iippealing; the surface of and natural pool arc preferable. la .water in motion is fascinating. Con- general the natua-al pool should be sequently, it is that the pool occupics secluded anid partly hidden by foliage. stich an important position ini land". This' natural pool is also enbanced scape'design, and should bc the cen- greatly by -the use. of stone laid ini ter of interest in the picture of which suèh a way as to appear as a natural it is a part.. As a placeétoegroW lhues otrp Where Stones. are laid: to- FREE BOOKLET ON RASM[SEN'S I&AINT -STORE 550 Conter Street Winn.fka, 344 LANDS-CAPE DESIGNINO and PLANTING Rock gardens, and Perennialborders. Personal attention .irto evry job. Plans and estimates fret. . Inspect plant-matrnal and bulbs at .our NURSERY. ON MIL WAUKEE. ROAD, 2 MILES NORTH 0F WHEELING. S-ee Our stock <nt Oct Oua PaicesBef or. Buving OMAN LANDSCAPE SERVICE William A. Omn »Ô Mefers.. Street, GCkncoe, t111. Phone Cleucoe 977 Make or furnace AUTOMATICj witk tkis con version Gas hurnerI M littlo as Cashs, installe J *ih thermost at (Stee.rn saniuoms siuhdy niore) jlaid in nat ural ledge formation, show- ing their natural stratifications. The ,crevices should appear natural as if tbey wyere caused by weathering and- érosion. By the accompanying photo, wili be seen. a stream made to look as if some physical feature nmade àt change its course. Ferns,' violets, trilliunis, a'i nany of the wild flowcrs can be naturalizcd. in the. natural rockery so as to give evergreens juniperus pfitzeriana is beautiful for its plumelike effect. Taxus cuspi data for the semi-shade with its lustrous dark green color., For the Iower types, juniperus tam- ariscifolia, Waukcgan juniper, and. juniperus procumibens. IEvergreens for a Japanese rock garden might in.- clude pinus tanyosha, juniperus miey- cri, juniperus sabina, juniperus von *Ehron, and jun iperus tri-partita. 1141 Contrai Ave., Wilmette Manager Phone Wilmette 2899 I. I.. lu ---l a