Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1930, p. 55

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* worlGd uy5 IFIJII1meVuiteU. itatVs,' Walter R. Glennie, eîcport manager of the Graham-Paige Motors Cor- poration, said this week ini a sa mient miade after completing a six- nolthe . survey of -conditions in f or- egncodntries. "United, States, regulates worIdI trade because of its vast purchasing power and the huge consumiption of goods,"' Glennie said-. "Siuice we have tightenied* up on- Our purchases duriuîgthe past eight mioiths, naturally foreign' counitries tlîat import goods tous have been affected. Movement-of miierchandise to the United States froni abroad. las decreased and haturàll.y cut down the incomes 'of the importers with thé result that they have been buyiuîg less from us. "As far as the tariff is- concertncd, and especially ini connection witli its effect on motor 'car sales abroad, thiere is niuch discussion about ît'and some counter tariffs on-our goodts may be set up. However, Europ)eaiis still prefer American-nliadle -goos, especially our motor cars, and re-. gardless of tariffs that, migit, be passed in foreign counitries, tlîey ill *still, continue to .buy cars from -.'us, onewe start buying fronithein. * "European n1otgr car. manufactur ers have neyer properly: analyzed tieir markets at horne and built carg to satisfy the market nceds. ýaîd, conjsequenîtly.Anerican uîaîufactur- ers have enjoyed a high purcentage of motor business in for incouin- tries. The people abroad want Anwr- icaui cars and will be willing, to pay, the additional prices European tarif s miay set. "I canuiot lîelp but view the atuto- m obile export situation with àpti- miism and look for an immiiediate ini- provement in foreign business as 's0O as the United States resunies, activ'«e * luyng again.", Pgckard Now Builds rBodies of Alil Designs Smart town cars, laîîdaulets, cabrio- lets and other individual, eustoeu ars two of the' iatést nIoýdel _ gasolirie curb punmps. Thev are mnotor driven, speedy and accurate. .A large plainly mnarked dial reveals to the custofuier the details of his purchase. "Chick" Bruchhauser, the radio song bird, who lias charge of the Richardson. filling. station, now 'sings more frequently. than ever as lic g1oes, ab out bis wor.k. Here is hiS very Iatest soxîg (tiot copyrighted) :.1 A pump's a 1)unip, somle1 folks say;.. Perhaps it ivas, back 3,esterday.ý But tumes have changed, a nd so have tricks; \Vhen. Folks wvait gas, they' ivant it (juick. So. Weve put i ri.' the latest racket- Pu mps with motors', tlîat are auto- matic. *The gas rolîs out, the nîcter rings, An'. aIl I do is atch, and sing. Car Registrations FaIl Short of 1929 Figures On' the hasis -of knio%-vn results foI*r the first éight inonths, dealer reports for Septemibur andl estiniates for th.e Lfinai quarter of the. year, it is the belief of the automotive trade that registrations of ne%% passenger cars in the United States in 1930 wilI ap- proximate 2,700,000, or about 300,000, less than the normal repflacernent de- mand for this vear of more than 3,000,000, which is flihe National Autc.- mobile, Chaniher 'of Commerce esti- mate. The fact that sales wil! drop below the normal replacemenit deniand this. year, is a striking illustration of the big delayed buying demand that is .piling up, a demiand 'that wilI be ex- erted in the market ini 1931 and 1932. This does not take into consideration the normal iiew huying for tliis year-, much; of which (did not *becomne ',1 acètuaiity. Tlhis delayed prhsn also will bé s ronl feit iu1 the nmar- ket next ear and theyerfloi. custom bodv ,shops,. Nearly a yea'Îè lias beeu spenit by Packard in settinig up the new custoin bodyv factory .and in creating its owîî individual cus-, tomn body èsg.'file slîops whîcc s n han -w, Domestic shipmenits of Marmon cars, moreover, were approximately 19 per cent greater, thani the com- biîîed total for July and August of this year and. werç' in excess of the i-tal of lany s ingle -nonth, this year 'Silice. April. Uîufilled orders, carried forwýard into October also war rant thë predictioîî that the. urn month wi.l1 show* a considerable nii- crease over October>of last year. . Eacti of1 the four. models in, the ,Marmon huie slîared. in the iîîcreased shipnîents which were* reflected in, country-wile. reports of gainîs ini re- tail sa les and, reg&istrationiis of. Mar- monôt cars. Hudson Gives Fig*ureçs on Non-Stop Motor Run- In a seven-day non-stop. mnoto r run' in a nation-wide testý, twenty-fiv.e jUùdson Eïght .stock cars ran a. total of 124,750 miles with an average gaso- fine consumption of 14.585 miles per gallon. The top speed -exceeded 80 miles per hour. Trials covered every possib>le test of speed over measured, initer-city running, long distances, re- liability and economy. One car ini Kansas covered 7,033 miles, one in anid near Plîiladelphia 7,017-better than 1,000 miles a day. Average dis- tance for ail cars was 4,,990 miles. Before It's T00 Laàte - have, your car thoroughly WASHED andexpertly SIMON- IZED by us and protect. its finish during i Copmjnj winter. ais. Our HIGH m PRESS UR E GREASING wiII kce p your car running snioothl. GAS-OIL BATTERIES-TIRES TIRE REPAIRING MOTOR and BODY REPAIRINO in ALL. BRANCHES BER vICE ,!/z Block North of *L" Station 516 4th St. Wilmette 3064 A Sfe lae to Buy a. Use aT Washi#g is a sPecialty with us-give as a tryl TifE ILWELL Bob 'n Mac Main St. et Li'nden Ave. Phone Wilmùette 3334 Cathe UsA.Yad Car Doporimsens and Arranuge fer a Demonsutration PA CKARD) MOTOR CAR COMP'ANY 0F CHICAGO 925 LINDEN AVENUE, HUBBARD WOODS Winnetka 36~70 Oreenleaf 60»0

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