~kne510 OCT. 10 T OCT. 16 Sp oal Sale Friday B7 TOaý FIVE FREE, DELIVERIES DAILY BoitLES mCOnED RF Serve this delicious dish for, a change. We prépare it ourselves, using te greatest. ofar - and the bcst of: beef.j Mb 390 POT. ROAST Lb.hoi BEEF TONGUE GRAPE FRUIT .... ..... 4 for 250. Medium size fancy Floridas.- APPLt VIDER ............ Gal. 90;c Fresb nmade at Paw Paw, Michigan, f rom choice fia PrA5t. clB K Élas 5 i RB4LSTON CEREAL ...... ...230 crie of the rnost popuur whole wheat, hot breakfast foods. This'is the 28c package. COOKINO APPLES ...... 4 lbS,, 25C Cboice greenings. T'he best grown for sauee, pies and baking. BROOIMU Cottage. We guarantee this brponito outlast several eheap ones. Hand made$ best straw, light in weight. LIPTON'S TEA " .......IZlb, 490 and orange pekoe-b10ý . ............. £ore ge No. 3 tins., This is With <uturnn and wninter events- at the Shaumee Cotintry club in: fuEl szcing;' C. M des McDonald. (aboted), 1046 Michiggtan aenute, president of tise club for tire ensuing y'cars*. and iris corps of O'ffîicers and board of govern ors arc haî ing thi r bitsy' season. Officers, serving Nvith President Mc- Donald are Howard tL. Fogg, vice- president; E. B. Knudtson, treastirer; and Paul 0. Dittmnar, secretary. The club governors include A.ý J. DeBerard, Carl Iid, A. E. Taylor, F. R. Fariner, James B. Frenchi, W. P. Reed. John B. Utley. Roy M. Kiril id, Harry C. Daiels, Parke E. Shmnmons, Hugo H. Kui, and Dr. C. H. Searle (ex-officio). M-\rs. Philip DeBerard of Rockford is visiting hler parents-in-iaw, Mr. and 'MIrs. Arthur fleBerard of 1220 Greenxwôod avenue, for a f ew days. MNrs. C. H. M.,ilikati. a sister who nmakes hie.r homie with. the Arthur DeBerards, is visiting hier old homne i Independejice, Kas. tor of tihe Wilmette Panish Methodist churcli. In a statement directed re- cently to the Wilmette League of Women. Voters, Dr. Smith said: "As voters, we are asked to answer onNovember 4 the .question:, 'Shalh wèrmen serve on juries. in.Ilinos? My.own. ansve r to that question will be 'Yes.' I cannot give -ail the reasons for this 'faith that is in-me,' but heýre are. sorpe, of them. "We have already removedniost.of the arbitrary limitations placed upon a woman 's"exercise of, the: full rights. of citizenship. This one ought to go along .with the -others., Twenty-one states made this provision some trie. ago. "In -the next place,. I canniot but 1elieve that, case by case, a woman is as, weIl qualified i.o pass judgment as amnan. There may be cases where naturallv a man's decision might be more t rustworthry. Certainly, how- ever- there are other cases where aà woman's- subtie« insighit might1 hev -more closely to the true line' of jus-. tice. "Mv ownfeeling is that the pres- ence of women niight well create a fluer atmosphere in thé court roon, and especially in the jury box or the room set aside for the deliberation of the jury. The introduction: of w oren to this service mav well improve the, personnel of the jury panels., 1:1 "I.astly, I think women should serve on juries because it is an obli- gation as wvell as an opportunlty. Those who daim the rights of citi- zenshii) should accept the duties of' that status."-Horace G. 'Smith.. Mr, and Mrs. Le'Rov W7oodlandf,. 336 Leicester road, Kenilworth sailed last wveek for Euirope.-,vhere they ex- pectfo spend several weeks.. "'CARL'S" RiDGE NEWS, VOL i Octoberl1., 1930 BREAD ROLLS - DOUGHNUTS I,.SPECIAL ORDERS uay somebouuy ran, too hard and ita ped on center..u .i ip.asaimua p. a.. "Don't Worry" makes a. better mnotto when you, add the word "Others." oppoEite St. Jàs8eph' Churc1& Phone Wilmette 316 qè Umm No. 48