S. E. Cor Cummiiingsandm Ridge 4 bîks. to No. Shore and N. W. trans- portation. Nr. Country Day Sch. and IndfHi Country Club. Typical early Amer, Col. brick :consftr., palnted white. Blue-black shutters and roof. An exceptionally .well arranged hse. having total, of , 5 àbdrnis., 3 baths, liv.ý rm., din. rm., kitçÉh. and bkfst, rm. 'Liv ý i-m. 16x30,. beau. paneled and papered. Entrance hall, liv. i-m. and din. rm.. ha ve parquet fir. Mald's rm. and bath on lQt fir. 2nd 'flr.-4 chani- bers and 2 baths. Hse. ls typicàl Col. ln detail; beau. decorated throughout. Plyrmi. with firepi.., 16x30, la base- nment. Weather,-strlpp)ed., 011 burner., ,4-e. _2 car- att., gai'. Offered a.t -a piffle under, $30,000 Open for inspec- tion ail day Saturday 'and $utuday. BIL14S REALTY, INC. 1649 Sheridan Râ. Wilmette 3740 72LTN23-1,t< .BEST OFFER TAKES EITHER 0F TWO ý,HOUSES IN WINNETKA Both owners need moaey la business and wiil sacrifice. Ha ve asked us to get best offers. Each home has 4 bed- roorn$ and 2 baths-oae is ýbrick, the other is s8tucco-o.ne has been held at. ý25,000, the other at $18,500. Both nroaw occupied by owhei's. Yfoth houses are in excellent conditiqn. ('on- veniènt locations, one east of the tracks, one west.. If you want to own a home, name your price and ternis. Phone for appointment. See t4esé houses- make offer and If it'.4 the BES.T OFFER, you get i..Pseso GLEN C. BULL, 720 ELM ST. PH. WINNETKA 773-1016-566 EVANSTON-UNIV%. 6055, - 72LTN23-ltpl Hqhuakird1 W0oùI CHARMING 7 RM%., 2 BATH RESID. on, beaut. grounds convenient to Rab- bard WVoods school and traasp. Spa- clous, artistic., modern, eqiuppe)td witit ou burner, M.NUST B~E SOLD. -Your cash w ill go far hure. Pie 2,0) Make offer. U V0 lLtLoE..i 8 O P C . B E VL IZfl3 I DJS J. also child's ivory bedrooni set; Reas. Ph-. Winnetka 2768- - 86LtN23-ltc 87 WTDý, TO BUY-7HSEHILD. GDU. PAIR VIDE VELVET_'PORTIERES. Good cônd. Inexpenéolve. Wlnnetka 3460, Wlnnetka 3453i 87L2e-ltp WANTED. TO BUY-SËCOND HA ND furnitureand other householdgoods. Highest prices for sanie. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans- ton. 111. Ph. tJnlv. 189. -87LTN15-tfe Us IOR SALC-mmaUcEiLANcous FOR SALE - V P RIGH11T 1GRAND piano, $100; Wilton rug, . x12, $25; f ur coat, reas. Wanted, mah. ichest of drawers' and, phone set. Ph. Wil- mette 149ý. 88L23-ltc FOR SALE-1$ COIL GAS HEATER, suitable for.garage,-,$15. 4 Electrice *Place. Wilmette News Agency. WiI- *mette 1765. 88LTN22-ltp A LOT 0F SHRUBS, SYRINGAS, honeysuckles. 'Large,- hoalthy bushes, 653 HillI road. Tel.. Wlnnetka 462. 88LTN23-ltc OXFORD (-RAY RIDINO HABIT, size 18. Very reasonable. Worn only a few times. Also biack boots, size 5.Winnetka 1474. gSLTN23-ltc $200 BATTLE CREEK HEALTH builder and reducer for $75. Like new. Ph. Wilmette 2923. 88LT23-Itp) FOR SALE-BARGAIN, SUPERIOR Oi01 Burner, large size, tanks, pump fittings ailIn good condition, $100) cash. For appolntment, call WUl- mette 2558. 88L23-ltp FOR SALEF-NEARLY INEW 'MIDGET Piano to party finlshlng $7 monthly payments on balance due of cost. Ad- dress T., V. Lorenz, Aud itor, P. O. Box 195. Ohicago. 88LT.N21-3te I H l l I Y I I ~ ~ j 8 9 W D .Te nY - I C E LN2U EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 613 Davis St., Evanstoni. Greenleaf 1617 920 Spaniish Ct, Wilmette. Wll,uette2920 72LTN23-ltc -W!NiÇ ::ý-4 EDVCED TO $10,5 WANTED-CLEAN, -WHITE RAGS. 10,c per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wil- mette. 89LTN15-tfp' WANTED TO BUY A USED? SET of Comipton* Encycloped las. Must be reasonable. Ph. Wilmette 4979. M1.; B. W. Blow, 1004 Elm St., Wlnnet- ka, Il11.; S. D. Rodenberg, 635 N. LÔck- wood Ave.. Chicago, Ill.; E. C. Roden- berg, 635 .N. Lockwood Ave., Chicago, M1.; C. H~. Seberer, Glenview Rd., Wllmettè, Ill.;, Edward Zipf, 1519 Hinrnan Ave., evanst1on, Ill..; M. A. Sorenson. 972 Ash, St., Winnetka; 111. 3.That the known bondholders; mort- gagees, and other securlty holders own- ing or holding 1 per cent or More .of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities are: (if -there are.,none, 1 os50) N o e 4-. That. the. two paragraplis, nxt above. givlng the naines of the owners, stockholdei-s, and securlty holders, .if any, contain flot* only the list of stock- holders and securlty holders as they appear upon the books of the comfpany but also in'cases where the ýstockhold- er or security holder appears upon the books of the compan y as trustee-and in any o'therfiduclary relation, thenanme of the person or corpor ation for whom such trustée is actinlg, is'given; aiso that the snid two earagraphs contain statement.s >embracing affiant's, ful knowledge and belief as to the'eirrumn- stances, and conditions under .hich stoc bklolders'and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hoid stocks and sectuEitl2s jin a apacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant lias no reason to believe that any. other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct- or indirect in the said stock, bonds or other securities than as so stated by hlm; . 5. That the average numnber of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otiler- wise. to paid subscribers during the six nionths preceding the date shown above is-(This informatiron is required froin daily publications vnly). LLOYD HOLLISTER. <Signature of editor, publisher. business * manager, or owner.> Sworn to and subscribed before me this lst day of October, 1930. (Seal) -C. E. HOTZE (My commission expires March 14, 1931.> VILL.AGE 0F SENILWORTHI NOTICE 0F AWABfl I(ENILWORTH SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT SUPEILIOR COURT NIJM1BER, Notice is hereby given that the :Board: of Local Improvements of the 'Village of Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois. after due publication of notice as irequired by law, did on thie 7th day of October, A. D. 1930, award to M. Foley Cc. a con- tract for the construction of the, im-t provement consisting of the dràin ing, grading. paving and curbing of West Railrond Avenue -in. sa 'id Village. as Fourth installment, $9,186-99 due January 2, 1934. - Fifth installment, $9,186.99 due Janiu- ary 2, 1935. Sixth instalîment. $9,186.99 due Jan- ua.ry 2, 1936. Seventh instalîment, $9,186.99 due January 2, 1937. Eighth, installiment, $918.9 due- January 2, 1938. Ninth instailmfent, $9,186.99 due Janu- ary.2,. 1939.: Tenth installment, $9,186.99 due Jan- uary 2Z 1940r. Dated 'this ?rd day ôf October, A. D. 1930. F.L. STREED, Collector. -L22-2tc SýPËCIAL,.ASSESSMENT NOTICE . VILLAGE OF WIL31-ETTE SPECIAL ýAS8ESS»1ENT NO. 2-é; NOTICE le hereby tiveh to a,11 persona Interested that the.Preéidefit and.Board, of TÉustees of the Village of Wilmette, -in the Countyof CoQk and State of Il- linois, ýiaving ý ordered that . Elmwood Avenue, Ashland 'Avenue, Th ornwood Avenue, Chestnut Avenue,, Kenilworth Avenue and ]Beeéhwood Avenuebetween the west edge of the concrete pavement- now in place-in Ridge Road and the east Une of 23rd Street, together with Xen.ý-: ilworth Avenue from the west line of 23rd Street to the east edge of the con- crete pavement now In place in Locust Road and Ashland Avenue from- t-he west line of 23rd Street to the concrete pavement now In place at Locust Road and Illinois ý Road frënî the, concrete pavement now in place atý the North lin * eý of Iroquois Road. to Àshlând Avenue.' and Grant Street, 26th: Street and Cleveland Street from, Aýýhlanà Avenue, to the: North Une of the Village. of Wilmette> and 25th Street, Dartmouth Street, 24th Street and ÇoIgate Street from Ashland Ave- nue to Kenilworth Avenue and 23rd- Street from the South line produced west of Elmwood Awnue to the east of 23rd Street to Beechwood Avenue, inéluding all street Intersections to the outer Unes of the said 23rd. Street and 21st Street from Elmwood Avenue to Beeèhwood Avenue and Elmwood Ave- nue west of 23rd Street to the west line of Cherokee Road be improved by, grading, including parkways, paving curbing, adjusting manhole covers, building catch basins and connecting saine to, the storm sewer, building nec- é.ssary brick manho.les and valve,,éh.am- bers ýa:nd otherwise improving the serne, aIl in the Village of Wilmette, County of Cook. und State of Illinois, the or7 dinancé for the sa:me being on file In, the office of the Village Clerk, and said Village having applied to the i!7ount> Court of Cook County for an assess- ment of the costs. of said imnrovementý .11 74LTN23-ltp metie. Ili;;"Editor, Env > in W. Weber, 111è;) pitvillè; itlit, 1133 Central Ave.. Wilmette 111. -, Busi- by ordinance c R BAI-E-NSEHLD. GOODS ness Manager, Lloyd HoIJister, il29 more fully apl Cherry St., Winnetka, 111. copy of the jud MOHAIR DAVENPORT AND 2. That the owners are: (Glive names fice; that the reversible.cushionâ, reasonable. and addresses of.,individual . owners, or tion of such a.4s air. Winnetka. 2364'. if acorpp ration_ gjve its nàm.e'and the îof. the undieiral e6LTN23-Ite'.i names, and addresses of stockholdere -terësted are her Is for this work are on ce of the Village Ma.nagerè Board reserves all rights or all bids. C. M, OSBORN 'Village Manager. L23-2te ar IrOM tne certified file in - t - he nent on file In rny of- The Vil arrant for the coIl,ýc- to reject 3sment Is in the hands ried. All persona In- )y notiOed to, call and