of WILMETTE' Statement of Condition. as of September 24, 1930 RESOURCES:, Cash ard Due from Banks........... Untited States -Govern ment Securities...... Other Bonds and Securities. ........... Federal Reserve -Bank stock.......... Recemption Fund U. S., Treasury........ S387,585-89 -1-9 4.13 1. 47 4o8,8 50.98 -6.000.00 5,000.00, Loans and Discounts............. ...........' 1,13 1,006.65 .Furnitureand Fixtures'ý................60,478-71 lPrepaid Expenise..................937.72 ln terest Earoed ~~UncoIIcte...........__ 1,401.09ý LIABILITIES: Capital Stock-...... Surplus.,............. Undivided. Profits'..... ... . . . . . Reserved foi Taxes.. Interest and.Depreclation... Divideds 1Unipaid.............. Circulaiion. .. .Discount *Collected, (unearned).... Dépo~its................................ 150,000.00 50,000.00 19,353.32 2-6.998.49ý 100,000.00 9179.48 1,849,765.22 $ 2,20 5,3 92.5 f THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ALBERT E.CROSS ALAN, C. DIXON Vice President, Terminal National Bank E. L. ESSLEY President î4 Treasurer. É. L. Essley MachinerYj Co. WM. N. JARNAGIN President. Central1 Manuf.rcturing District Bank L. B. KUPPENHEIMER. Capitalist ARTHUR MEEKER President. Arcady Farms Millingý Co. *H. E. PORONTO Trustee, Central Manufacturing District B. Lé ROSSET. Chairman, Executive Com mittee, Pbillip State Bank £4 Trust Co. DAVID E. SHANAI-AN . Chairman, Terminal National Bank - .EUGENE V. R. TH-AYER Chairman, Executive Committee, Cent rai Trust Company of Illmnois FRANK L. WEBB President, Terminal National Batik THE DIRECTORS HARRY C. EDMONOS Fstate Managements C. H. FOX Vice President, Chicago Trust Co. FRANK W. KETCHAM, Presideîfl, KI'mbell Trust ýl Saoings Bantk RAYMOND G. KIMBELL Chairman, Twventietb Century Press E. B~. KNUDTSON President of the Bank B. F. LYNCH Vie resident, H. M. Byllesby îI'Ce. C.0. MASTERS Vice Presidlent, Calumet National Bank THOMAS MOULDING Pesident, Thomas. Moùlding Brick Cco. DAVID NELSON President, Nelson Brothbers Laundry Co. ALBEWRT N. PAGE 'Vice COMMERCIAL - TRUST - - SAPE REAL ESTATE3 8'a m. until 12:30p M. 7 until 9 p. m. -First in j