This Peek 04y Permanent Wave Prce $10 For a wave that wiII be adiiulwirever yo go, let 0 u r *killed opera*.itorsesrve y3.: .The mu'st -Studied ale. ls exervised. in givfng flic Eugene, Frederic, Nestie LeXItiur and Gabrieleen prinft 3londayý and Tuesday Shampoo-Flngpr Wavc 10 Mancue.............. La,.Carit Slon, TU E DÉ174w S T 0 I1 tE N 'HF. IlI> J ' 1lII ILO('K WEE W. WM. WINpERG, n - -N E IBO yI IE1TINFR4<I>DtS )131 417 Liiden Ave. Wilmette,! -11. present planiS. -The programns are, rn an eduicational nature, designed to ieil) scliool children in their studý' an(l appreciation of music. Mrs.,Herbert J. Leach- NwPlay Board'Memb er Mrs. Herbert J.Leaclh, 63U Wash- ingltôn avenue, ivas officîaàlly ap- pointed a meniber of the -Playground and Recreaion board last evening at the regular mfonthly meetin g of that bodv. Mrs.- Leach was namied hv Village President Earl E. Orner, as hboard member-atý'Iarge,. 1representing the Woman's club ýofý Wilmette, sever- ai weeks ago. and Iast'evenings mleet- ing wvas the first session 'after hler a ppoîniltml lt. "Tak my Word fli'It, they'lre great "9! -p I For over 30 years the world's bestsoda 4eracker-that'. a record -for crispness and the reason, for its increasing pôpularity year after year.,, Jue sy Ueea *scit NTIONAL DISCUrr COMPANY *ne&Shsr< Mliss Eniena fBut of BlooiInq'- ton ivas guest of -honowr ai a inisce!- laneons soerPa uco >rty for twenf-twoguesis Saturday, 0<-t,,- *ber Il; givoeî by Mrs.- Lcii NettJe- moun of 123 Fiftccnth Street. Tlic P'art y was given by Miss Bu lb aind M1rs. Nettiemiali's son.lIbis Net- Ileinan, Jr., who -ztiII be niarried i n tILitheran claurch at BIooi-, iln y/oni on October 28. .M1iss -BultI us v.isi'ting in Jý'vanistoli for a few: dci vs Prior It' the zwe'ddinfl. it i' aqiet, faî,uilv affair folloïced l'Y à dinnier at t/he lhone of t/uc bri<Ie's parents. Sfie u'iII bc attecd.( 1, ylir sister . Miss Lois Bt/ii. T/ic l'est ni wll bc, Richiard Wlins BOTANIC-AL LECTURE "Botanical Collecting Along the Upper Amazon" is the subjeet of free illustrated lecture for the gelieral public to be given at Field Museuiii of Natural Flistory Saturday, Octo.ber 18, at 3 'o'clock. UlewelyriXillianms. of the Staff -of the museum's depart.- ment. of botany, who was-*leader of the recent Marshall Field Botanic;-. Expedition to Peru, will be the Iec- t urer: Mr. Williamis penetrated rnanv. parts of South America's far interior wilds which had neyer been traverse([ and zo.oogical exhibits; and r- day, "Users of Gold and Silver" and "Sea Life, Past and Pi-es- ent." Thiese tours, conducted by staff lecturers,' are open -to ail museumù visitor.s. Parties, assemble inside the north entrance. 4 f