New Beaded, Neckwear Sale Priced at. Attractive Jewelry Which Weý Ack% FOl Have Priced at $69ý Ace-h.igh, in'fashion,ý these attractive beaded nov- eltiesform a large percen tage of the effective new Fait 'neckline treat-ments. In, white, eggshelI, ýtan., flesh and turquoise, on, georgette or crepe-.. values at $-.69 ech' Women' igkn Goe 'Wasliable,. Long - Weariig'. 925 These are gloves for which- you ~1f-I1 would ordinarily pay.much more! And If~~ North Shore women know how invalu J '$ çble they are for both ~street and driv- ing wear. In sizes . 6to 71/2, they'pre available in the favored slip-on style .. and you can wash 'em and wèar 'em indefinitely.. hFrsi kIoor Daei nty Si lk Lingeri e Slipsp Stepins Dance Sets Chemise Costume.welry. is nowaa- cepted and 'iniearàl part of every 1otf it from sports ta, formai att ire. At this: special Founder's Week price your collection of smnart adorniments mny be complete', Bracelets, necklaces,. brooches 'and earrings in metal, crystal,. peari and colored stones offer enchanting selection . . at $1I each. Cosi urne jewelry-Firt Flor Handbags High In Fali Mode, Suedes --Shoecalf In -New FallIl Colors $2.7 Yuwill continue to match your handbag tOQ your shQes i.n color and leather . nd this season the selection is vast, in- deed. At $2.79 we present zippers, top-handles,,pouch and under-arm styles in black and Pali, colors. simply tailored or smartly trimmed, with prystal and other nov-et touches. Handbas-First Floor Ap~ce le0o""