be heard for the first lime in- Chicago ,in the role of Fiora in Montemezzi's "-L'Amore dei Tre Re.", A novelty, a revival and five works.; f romi the standard repertaire miake . p the wveek's schedule. 0f these, the novelty, '"Lorenzaccio," will be sung oôn the opening night, and the revival. Massenet's e'Manon," will be given for. the first Saturday, matinee, ini FPrench.',The two German works are * Wagner's "D1ie Walkuere," which i; to be givýen on Tuesday, October 2K. and "Tannhaueser," scheduled for Saturday, night, November 1, the. first poplar-priced performance ' of th&~ vear. The1 thre,ç Italian works,,are -"LaEorza. del Destino" on Wednesday night, October 29. ."The'jewels of the Madonna," on Thuràsdav, October 30: 'nd "L'Amore dei Tre. Re," on th frst sub ùîban secial Sunidav Matinee, November 2. Madame Muzio's. first appearance ýWill beon. Wednesday night as Donnla Leonora ini Verdis "La Forza duvl *Desti no,"' With Charles1 Marshall ânrl Cesare Forichi in the cast. Foir. new artists wilt be heard iin the.openi- ing night's performianlce of "Loren- zaccio. Thev are Jeniny Tourel. Jean Vieuille, Salvator eBacc'aloni and Oc- tavelDua. The first t wo comne fro;-i the Opera Comique; Mr. BaccaloiÎ from La Scala, and Me. Dua returiis after an absence of several seasonis. Hans -Hermann Nissen,, Lotte 1Lelc- mnann and Paul Aithouse make their first appearance on Tuesdav night, and again on Satur 'day night. Vanni- Marcoux v_ill appear the opetling night in the titie rote.'of "Lorenzac- cio," and ini this opera Charles Hack- ett appears, as 'the cousin of Loreiizio. In "Die \Valkuere" on Tuesdav, Frida Leider again will be heard as Bruci.- hilde, Lotte Lehmann will make lier .debut as Sieglinde, Maria Qltszewsk"ai .Will repeat lier splenidid characteriz a- tion as Fricka, Paul Aithouse and Hans Hermann Nissen will sing Sieg- mund and Wotan and. Chase Baroinco will be Uunding. .In "La Forza del Destinio" on Wýed- nesday, October 29, Salvatore Bacca-. loni will be Melitoije, Muzio is Donnài Rene -Maison- is Avito and Virgin-o Lazzari is Archibaldo. Mrs. F. Gray Waggett Of 1604 *Wilmette, avenue. entettained six small bôys 'last Saturday,,Octol!ber .4, *in honor of the sixth birthday of her son, Warren.. Civic 0Opera Hlouse. The proceeds*, which *will be given to the Cook Countv Counicil of the Anierican Legion auixiliarvl, are to be devote.d entirely to rehabilitation and family relief work among disabled veterafis of the WVorld Xar. The. various units of the American Legion, auxili- arv are as sisting in the ticket sale, and seats 'for, tle concert, may be secured th rough local units or at the Chvic Opera biox office.. Mr. and Mrs.7 George H. Beaudin of 726 Elmwood. avenue attended the Notre Daiie7Navy gaine Iast Satur-ý day and brought back with themi their son,. George, jr. to spend the week-end- Mrs.' Donald M. Gallie El1m,,ood avenlue will ente Draia club for luncheon nt day. T. ~2-26NcL* étTues- 'SEE. TALKIES A5. OFarnOuS Dc~r Say aboutml Dr. ArnoId 'H. Kegel says "The health of a cotmmunity is profoundly influenced by the safety and wholesomeness of its milk supply and likewise by the amount of milk consumed. If supplied, in sufficient amo unts milk will protect against, certain diseases which stunt the growth and retard the development of the mind and body.".___ E *0~ TH E M ILK OF U PE RIOaR F LAY And Dr. H. N. Bundesen says "milk and its produets are rieeded by every f amily.. Not only. may milk'be taken as a beverage and in cooked f-oods,, but as cream, butter, cheese, ice-creDam,, egg- nogs, buttermilk, junket, kourniss and. culture milk." Give yoûr family Bowman's Milk and- you give