*the theme of the meeting at which the following men will talk: James Loeb, president. Men's Club of North Shore Congregation Israel; William.I * atecity Attorney, Chicago; Cul. Robert Ishamn Randolph, Chicago As- sociîationi of Conifierce ; Carl R. Chiîîdbloinî, -Viitcd. States 1Flouse cof Represenatîvs '.Rob>ert. Kingerv. *general manager, Regional Planning comlmission ; Eugene Tlivlor, mnager. Chicago Plan* conissiôn ; and 'Or. M. Siieppard. associate lrector, Cen- turv of Progress, \Výorld's! Fair. The talks of Kiîîgerv,, Tayl1or and Shep- This' mieeting wîll he. for niemibérs 01o11y,.1excel)t-that each embclr niay bring with lî.nn a prospect eligillc b nenbership oroiIC personal friend., ()fficers are James I. Loch), preL si- (lent: Isadore Portis, vice. president: EE.Weiller, treasurer ; and H-iraiii D. Frankel,. sccretar-v. N.-S6 C/w mbe'r Muic~ Gets Delight fui.Start Thie o)eing concert of the current series sp)onsorcd bv thé North Shore Chiaxubler,,.\usic Association, took place last Sunldav atternoon in Kenfil-1 orhAsscmibly Hall. TIhle program ývas presen t(l by the %well-.knownl and highly-regarded Miuenzer Trio,, COMPOSed of Hans 'Muenzer, violini, Hans Kocîbel, violoncello, and Ru-, dolph. Wagner, piano, wvith Frederick Rittner, viola, assisting. Thel numbers given-Jbv the players were "Trio Siiufonic&j. by Bossi auJI "Qtiartet in 1 B Fiat i\ajýr"' by Sa1Intý Sýaen.s.'l'le first wvas an espe,CWiàl exquisite comnîost.îon and(le-xecnted * with reimarkable skill and unusual ap- preciation. The Saint-Saens ntumber wswell-receivedý., Thîe seconid concert of this the sev- enth Vear cf the' association NYill. be presented on Sunday afternoon, \O- * vember ý2. by thie Lenier String Quar- tet of Budapest. It is expected that this' second concert will attract ain even greater audience than that iNhIichi athered to hear the. Muenzer Trio. l'art Ot clectiolr today. b)er of1 t te convention. 'l'lie arinuai ý of officers wyas to take place l )ericli, F. Koza, H, Mai Miss Whiîrnack was a miem- Moore, G. E. Routli, jr., H. Hie onînatig cmmite. E. Schager, J. Tarleton. e rten, .S. heeler, former Schmidt, a f ew of lier fr Tuesday, Octobt Kenlworth, and at luncheon 'on p.. of a, full dai'sprogrami fromn 7 ini the .morning until 6 i the evening.' The league contributes elothiing-, table linen, bedding and many other neces- sities, and. each year-assists the col- lege in, the ,financial. support of, the. nursery school. BELL SYSTEM ()ne Policy One System Universala Se,-rtie Aý cozy breakfast room sin an. un- asually attracttve -modern home