Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Oct 1930, p. 49

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NvilI bc announciecu e1LVon1. luI addition to' Mr s. Hutson alnd the meliners just listed, the commit- tee CQflsists of Mrs. N. P. Colwe1l, Mrs. 'S. E. Moist, Mrs. E. P.. Fatch, Mrs. George C. LoivelI. Mrs. J. W., Brashears, Mrs. Emil C. Butz, M.\rp' R. M. Campbell, Mrs. Robert Kllh), Mrs. Rudlolph Tencher, and Mrs., Charles E. Tucker. Junior League Sponsors Lectures on Symphony 'fli Junior league 'of Chicago is sponîsorîig-a course of, lectures ou the prograis, of the Chicago Synm- * phonyocletr Felix Borowski is to give the serie s. This will be thje irst tinie any Chicago Junior league. course of lectures lias been open to the public.ý Mr. Borovski, in his. * talks, will enideaNor to give.a 1musical explanation which will be of, înterest to tlhe hnîsician and laviiîan1 alike. Tli's %Wl11includé an . anal-s.is, %vitlî tlîe aid'of the piano. of tliecxorks t'O be' plaved by the orchestra that - week-, anîd a brief sketch of the cornposer's lite. Th e le ctures will b li hid Fni- * dav imoriing, froiii October 17 to Januiary 16, ,cl 'veat Il 0&clock 111 the Fie Arts building. *Mrs,.WXalter 1Bordexi, Mrs RôZýàcke- feller McCornîick, Mrs. Clares B. Goodspeed, Mrs. RbetMayiard Hutchins, Mrs. Howa .rdi Liiî, Mrs. Arthuir Meeker, Mrs. Frederick Stock, anîd.Mrs. Charles 'H. Swià' are gPatronesses for the lectures. Course books cai be secured by applying to \Irs. Alfred. M. 'Wolfe, chairnian of the lecture cotiiiittee, at flhe Junior. Leagne roo, M 11, Drake hôotel. Mrs. Boyd. Hijl is treasurer, an(I Mrs. Charles. O'Con- nor, Jr., lhas charge, Of Ipublicity for tfeic ect.ures. Daughtersof 1812 Observing Navy Day, Menîersof the National Society, Vnitéd States D.aughterý of "1812 of the State of Illinîois wil1 be guests of MNrs. Edward A. Brion, 181 Beach * road, Gleiicoé-, at 1:30 o'clock Tues'- Miss Anne Whitnîack gave a talk on "The New Fiction,"' cornmenting uipon several new books.: Mrs. F. J. Rotlîing, in Indian costumje, sang a group of three Indian songs delight- fullyv, preceding the dialogue adapted fiom a scene froni "The Couirtship of Miles Standish," with Mrs. LeRoy ,Hackett. assumning thîe role of Pris- citlia; and1Ms Rusself Flood that of John Alden. Mrs. ArthiurAçlam-s gave 'a talk on '."M'oderii Art,". illustratiiîg her re- ,mîarks, with pictures. M .Irs. Harry I omnbard closed thîe prograni with two readings. Max fitcl of 801 Linîde n avenue bas returiîed. froni atwo weeks' hunt- ingl trip ii.i e jnorth voods. Haircufs Facials and Scalp Trealmenis "PrivacV You'Il Enjoy" Prices surprisngty moderato HOURS 9:00 to 6:30 431 IBUILDING- FRAM KUN 8 There lias -long been needed, on the North Shore, a restaurant whrat moderate price, you may take 'a.,,guest for a meal r:.Weil served, simple, yet of the best quaflty; :where you May find -quiet, and perlîpsa ftingrmnscent of the Old World; ýwhere in the affernoon you caný drink good tea and erjoy the. best ice creams. will be given by the Grace Lutheran cl'urch Choral society under the d i- rection of Prof. Martin Lochner and Mrs. George E. Ulvestad Sunday, October 19, at the 'Cort theater 'in Chicago. . Tickèt's can be obtained 'from Mrs. 'H1. F. Rolirnian, 836 Chestnût avenue. ajIe t4rngy Conter Street at Hill Terraco Converient Parking 1617. rr(ttul0~ir Ilnhnois Open Everij Day- i 1i A. M. to 9 P. M. 55 East, Washington, CHICAGO, 1 à 77 7--

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