Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Oct 1930, p. 57

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Touring, Report Wbiile the Pan-American highwayý bas been opened from Laredo, Texas. to Ciudad Victoria, Mexico, a dis - * tance of 331 miles, construction be-ý .vonid that point bas.heen delavedri-,, târrenltial rains and openiiig .of the provisioflal highway to Mexico City lias Iel.I)e ostponed until jaiuary or Februarv.- according, to the itouring 1bureau of the Chicago Mfotor club. -Ev-en though Mexico Citv vil1 niot- he accessible 'for sonie tine,. wc stroîîgly recommend Monterrev and otiher cit ies on the route alre.adv Ibui!t as exitrenely fasc.iiating.ipoints:of in- terest to w~intèr tourists." the mioto)r ci ub) touring bureau, -clared in -a statemnent. .Monterrey- is- the second largest. in(iustrial, citv 'in. Mexico; it bas a. popu-iatioii of 120.000, -and is 150 miilesf romn Larêdo.. Like -other cities and towns ,in the iterior,' it POýsseSS- es a distinctlv -NI.ëxicaii, or forecigali. atnmosphiere. Good accQo (lioatii(-iji, are availabie - .'Ttie best route fIrom Clijago and, lealvx- ohints to ibis new vacation area is US-(66 to R10oonîingm S to Cairo; 125-60 to S ikeston. 'NI- sor.aiid 1U-61 to )sceola,. Arkani- * a.Two routes are avaiiaàble f ronn Osceola to Sali Antonio. One is vl!a Ark-40 to -Marked Tree.: Ark-ý14 t- N5ewp<rt; '125-67.rough grasel. to Lifîfte Roc: 1-70 'to flot Spr-ing¾ýq Ark-7 to Arkadelphia: L-(7 to I)- .las: Tex-68 to AI%-araçlo- 13U-81 to * .Temple':T'ex!2B to T'a-vior: Tex-43 to RýoundI Rock, and US5-81 to San Anl- tonîn., The othér route is US-61 l&onî )sclathrough ~Memphis to Lelandl. 'Ml isîi Ms-Oto Greenv-ille ferrv over Mississippi river:. Ark--2 to Montrose. US-1615,to Iowýa, 1ouis;- î,'an.a. and 125-90 to Sali Atnn ThIe route from 'Saîî Antonk> to* Lare- *do i., US-81. The niieage fromn Clii>' cagTo to Laredo ijs approxinîat-lv 1,565. "Regulations pertainilig toeny finto 'Mexico arc siniple. Upon identi- * fication, sncb as thle state licenise registration card, tourists. are given a permit bv the Laredo Chanmber of Commerce to cros7s the border. ].-urrv" This is anw safctv Slogan whIli. scemis to c li a\viug great infiluence over the coiltV. It wvas originally designed ýto lie (lisI)iavedl on latrgec posteýrs in ppub- lic places as a warnling agaliust careiess speed by 'nioorists. A* good ýmanv Citv. Safctý- couliciis are now dispiaving rt, with good safety resuits.. After ail, whîat ~ai is vour hiurrv -ien. von go charging, in yonir autonmobile, endangerini, our ow-n1 life amd' the,1 life of otîters D)o von(10 it nîcTeeiv. to Save a fe'w minutes of tlime îvhich ývon' wlproi)al)v waste iniifle(liatel%-, aftcrwvard in sonie otiier vav?_ Do vou do il , nîreiy because ot a nervo.t.s iait iit a «if Vou (do. it is a habit \vhicli -,()ilshouild trv to break. Do '-ou dIo it mcere1- to. assert -our riglits" oni the rOad. and( if -ou do . ou are forgeitingi ail ôrdinarv- 'courtecv' and set- tin, a liad safety exainple. and invii ing.per'SoîiaI actîdents. 1-[n.etlvN ow X-X hat*Y 'Your Hur~-? ThI î~a good S'aicix SIýtla - o paste on l vour ~id slîîcid. Nfost au1toobliÎile acci- densaswe ail1k -,t re iun- Establish New Record ,for Touring in 1930 1t'1ni 1ng d1uring théiJ)pas t..sun11111,er1 set iie\- hig.h records. according to thie touring bureau of the Chicago Motor chlii, w * rprted ajn- crcasýe ot more than 03 per cent in touriiiquîîiurles tlîis season as coin- î'ared w\iitltat of 1929. "Tetotal îmigbcr of iniq'uiries riý- . cteied aîîd aîswre u) to. October 1 was.34i.224, as coÏMparedwt 1. 232 for the saine period, last ,ea,' the miotor clùb),. toiiring bunreau sî in a statement. -Thbat total Nvas taken f rom the iain office and branches In sxvtv coities in the nrortïiprn norts of lIbnois and Indiania. Representatives of the state. fire mnarshai's office are on the lookout for leaky gasoline storage tanks at filling stations and supply depots. A wveil that "produced" real gasoiie,. refined -and ready' for thegas tatil, gave the- fire prevenion forces their tip.. The well, located at M.,cNabh1,*, iii ,Putnam county, ivas hailed as a bonanza, until an investigation traced the source to a leak in an adjacent filling statio n-tank. established by the Illinois state di- vision of highways. During the week ending October 2, contractors laid 71.65 milesof pavemient-almost one mile more than the old record that bad stood since 19r28. The ýbest record for the, seasoin -thus far- ini .pouring, 18-foot- concrete -pavement, is 2,027 feet,* laid èetmer5o route 173, near Hebron,- McHenry county, by Hlarrison Engineering Co., ýE.. Bail, ýsuperinitendent ini charge. Expert Mechanics ond Modern Equipment ~1I~'U Assures you of receiving t h s thebest of Auto Service here. No matter, what tIhe trouble nmay be e cn ix Gas - Batteries - 01 Tires-TireRepairing Motor and Body Repairing in all its'-branches. Phone.,Wilmette,3064 -4h Sftreet -,4AUTO. SERVICE Blhock North of "L" Station' 516-4th STREET Washing i: a speciaity iwith us-give us a try! THRE OIL WEL Bob 'n Mac George Miler I .Leo Mer Main phone Wamette 33,34 en-5À gt. et Linden Ave..

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