1, I 1 I Nit* 8v1 il ai Witk Colo0 r Con trasts a, ~ Dminant ('ha rateristc =The glint of rhinsestone, the siteen of silk, the luster, Of velvet,. the gleam. of metallic fabric combine ta, strike the >leyriote of the 1ux..sous new, evening mode. A recurre nt -note in this season1s eve nin g themfie is the persistent and effectve use of cofor contrasts *..light tonses accenting dark, and vice versa. Our * .- collection of charmingly contrived evening apparel offers the smarte.st fashions ai moderate prices., C.ow ns'ln Black 'or Color Subt!y ftted bodices, low back decolletages, rhime- sFone, diverification and freqluent interpretôtio f' the adorable peplum a.re characteristic of the eve- nirng modeý. - At Extreme Left: Jade green moire faits in graciaus, ~ folds under the attractive peplum of this gown with V-décolletage and narrow, .bowed girdie, placed high. At Left: Duli black Canton crepe takes urfto itself the paradoxical glitter of rhinestone studs -and shoul- der-straps, 'a yoked full skirt and r4iffled peplum. Other Gowns, $15 to $39-50 New A,arel Sbp-econ lo Evening Accessories The Wra.,p' Thie Bag', delicately peari beaded,. withofV le gold frame and bordered wîth baguette-cutofV le pearis is a dream at $1.50. The Jewetry j. leverly combines baguette- cut crystals with brilants set in flexible inks, fles oregghel titsin te A6-btto legthThe Winter evening ore mpotan folthene mod $850.wrap' grows gradually. longer, molding itseif Th Hse.. mstbesheran dlIhifoe bout slim bips, f1aring, prefraby, i ivry, aze vanty rskn tnesofters as not. below the The hoes are ure.fo b smat iftheyng colfffianà ndmiguing Accaoese-Fi'ttFloor WGr.W Qfl n Form.rly Ros.nberg's