wonder ihat sfloes and hosuer should be to take on new coloring. In our fashion-rigF wiII fund the new, smart, darker brown tories1 among the t.rst Fassortments ane i ample selection. SiIk chiffon Hose ~ ---By.Phoenix Frenchb.of heel and picot as to top, the-new silk chiffon hase by Phoei fFera elightful variety of the. lovelysoft brown tones... copper,. wood; cocoa and many othe'rs. These shades, ýcalculated to harmnonize with the new Fali cos- tumnes are available in sizes ý81/2 to I101/2, nterestingly -pricçd from $1.35 to, $2..50 a Pair, Sn a keski n 'S h oe.'s In Rich Autumn Brown Straps Oufords ln whate.ver- type sh6,e you, prefer.. pump, strap or oxford style . hese stun nng shoes present -the vogue- sp onsored solution. Made entire{y of ýgenuine snakeskin, beautifully ýhaped and definitely a la mode, every complete shoe wardrobe will cofitain at teast'one pair of reptile shoes in dark -brown. No doubt you'll go a-masquerading on the 31 si- and just as prabably there will be a "scramble for attractive, inexpensive costumes for the family. Then you'!I. be simply enchanted .with the varety and cleverness of thîe-costumes in aur collection .. prced ever s0 moderately- $1 $1.69 $98 Here are adorable. créations tor youngsters, just the lind they most enjoy wearing, while for adults, too, we are showing distinctive, novet oui-lits in unusual modes. For Children: clown * Spanish Dutcb Boy Dutcb Girl ,,Ied. Riding Hood. Turkish Boy * Pierrot Sizes 4 tO 14 Years Compicte wth Mask $j0,.ý50.