i Read The Want Adsh When you feel like having a chat with- distant city, don't deprive yourself of the1 for H. A. 0ould of 1130 Lake avenue ne. was hôst to his Whist club Monday iss night. e LII h 'i a frïend in a pleasure. The The board wi1' serve as a m'eans of interpreting student opinion to the school administration. It wilI fromi time to time make reconimendatioiis to the sehool authorities which uiav or may flot be approved by them. lus chief purpose is a reciprocal arrange- ment wbereby the, admiinistration will be informed of the studènts' desires and the, students will understand bet- ter the faculty viewpoint. The board will hold regular meet- ings alternately every two weeks in the boys' and girls' club -roonis. Wheni the meeting is held in the boys' clui, room the Tri-Ship club presiden t will preside and when it is held in. the girls.' club room thle Girls cluûb pres- ident-wilI preside. The Tri ,-Shîp club: and the Girls' club comprise ail stu- dents in the,.school, and the new joint student board is representative of 'the eitire student body, since theofcr of the two'clubs ;are elected by the students. The officers and committee chair- man of the Tri-Ship club and the (Is' club who are members of 'tie new student.ýboar~d are: - Tri-Ship club-John Uarden, pres - ident; George Quinlan, vi.ce-pres- ident; William Sundlof, siecretary; George ,Boylston, treasurer; Rov West, club room committee;, Dor- rance Nygaard, charity conimittec:; Colin F'inlayson, dinner committec;' Tom Sinding, publicity committee, and Fred Lind, inter-club: relations, committee. Girls' club-Sally Kriebel, pres,- ident; Jean Lindstrom, vice-pres- ident; Pauline Spiegel, secretary; Ruith Offner, treasurer; Harriette Webster, finance committee; Mary Jeanne Tans.ilI, social conlmit*ee; 'Su- san Turney, friendly committee; Bet- ty Buckett, c harity coinmittee, And Agnes Halley,- employment coftfnit- tee. sponsor .1n conneec Reading of s on North Shore ion with the plan. of the orne Policy One System 0Univmral Senuec, The Chicago Wefll hold its fail meeting ar afternoon at 2:30 at th, lege club. The speake Margaret Wilson Gerar atrist at the Universit lEveIyn P. Peirce, of Margaret Noyes. 't Te/lephoining out-ofOwtown. costs Itile and ILI= r 'l 1