ing bard sô that therev report for Mother and a good SCHOOI. SPIRIT This is an important item tha-t con- cerns us aillseriously. Our «New Tr scolspirit is under- ire at present. In, fact the. la ck of demonstration has been so levident tbat the administra- tion gave the last fiftee)n minutes, of school timne Friday to a pep meeting. Tbe majority of students attended and evinced much enthusiasm. John Barden, president of the Tri-ship clu1 presided.and introduced Coach Ashen- bach wbo exhorted the student .bod% to give .the. football .teamn support at the games. ,Captaiin George 'Ogani ivas. entbus.iasticallyý received. XVit h the aid of the band and the, cheer leadersthe pep meeting accomplished its purpose and vast numbers of Nex Trier. students sat sbivering at the an ~gameé Saturday aàfternoon. We 'feel that môst of the students are. loyal to New Trier and have that indefin- able feeling .known as schôol spirit. <ý But they are subjected to severe cnit- icism because of a small but very ap- parent minority who bave no school spirit. We are of the op)inion that th~e majority mnust get- busy'and cou- vert tbe minority so that every mem-. ber of the student body will give bis support to the. school. Let's show the township just how much we ap- preciate our advantages by support- ing the teanis, the- dramatic club, the musical organizations, and the under- takings-of tbe Tri-ship and Girls'- clubs!I INTER-CLUB BOARD Thinkers, here's a chance for you to. get some of your ideas into print. Write to this column and let us-»kno% just wbat you think of the néw Inter,' Club board., The administration of, New Trier bas organized tbis. board in place, of: the student council,.,be-. ieigthat a greater understandinig Would be established betwvýeen 'the Girls' club and the Tni-sbip club. Ever.y other Monday the niine niem- bers of each club board meet together. tary, and Earl Pettinger, treasurer. The Commercial club is open to al students who are taking one or more commercial subjects. The Gavel club held its first meet- ing Friday afternoon. Lowell Comte, wbo %vas e lecte d president lait springl, presided. (He had no gavel.) Betty Buckett,te vice-president, is to choose a committee to draw up the by-lawsand arrange the year's pro- gram. John Curtis,- officiai scribe and keeper of the funids, was kept verv bus y taking down the sugges-_ tions of the verbose. debaters. Mr. chester, E. Maclecan,. Sponsor, told of the. many- debates. and oratorical,, extemporaneous, and declamatory contests 'New Trier. bas been invited to participate in. No definite plans' have been made. The Gavel club will hold a tryout for new members in the near future. CONCERNIizG . B. S. The juniors and seniors had a rare treat during an assembly Friday1 mý1 orning. Mr. Coîbunne of the theater guild. gave *a talk on George Bernard Sha>w, analyzingý thé man and bis dramias. Bernard Shaw, so bie said, lias tbnee serious defects which would orditiarily prevent one f rom becoming a playwright. 1First, Mr. Shaw lias a puritanical desine to preach Il-*. social and political doctrines. Second, he, is overly verbose (so his critics sa'y---Anid last, be is not primarily Ànterested ini witing plays, but ili mnakirig noney.~ These would seemi Wt h is to be insurmnountable. difficulties, but Mr. $baw's Verbosity is one of the of shoes 6e ri two factors wbichi comprise bib great- ness. One wbo was flot overly taika- tive would feel constrained- and be M I unable to make dramas ont of minorMALA situations. The other, factor in Sbaw's greatness is bis wonderful gift of . expression whicb Will long outtive his theories. Slhaw atiue bis gneatness to bis musical instinct. 14e is quoted as saying that lie Iearnied Protective. .... Yes, but attlucie Light, flexible ai' a soit imoported gdoue, Shaglovs -make Iwely ank!es aPf*ear thei very best on rainy, days. $3.50 They are Cut as smartly as an~ *v.ning slipper. Unes arg siender. Color combinations eré intriguincj. Every pair of Shuglovs is waterproof. And *ven the lightest, daintlest pair givos ade. qut protction from cold. for tk. or Ined with a warm, fine lastc feabri c. altow AND PHONE Wilmtte3700 Lo/rFooweaàr-First Fio, dent; John Chapman, vice-president; and Clark Gapén, secretary-treasurer. Mr. Schumacher is sponser and last year coached a very strong team, which was victorlous in the greater Plione Univ. 2238 STUDIO 1606 Chicago Ave, EVANSTON EV ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLBD that please