anmeMU 4 "«When CoId Winds Blow" DORTHYGRAY $TRAWIBERRY LOTION Skould 'be applied affer washing the hands. It counteracts the. dry- ing -effect of soap and water and keeps th. hands- sm"ooth, and white. EILIZABETH VEN ETIAN triU ARDEN B3ackgammon The OId New Game A: complet. set -board. checkeni, dic, eupsand instruction book. de'al for beginners and a good practfice setfor experts. Qiher sets $3 to $5. Lord's Toys-First Floor Corin th",n IDuïnnerware 32-pc. $ .30 ($504 set 4>value) Set consIsfs of 6 cups and 6 sauces, 6 fruit dishes, 6 bread and butter plates, 6 8-inch luncheon plaies,, an 1 1 -inch, piaffer'and. an, oval or round vegetable dish. O>.. 'stock patern-replacements or additional pieces may be selecied at auy tins.. Sale of Teapots Reduced.d f o r clearancel 6 cup Japanese teapots. 4 cup teapots of Wade's Englisbware 79Yc Lord's ,China-First Floor, East Rom 6-'OC-ket. Shoe Bags, A collapsible iho. bag with 6 cornpartments. each on. M aids' ,U n Ï1o.rrMS. The famous, * $00. Va de instripd uniform in 9l.,geen, orchid and.rose witbi White lÎnon. collar. Sizes 16 loO 46. $3. Fast.color washabl. black. colton 'pongoe. with. white organdi. de-. tachable coltar and cuffs. SizesO 16 fo 46. $3. Pre-;shrunk two, ply white poplin uniforms with- detachable shank buttons. ýSiues 16. to 46. $3. Shoit-Sleeved Mornîng Dresseýs $1095 In regulation-style of fine quatity percale in fast colors, of blue, green, orchid as wIl as, white« nurse ctoth. Sizes l6 to 46. Ser vîng Aprons 30C to 95C Lord'$ Unif orms-S econd Floor W ar.m",Alpaca.,P1e P liq Coats ForGrl Thq $18.150 oey look and feel 11ke --- L- ~ A. . -.- efur es pores. Lord's TilIeries-First FIoor s Hotosewares-First Floor, East Room 'Il able. Light fan-warm wool lining -belt.d -sues 12 to 16. Lord's Children', Section-Seconad Floor