licIOh U Jmut FUan Ine aixr u V'4W4uu to Insure appearance ln current Issue. Resolutions of condolence, carda of thanku, obitu- art.;, notices of entertatnmentu or other affaire where an admilttance charge Io publtshed, ilIl b. charged at regular advertlslflg rates. GàradelSepatation will savelhfé e Let' hbave immediate action! What voters need is inspiration a.nd in- formation, Inspiration: to take them 'to the poils and. informiation -to.,tell themn for, wvbom: and -for what Information to vote« Probably they Voter are more in need ,of forinformation than -of iii- spiration. >Oneé of the niost -aetive agencies on the north shore in. the good work. of. giving, infor-mation bas been, is, and iIl be foi' tilany year the League of Women Voters. This valuable .civàic orgaizatior. has thought and',worked untiringly to provide, voters, especially m onen voters, with in-. formation about candidates and plat fornis.., Does anyone seek, knowvIedge as to tie qualificaions and amibitions of candidates ail he nieeds to dIo is to ask somne active miember of the League. Fo1loivinig this laudable custoin; the Leagues of Wilmnette. Kenilworthi, and Winnetka'have planned for a prograni of speec.bes by candidates, the prograin to br presented on Tuesday evening. October 28, in the assenibly hall.of New Triër higli school. 'Aniong those who hiave bcen nin-, vited to speak are the tbiree. U. S. Sena- torial candidates:, Mrs. Ruthb Hannia :Mc- Cormick, Republican .nonîinee; lames, Ha milton! Lewis, Democratic « nominee; and Mrs. Lottie Holmat O'Neill, indepen- dent candidate. Others will also 'be givenl a chance to present themiselves, their be- liefs, and their intentions.1 Wide-awake voters wllayail thein- selves of the .opportunity. of atten(ling this meeting. r 1~ç~f uav~ fdis hours in a building and among matenials quite different fromi those of bis own school days. We are of the conviction that go-to- scbool day is one of the year's most worth- White évents. *The Sunday Evening club has opened its, sixteentb season. 'A child born when the, club began- its significant history %vill now, Wilmette Sunday in 930 ?oly be. in. higliho Evenng lub a n d perhaps o 1 d; enough to attend« -and enjoy the clul)s current programs., We like to think of the- clulb not as a local institution but as. a north shore in-. stitution., Residents from'nll our north- shore communities attenid,,jts meetingys and profit by. its-progzramis. luI these (lays of. rapid transportation, by- train anîd auto our towns frolm Wilmette to Glencoe have b- conie virtiially mie large coflmTuni ty. People from ail these towns attend thec meetings of this notable Sundav Evening club. T.his year's advance annouincemient con- tains inany .progranms of uinusual attrac- tiveness. 'Éle Welsb Imperial Singers coni- stitute a. choir -well worth hearing. Cap-. tain WVilkins, celebrated explorer, scienl- tist, and aufthor, who conies on October 26,. m-ii1. tell of bis .adventures as a fluer ail over the earth. Senator Brookbart of Iowa will speak of his experiences and his beliefs. Maud Ballinigtoni Booth, who needs no introduction, will tell of ber 'grand -work. The splendid iist is too long -to present here. It will be a wondlerful And admission is absolutely free. The offeringý too is a free-will offerin(. For inuie -long Circuit theater,k timne as the Non' lias Keep It resid( G oing! low% vears the North S hore , nowri for most of the h, Shore Theatre Guild, The Suburbanite 1-ere zve du-ell in swect seclusion, Here enjoy the Summer days, W hile 'arovnd in suîeet Prof usion Flowvrets deck the uoo.dlatîd ways; But I have ta catch a z. tra;in To town each day and back again.. Blithe'.and free the birds. arecsinging;. Voli neyer hear thern sinig. in tow- (Har k!I the' breakfast bell is rinjging. Graciolis, 1ms hurry domn, Ôrý çl in11 iss that 'u'retched traitt And' reacht the' office late againt.) *Frcsh and sic'eet wuith fragrance laden Cooling breceer cross. the hili; .17es, indced, this is an, Arden- (There! just hear ýthat whistle shrill, FiPt ta drive a mnan insane; 1intust rien and catch the i-ra in.) On the shore the ztaîelets doncin g Fling their glistening spray oit high. AyiJ the joyouts simbeans dancing- ,(What1's Ihat? A list of thinjs Ita buy Anld send out on the noonday train, Or brin g thein when I colite honte again?> l'es, in setadcalotseclutsion, Far, from noise and smnokezée dwell; But I've core to the conclusion That if this thiPig keps 6n-( Well_ There -goes that cursed, 8:05 train.) BY love, tce'll mzove ta town agaîtn! -New York Express. * Just Overlook 1't Just by way of forestalling a wave of discontent among the local storekeepers, may we hasten to release ourseives of aIl responsibility for the -refer- ence in above to- makingpurchases, beyond the con-. fines of the fiorth shore.. SHORE, UNES this 'week inaugurated a, walk-. ing club and bas thus far, enlisted two. recruits. .(including the instigator) who negotiated a five;- mile stretch of sidewalk-pounding, with the net resuit that the next meeting of the w. c. will take place as SOQfl as tbe smpply of liniment runs out. dren's teachers. Who started this idea, called go-to- school day we- don't know. But whoever did,* started. an eye-opening. pragctice. Every .father and every., mother who goes Subseribe for this year's plays. Send in your subscription today. Cold weather is coming. The poor in our own communities will be out of luck if we don't help them. Clothing, food,.and m-oney, can do much'. ccertainly does worship uer IIus- burnt offerings before him three times And, then there's the. one, about the busband who ai ter giving, his wif e a lecture on economy ,wis f orced tôe'give ip smoking. -MIQUE.