Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1930, p. 40

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A 10'/ Discount on Per- Coa hristmnas Gre.ting Cardsifi ordered nowl .BOOKS. Paul R. Leach ReiIIy. & Lee-. $4.0 The Real War 1914 fo 1918 Captain B. H.- Liddell Lttie, Brown & Co Dark Tra'Us Hart $4.00 George K. Cherrie The adventures.of a naturalit. Putnam .. 5O Pailne Favorite Sister of Napoleon W. N. C. Carlton Harper & Brotheérs ...$3.50 'A Tourst In Spite of HimsoIf A. Edward (Newton iffe, Brown & Co. ... . $3.50 Disilluson.d India Ohan Gopal Mukeri E P. Dutton & Co., Inc. . $2.50 The. Redilkes Françis Brett Young By the autTior of "My Brother Jonathan,. Harper &,erbtheors. $3.00 Mosaic G. B. Stern By the'author of ."The Matriarch.' Alfred A. Knopf....$2.50 A Richi Man's Daughér R. H. Mottrarn By the author of ."The Spanish Trilogy.,' H rpe.r & Brothers ... . $2.50 ILort'-Booka and Stationerz- Fuat Floor-Just inside the West Dacie Street Door book.. More than that, it is one of the best books that bas corne out this season. Shie bas a distinction of style and thougbt in wbat she writes, more tban Athat, she bias wrritten about those things wbicb she knows best. The Englisb :counitryside, bier natiîve Sussex,. is the scetie, of tbhis novel. Tbe story revolves around Mr, and Mrs. ]Beninet, a country rector of the Anglican chur ch andbis Wife, Wbo Ïstrive to be true pastors of their Roôck. Recause of- Sheila Kaye-, Srnith's. intimnate knowledge of the trials and tribulations of a pastor of the Churcb of England, Sei bet write witb sympatby andl quiet humor of tbe troubles of the sincere clergy- man. Her powerful portrayal of tiie characters of Mr. and Mis. Bennet wiIl inake them bloved. of readers. MOSAIC. By G. B. Stern. Knoplf.ý Those .Wbo iked "The Matriarchil" wilil ike ber "Mýosai*c," for tbey are very nearly alikèY lBerthe, theeiaead of a family, bolls court in lier roonis in Paris-for tbe farnily. They are to corne, admire b er wit, ber artistic glory, a'nd .cbarmn, and tbey are to follow lber* dictates. On tbe thresbold of old age, bier suprerne confidence an berself is shaken and sbe spends the rest of tbe book getting' it back again, .Tbe characters are the ienebers of a large Jewish 'famnily. The book is deeply racial aind most sincere. Thoiagh long, it is more than read- able, and sliouldn't bc missed. THE. MEDICI, September selection1 of the dollar book club. - "The Medici," tbe monumiental and authoritative history, by Col. B. F.i Young, B. C., is tbe Septemfber selec-, tion of tbe DIollar Book ,club.' Tbis outstanding. work, previously pub- lisbed in two volumes, is being'issued t o Dollar'- Book club subscribers in ai special one-volurne edition. of, 7601 pages, wbich will not be otberwise1 available. The Dollar Book club wass orvn ledbvCharleg ,R*Bni two 16 illustrations $4.06 LORD'S. FOUNTAIN SQUARE This delightful bit of nonsense is from Roland Young's private brain zoo. He can draw, paint, and write verse, so he bas just published' a book "Not for Chil- dren" through Doubleday, Doran. MIRTHFUL. HAVEN. By Boothi Tark.ington. Doubledày, Doran.and Co. The publication of a serial -ii book- form is. alWays sure1 to be of. interest to. sorneone.. The thread, of the story is so, broken for somé, wben it .is publishied in chapters, that they do mot enjoy reading it. in that foraii. Curiosity is- aroused for others by hearing the book discuissed., "Mirtbful.. Haven" is .the _story of war betweert two classes-,.the sum-, mer residents and the "natives.". Edna Pelter, daughter of one of the first farnilies of the litie New IEig- land fishing port, looked -down,.uponl. by the rest of, the natives.. How- ever, wben itcornes to any crisis,. natives vs suminer residents, the natives stick together. Edna Pel- ter, having been educated by her grandrnotber in an exclusive fiiiishi- ing school, lives a Jeckyl-Hyde1 ex-ý istence when shie returns to lier na- tive village and finds school friends arnong the summer people. At is not among Mr. Tarkington's best books. Perhaps in a final sumn- ming up of bis work. this one will le- delegated to the also-rans. May- be the Penrod and Sami types are more i n his hune, anyway,,one bas tbe feeling of affection for those cbarac- ters tbat is flot instilled by Edna Pelter. The -characters of old P4i. ter, whoý turns bootlegger, and tbe, Captaîn are 'strong and well-drawn. The book makes good reading but it is not a near-niasterpiece. MASEFIELD'S NEW BOOK Imniediately. after John Masefield > was appointed poet laureate, Ray- L.ong,. editor of the - Cosmopolitan Magazine, who bas long been giing several. million Arnericanl readers wvhat tbey wanted, boarded a boat, for England. Wben be returned he' Evanston'a ooh Store 1now bas a RENTAI LI BRARY tbis Ietter~, publisbed in 1503 under the title "M undus Novus," five years before Columbus publisbed tbe story of bis much earlier discovery, prornptly becarne a best seller, run- ning into eleven editions in Latin anid eigbt in, Germati witbin, two years., Then a .young French college ýpro- fessor, getting out a newv geograpby, naturally namied thé new- contin e nt after tbe writer of tbe letter that bad brougbt bim bis first knowledge of tbe country in the West. James Morgan tells the story in lively- style in bis 'Birtb of tbe Americ an People' -a most ,readable and vivid, accounit of Arnerica and irs people frortbe discovery of tbe land to the indepenidence of the. people. Rabindranath Tagore is now making an extended visit. toý Russia as. the guest of the Soviet governmnent. Froin Russia be plans to corne to th ç United States. 1WYSTEIES DISCUSSED A little more than one bundred years ago a former chief. justice of the New York Suprerne Court-disap- peared and, was'neyer seen, again- alive or dead,' On the afternoon ofý December .. 1, 18»9, Jorn Lansing, konin bis day as widely as Elibu! Root or Cbarles Evans Hughes are to ours, was seen walking on Broad- way-but neyer seen afterward. The disappearance of tbis member of tbe New York' Supreme Court of a cen- tury ago, unsolved to .tbis day, is described in Edrnund Pears0n's "In- stigation of the Devil," a volume de- voted to famnous murders, and odd occurrences (Scribner). lIn bis com- ments upon the probable fate of Jus-. tice Lansing, Mr. Pearson proffers a cbain of reasoning tbat may bave application to tbe disappearance of justice Jo*sepb "Force 'Crater. of the New York Supreme Court:on August 6, 1930. THE TERROR Macmillan bas just 'publisbed a. novel of tbe French Revolutiou, "The Tr.r-" h1..li1T. evno.iI<Iic Ir~h b really ha.ppy unless sbe was patcbing up something for sornebody." Or that of jollv old Colonel Lurnby, who fell into the capable hands of a young hospital nurse and just contrived to maneuver his escape. while she was off duty.

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