Day of Reunion and Greeting and Musicale by René Lund Make Tuesday Oustanding BY kH. C. H Itwas.a day of liomecoming and re- unions,. and of 'Course, of. greetings and hearty welcotùes, this first day of The.Neighbors of Kenilworth at their mieeting- Tuesday, October 21.. For it %vas a real homecoming for Mrs. V. K., Spicer after' bier delightfuül sumnmer of travel: It was a. joy -to have' an -in- teresting littie glimpse of lier experi- ences. After the :presiderit's gracions and sincere welcoine to a large number of- members and their guests, à musical program f oflowed. This was presented by the chairman, Mrs. ýC. Russel Small, and- Most admirably ýgiven by René Lund, and . is inspiring accom- panist Robert Birchi. The selections Mr. Lund sang were as folloWs: Femmne..Sensible (Opera Ariodant) .*.... .... Mehul Vision lFugitiveOe raHerodiade).. ..... .... .... ....Massenet To One Unknown...... .... Carpenter On a Screen-Water Colors . .Carpenter The Odalisque--Chinese. Tone Poemns ......Carpenter 1 Arn Like'a Remünant o 'f a Cloud of Autumn.......... ... Carpenter Avril posze ses pied lents ......'Paulin Sur la terrasseeý de Saint GOerm-aini .... ......Foudrain Le Semneur................. Foudrain The Rivais*......... ........ .Taylor A Song for Loyvers:.......Taylor The Piper 1.........Stoughtofl Podr...............Taylor Spring i.n Towvn ....Taylor Song'ycle The City of Joy Money 0!.........Head ,unday . . . . . .Carexv Ciorinda...........Norgan rf 1e Cap LIve......Stepheason. Mr. Lund's interpretative style anîd excellent diction, gave, real enjoymient to these well chosen selectiotis. The afternoon tea, which al ways f ol- lowvs the program of. the day. madIe cozy and cheerful by :Mrs'. C. Howard Bent pouring at, One, table and M rs. Burt A. Crowe, at the other,, gave the real. opportunity f or, the memii)ers to visit with their old friends,. and for the memhters . of the bo'ard 2ptinir a- Mrs. F. Eairle Daïven port of 404 Gregory. avenue is chairnai of the committee in charge of the third > anual evenin card part y of the hdld November. 18, under the auspices of the. ways and mteans coninttce. Invitations for the -evett * wiII be ou! next wveck. An uniusiaIllz gencrous group of Prizes is bcing *donaled. Mrs. Davenport, wkvo is M» charge of arrangements, is. assistcd by Mrs' Herbert Leach, Mfrs. Otto ,,on der HofAirs.. R. WF. zir,»- strony, and Mlrs. Paul Rensch. Readings and Music on Catholic Leaguge Ptogram A mfost delightful program was en- joyed by a large attendance of mem- bers. of the North Shore Catholic WVoman's league at the opening meet- ing at the Winnietka Woman's club Tuesday of. last wveek. Hiornes anad J(jaefls- B'v P. H. Civic, Affairs' Current Topics, The -Skokie Valley chapter of the Music, and White Elephant Daughters of the American Revolti-SaeAe nPrgm tion opened its seasofl's activities on Sl r nPori Monday, October 20, at the home 01l TeWmnsCthlecu fWl Mrs..1 Charles E. Trumnbulli in- Win-t netka, with alreatnac.M-mette' ill menet Tuesday,.afternoon, Frederièk, Bowves, .of Evanstlon, Re- Otbr21Ms Ca.sR omn gen ofthechater prsidd.assisted by . Mrs. Harry Bettinghaus, M will, as usual,, conduct the community r s. EF!nory Cobb Andrews gave an, singing and the meeting will open informai talk about "Historic Charles- .wt h ign -of **The Star Spang- ton" and made. one want tu visit this led Banner." Duringthe. business interesting city of the South and 1.0o meeting Mrs. Merle Snyderý will' give know more intimately the historica1a le inute talk on "The Bond Issue, beauiesof. this country. One wanted of thýe New Water Systemn in ýWilj- to strol down 'Legare street and see-.- iette" the homes of those'>well known aristo-, The program. -will -open with a five- crats, to. enjoy the elaborate beautv minute talk on. "Current Topics"- by of the iron grille work surpassed in no0 Mrs. John P.- O'Connor. M. S. pther city ini America or abroad, or to Szymczk, clerk of the Superior court. catch glimpses of 'the blooming ezal- of Cook county, willi address. the club eas, or magnolias growing in. pni- ,on "'Gov«ernmeiyt and Its Respansi- fusion, everywhere, bilities." Mrs. G. M. Hambleton will -She took ber audience to 'Mîddlý- sing. two groups of songs.' The flrst ton Place" where are the oldest land-, will include "Shleep and Lambs" by ~saedgardeus ini America, g.ardens Sydney IJoner, "The Leaves and the * whch a writer stated "'were noted Wind" by Cooper, "La Serinata," by ini EnglantI even before the re',olu. Tosti. In the . second group Mrs. t ion, andI deservedly so," antI this she Hambleton will sing, "Sing No Sad illUstrated . with pictures,. Songs for Me" by Rossetti, and "Villa- Mrs. C. DI. Ewer followed Mrs. nelle" by lYcIl 'Acqua. Andrews witîi a most interesting pa- Mrs. William J. Piggott, tenth dis- per on "Historical Colonial Homes" trict chairman of miusic,. will accom- antI gave ber listeners a vivid sighf-* pany Mrs. Hambleton. seeing trip, stopping first at Mt. During the social hour Mrs. Amuel Vernion, that, rare and charmning spot Moore and her cornmittee will conduct where lived our firstpresident andI ii1ý' a White Elephant sale. This promises wife. The neçt. place, was at Freder- to be a rnost enjoyable and , interesting icksburg, the home of Mary Wasi- affair, for everyone takes. part in it. ington, mother of George,. and on111 Each meniber is requested to bring Vir .ini ro any other nestg some pretty littie article of which. VCrlonia.oes h to itrestng perhaps, she bas grown tîred. She is enolonial . homes.ri htiotf ith atn to do it up in a myrsterions package. eonhus itiesct inoMideGaettnwrap it in white .paper andI bring. it CNoJ. rh homesteadl in 16idd leto n, to the club biouse: Mrs. Moore andI N.d Vo, whic h s ujt n 166 yt lier committee viîî do the rest. They oldVonCovnhoenfamii'y, one 01 hope to be very busy disposing of these. rwhose descendants is a miember of thie atce t oia utesm * Soki Vlle captr.for .eaclx package. Incidentally the *She.,told of these houses and their 'club members Will become better ac- cgardens and gave a beautiful word quainted. during this real social bour. *picture of theý lovely oltI Places. It. àgave one the 'Urge to drive down ta Gives Garden Club Tea Virginia' some fine day in Spring The Kenilworth Gardeni club was just to see these vine covered, inter- - ;A- bt bte, tne great mysteries ofthte world. Her interpretation was bril- liant. The next meeting will be held in two weeks at the home of Mrs. Kari KYorr;ady, Essex road, Kénitworth. lire. MacCliito k* will discu8s modem Bitish, poetry. feld to atti ]Rebekah St; ,gate for M number 610. assembly as a -ette ' Rebekah present. TO HAVE LUNCHEON On Tuesday, October 28, at 1 o'clock, the Past Noble Grand's club of Wilmette Rebekah lodge Wil1 have a plunkett- luncheon, after- which cards and bunco will be played.. . HAVING BRIDGE PARTY North Shore Upsiloxn alliance of ,Delta Delta Deltg sorority will have a bridge . party Friday afternôon, Oc- t,-her 24, at th-e home of Mr'$. WiI- l-pm P. Re-ýd, 1075. Pelham road Winnetka.L