Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1930, p. 50

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whicn cc how to n cal tirst aid le- aà resuit of tlimfcult starting is gi ago Motor club, est. If it is nôt fulty, or nearly gestions as to charged, it is tikety to freeze. ie parts so 'hat manner in which to keep it in TËhe srtch Shopers enjoy quick ELECTRIC. PARKING close tio Loop Stores 0 e e0 End your Loop parking problem this pleasant, -cofVfient way: Drive into the spacious entrance of the * new Quincy Garage, or the Harrison Parking Garage, lock your car, and leaue it. Electricity will park itfor you, untouched by human hands. * Shop at the famous State Street stores and smart Boulevard shops close- by: Have your:, purchases delivered to the Garage, where we willsign for them and holdthernfor yo'urreturn. * Electricity will bring your car quickly to * you when you wish to leave. You drive out a separaie exit withoùt confusion or delay. The atmosphere of a fine hôtel, plus rest rooms, writing rooms, tele- phones, check rooms,- are special features of service. Try this unique East side of Wabash at Harrison Harrison 48> L PARKING. GARAGES, JNC. able touringe, it is probable that the breaker points are somnewhat pitted. If so, they shoutd be "dressed," or potished, preferabty on an oilstone., The spark plugs should be checked, not onLy for deposits of carbon or thick, gummy oit but for the width of the. spark gap, as wett. It the plugs are, caked with carbon or oit, it is advisable toi purchase a new set.-The widtli of the izap varies with dif fer-. ent ignition systeins,' but generatly the gap shonld be approximately the thickness of a dime. The insutation of cables and wiring shoutd be scanned, and if it is flot in first class conditi.on, the. conne ction shouid be reptaced by a.new tength. Illinois Entertains Foreign Road Experts Illin ois, as the, teading state in high type hard road. construction, this mleek entertained 115 detegates from sixty ioreign countries, visitiig Amer-. ica to attend the convention of the international association of highlWay oficiats, and engineers. The depart- niént of public works and buildin .gs, under 'the direction of H-1arry H. Cleav-eland, acftingas. hosts, met the delegation -at St. Louis, October 23_ They traveled by' bus, and, eniered Iltinois at Alt.on. The Bates experi-, mnental, road, near Springfield, was visited that forenoon. Noon lunch-. eon, at Springfield; a welcorne by Governor Emmnerson; a tour of .Lin-. coln Shrines; a journey via Btoomi- ington to LaSalle; thence via the Lincoln highway to DeKalb and St., Chlirles, and a tour of the Chicago mietropotîtan are a, were on the two- day program that awaited the guests. Review Extent of New Road Work During Year When cold weather puts a stop. to road construction for-this year, the state of Illinois and the various couix- ties together witl have added more than 1,000 miles'of new paving to tile» Gas - Batteries - Oul Tires - Tire, Repairing Motor and Bodly kopairing i allikts branches. Phlone Wilmette 3064 i 4. i. ~ BlIck North .of'«L" Station 516.4th STREFT. iii k j j .4 a bulletin on the care of the. car i winter. .Various grades of gasoline differ greatly, so far as easy starting quai- ities are concerned, the bulletin stated. It was suggested that car owners who, anticipate trouble ini starting' use only 'th.ose.grades of gaoiewhich possess easy-starting qualitîes.-*Frequently it is advisable; to' readjust the carbutretor.. This should be done only by a capable niechanîc.. The agency of the make of car is alwmays in a position to adviie owners as to the, best oit. Some cars. use the saine consistency of. oit the year around; -mnost, however, are-desigped for thinner lubricant in winter. -Hon-, .est and to the minute filling stations usually offer the right, grade of oit for the car in question; the Chicago Motor club does not, -however, advise motorists to trust,,ail stations to tec-, ommend the correct oit. Thé reason that a comparatively thin oil 's better in willter is b ecause:,oit thickens in low tetuperatures; frequently the "drag" of the pistons. against the cylirider watts and -other sources of friction cause ajn excessive load on the starter, if'the oit is too thick or too cotd. The choke, should be used sparing-_ ly. Excessive use of this ai' osat ing will, resuit in undue amounts of raw gasoline being drawn into, the cytinders, and a certain amount, de- pending -upofl the - efficiency of the piston rin~gs, will leak past the pis- tons into the crank case, thereby diluting the crank case oit. Whenever the starter encounters difficulty in spinning the engine bWe- cause of cold oil, the, crank should be use.d to toosen the engine. This practice Will .save the battery from, undue drain. Many car manufac.turersr advise a tighte uricant in the gear caseé and' also. Inithe differentiat .housing. Ascertain f rom the agency handling, the car what grade of oit or grease is best in: those parts,' and act ac- rýordingly. Iaw, and with funds deïrived by theiln

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