Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1930, p. 51

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Z oi r is a1 well known 'Swedish artist and wïll holi art classeson Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday mnornings and Saturday afternoons, beginning Octo- ber 27. The Wilmette Art school will' 1hoki classes in the forenoon for wonien i the study of the nude and stillli f e and an afternoon class on Saturday for both men and women for -the study of the nude model and anatoIv. Lectures in modemn art and anatorny will be held. Certificates. will' be given to stu- dents to enter the, Royal Italian academiy lifle classes, which are. free. These certificates also entitie, the holders to- free admittance 'to al ,nuseums ,and collections. of Italy for the purpose.of study. Mr. Zoir holds the Grand Prix Internationale of the ýMedaàille.d'Or, and inany of the hig11- est awards of Europe. His course will be operned only to*students wvho show ability, and *a course in water color painting and etching, will ýbe opened' if there is aýéifiÏnd-4er it. In speaking of. the Ingerle exihit at the Art' institute, Professor Zoirj says, "I found it exceptîonally flue.. This painter is in touch with the veryý. most advanced art of Europe. He has ixot gone into the' now. antiquatied style of the German and Russiauu school with strofig display' of colors. .That, kind we left behind us tve*itN years ago, and noW have begunto spiritualize and search, for hIgher, valueýs.at the sam-e tiine that we utiliie l our' know%,Idge derived frorn thc former and more primitive states. Mnl. J Ingerlé can very easilv, out of his own refinenient of feeling, work lus way into the very latest scientific style of painting now recognizcd ini Europe. Funeral of Edwin Payne Held Tuesday Afternoon Edwin D. Payne, .423 Laurel avv- nue, died earfly'Sunday momniing'at bis home after a brief illness. He wvas, 56 years old and, was a victim of heart trouble. Born iii Penusylvania, Mr. Paynei carne to Chicago about. twenty years. ago. He had ived in Wilmette for the last eleven years and was a mein- ber of the Wilmette Masonic lodgc. He was western manager of a New York trade paper, the Millinei%, Prior tée isng of Fiscal TIear Ocebe 3 V"ARE ýoverstccked,,on some types and mie. of tires and tu besaiso accesores-we-want to clear ouâ shel1ves and racks and get ready for the renewai of out franchise with Firestone. WE HAVE niarked down prices to the. very bottom.. Everv tire is a tnost un uua1, barg'ain bcus everv tire is made by Firestone and bears, -the Firestone narne for your protection. NEVERU before lias Firestone qualitv been avaf!' able for so littie cont. [ractically every tire is new-fresh fromn he FIrestone Factory. ýDURING, thîs pre.iïnventor-y sale, we wilIgv youa peia allowance for your old tires in trade for new, siafe Firestone tires. Corne ini today and find out. how littie It cos to, equip your c~ar witb thesei depetidable, non-skid Firestmrne tires. or Evanston Monday ening. r and Mrs. McCabe have moved to 730 Hinman avenue, Evanston. Miss Gene Paddoch of Wilmette bas been selected formembership i the Madrigal club' of the M4inois Woman's College Gice club. Eloctrie 74o T rwelfth ,Seet *!v I@e Phone Wilmetée 691

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