D,,~.......15cents a line ln. one paper. 25 cents à line in any two. papers. Rates-" a in n ilt~-epapers. MINIMUM CHtARGE $1.00. Average of five woids to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on ail cash wlth order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232, Central Ave., Wllmette, 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka. or 341 Park Ave., Glencoe. Contract rates may be had upon request.. Casalfied advertlsenents will , be Deadiùe oirInSetÎOiS 1accepted Up. to Wednesday 9 o'clock for the WiiLmErr5 Lîrs or ail th ree papers; Thursday 9 o'celock for the WiPxPx5TKA TALic and Friday 6 o'clock for the GLUNiCOzN Nws. Tele»hones: Willmette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000, Winnetka 500 or Glencoe 1484, Gregenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. * Z LOST AND FOUND LOST LAST SUNDAY -APTERNOON ln vlclnity o! .Winnetka R. R. station -sm4ll,.black sealskin mnuif. Rewa*d if. returned to Ashley, 1169, Cherry St.. Wlnnetka 3378. > 2LTN25-ltc ti lýOST-RED FE-3%ALE PCHOW, NM I i Ching-uPong. Wllmette 'Liçcense No 688. Rewaïrd. Ph. Wilrnette 1859~. 2LT25r-ltcý FOUND-MONGREL, BROWN, MALE; black and white niongrel, namie. Ken- ilworth Police Dept. 21,TN?,-ltc S ANTIQUES Always in Perf ect Taste THE, CHOICE 0F SILVER, ARTIS- jl tically. deslgned, antique period pat- terns, superlor by virtue of its beauty, tii worth and performance. Odd pleces re- stored to original finish. PAUL DAVEY JEWELER 1165 Wilmette Ave.. Phi. wllmette G ~ * 5LTN19-ifc WILL Qifer, Ili m, ANTIQUES-FURNITURE & GLASS. Very reasonable. 480 Oak -8t». Wil.- netka. 5LTrN2-ltpý 9 BUSINESS SERVICE PAINTIN~G, PAPER HANGING- AND ARTISTIC DECORATING .,CARL FRANKELL, :1506 WIlmette Ave. Ph. Wllmette 3104 9LTN194tfc ork'Done 1)RESSMAKING, REMODELING AND plain seNving by thé day. Good ref. Cali evenin'gs, Oreeýnleaf 1142. llLTN25-ltc 14 GARDENING 15: YOIIR GARDEN READY FOR winte.r and next spring?, For expert work, by experienced men cail Wina- netka 329, 14LTN22-Stpý FOR SALE-7MUGHO PINE, JUNIPeR, polyanthus, iris siberic., eleniuili. 1231 ToWer Rd., Hubbatrd Woods. 14L11TN25-ltp lIICH - BLACK SOIL FROM FARM. Very reas. Wood Brothert4. Phi. Uni- versty 7559~. 14LTN25-Itc 1S INSTRUCTION BACKGAMIMON P'rîvate Lessons-At Your lomie' CH1AS; G. HASKIN (hlemcoePh.Glicoe 1546 15LTN25-Itpý KINDEBICARTEN FOR CHILDREN ()f pre4,c-hool age, wiIl open Nov, 3rd ina-Wiliiitte. Congregational Church. Phi. Miss Doris Woodcock, director, Wtlnmiette 609. 15bTN25-Itc I3ERENICE VIOLE, PIANISTLE. Facul- ty, Americân conservatdtry. Private ýstudio. 114-3rd St. Ahl grades, special rates. Ph. Willmette 1705. 15LTN28t-Stp BEA'TIFULý LITTER OF SOLID black cocker spaniels, sired by cham-ý pioni, dani daughter of champion Obo Donatella, J. A. l, 2305 Walterq Ave. Northbrook, 111. Tel. Northbrook 4-7. 26LTNLT-lt 33-A WATCHES IN TH1ESE~ MODERN DAYS MODERN GIFTS ARE IN ORDÊR- new, princliples, smart designs ln, our present selection ofý watches and dlocks. Whatever your demand, costly or Inexpensive, We can show you. Just the thlng at any price you wlsh to pay. PAUL DAVEY JEWELER 1165 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wllmette 6 33-A LTN15-tfc 41 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE NUJRSEMAIDS. Protestant,.27 yrs. old, hospital training for infants, 2 yrs. N. S. Ref., Gernian 26' yrs. old, 2 yrr. ref. prefers childiren 2 yrs. and up. Irish, 26 yrs..old, 3 yr: Winnetka ref. for children. English, 30 yrs* old, 3. yrs.. N., S. ref. :Aduits. French, 25 yrs. old' nurse-governess, 3 yr-. ref. French, 38-.yrs. old, koverness, .2 yr. ref. Swedish, 33' yrs. old, graduate nurse; eblidren*or aduits. A-i ref. PAULINES EMP.- AGENCY Wtn.netka 266~2 Highland Park 2520 41LTN2.5-ltc PLAYHOU.SE. 1B R 1I N CGCHILDREN forthe day. Good care and wvhqle- somne lunch. $1.25 per day. Also col- lege -girl Who can care for 'children afternoon and evening. Ph. Wilmette 4202. 4Lr2-t CA-ýP.ABLE, CILTURED WOMAN WILL care for chlldren by the day. or week ends, à lso do fine hand sewingan d mendlng,, Best. ref. Phi.* Wilmette 1571. 4ILTN25-ltpi GIRL WORKINCI WAY THROUGH college desires room, board and small: sal.ary ln exchange for services and care of children. Ph. Hollycourt 0477. 41LTN25-ltp COMPETENT GIRL WAN'PS C.EN - eral housework. Likes cblldren. N.S rees. Cail Winnetka279 NEAT cOLORED GIRL, E XPERI- enced in cooking and' hoûsework de- sires a, gQood'place. Ph. University 8132. 41LTN2-tp COOKING AND SERVINSG, LIGHT day- work, stralghten clothes Closets, care of children, Winiietka 1920. 41LTN25-ltc SCANDINAVIA N NEW-COMER, EXP. -girl,' wants position,, gerieral house- work. Ph~one Glencoe 977. general. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY Winnetka 2662 Highland Park 2520 41LTN25-1tc- HOUSEWORK WANTED BY DAY OR hour. Washlng. ironiing or cleaning.- Iteasoniable.. Ph. Juniper 5108., 41LTrN2-ltp) RELIABLE SWEDISH' W O M A N wants washing and -cleaning by the day., Cail Winnetka 2632. 41LTN-95-lte SECOND AND 'CHAMBERMAIDS 4 Ma ,ids, for second work,..thorougbly,, experlenced. exc. N. S. ref., 3 maids for chamber work, ref. ýof more than 2 yrs. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCYý Winnétka 2662 Highland Park 2.:20 41LTN25S-Itc PRESENT EMPLOYER, WOULD LIKE to place competent nurse, for babies or smnall children. Ph. Wlnnetka 2413. 41LTN25-ltp) HIG1-H SCHOOL ORADUATE WISHES. position at once as bookkeeper, ste- nographer, etc. -Phone Winnetka 2157. 4lL25-ltlp NEA T, .EXPER. COLORED 011111 wants general housework. Fond of children. Cood ref. Cali ITnl%ersity 6618.4lL25-ltip PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 746 ELM,ý ST. PH. WINNETKA 2662 Pree to employer. We specializ2e iln white domestie ,help. Applicants regis- tered at this office have reference a.s to character and abllity to perform. such duties as applied for. Ma, '%,we> as sist in securing that particular-kInd of help for you. 41LTN,15-tfe DAY WORTf WANTED BY NEAT reliable Gerruan girl. Ph. Wilimette 4565. 41LTN25-lte COOKINO, AND SERVING BY EX-* perienced waitress. Cail Winnetka 1823. 41LTLN25-1te- NURSE GIRL OR GÊNERAL HOUSE- *ork White. Ph. Wflmette 797. 41LTN25-1tp, P0.S. WANTED- WHOLE OR PART time. FPond of children. Ph. Univer-, sity 9434. 4ILTN25-ltlp YOUNG GERMAN GIRL WISHE.S position for upetairs work. Rlef. Phone Winnetka 891. 41I;1N25-lt', NICAT1 GIRL WOULD LIKE GENEzRAL housework. Last place 4 years. Phone' Greenleaf 1130. 41LTN25-1t]p assified aclvertising to be run IEW, reaching 1,6,000 fami- Mcopy must bein by 5p.m., on T uesday. Trelepbone.Wilmette 4300 orWinne.tka. 2000 A p worm, and e Ph. WlIni FOR ences. Al WOM.AN FChictigc LCOOKING OR GENERAL HOUSE- Of work by exper. col. girl. A-1 north p shore ref. Drexel 2186. 41L25-ltl) -MOTHER'S HELPER OR. SECONDý . maid. Iv3 Davis, Ph. -University 2851. ;c 41LTN2-ltp AI!, Iinde.