Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1930, p. 66

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and making rnem reel ai nhome i.n W u- mette. The mnlng Arspservice is heid at,1. 45 o'clock. Next Supday, Dr. Jqhn 'Ànrew Holmies wlll preach on the sub-, Ject, "Làoadà and Burdeuýs" There ýwill1 be .special munic ly the Junior, and Senior -chirs. 1Thé Church schooi wýwlllmeet in five departments as follows: Primary de- partmnent (grades 1, 2. 3): 9:3»0to 12 a. m. Junior departrnent (grades .4, 5, 6): 9 :30 te 10:445 a.m. Intermediate department (grades 7 and 8): 9:30 te 10:4à a.m. Beginners department (pre-school): l0:45 to 12 a. m. 141gb Sebhool departmfent (ail four years): 12 to 1 p.m. WEEK BAY PROGIAM Tuesday, October 28: The Camp l'ire 'Girls will ment la the Church Parler at 3:45 P.ý M. jRoosevelt Troop No. 2, Boy Scou, willi meet th the churcb basenient i 7:30 P. nm. Wednesday. ý tober 29: Sea, Scout Ship No. 7, under the direction of Kesiý neth R. Borgenu, Skipper, wIl meet in the church basenient at 7:30 pý ni. Robert Calvert will, speak on k- cent Develepments in Chemical lndus- try," at the Mid-Week meeting held at 8 p-. n the church parlor. the ýMeet- 't ng will be led by Gale M. Brooks. Thursday. October 30: The Blue Birdst will hoid their regular meeting in the chureh parlor at 3:15 p. ni. The Junior choir wiil nieet for re-1 hearsal at 4p. m. The, Senior choir wili mieet for re- hearsal at 7.30 p. mi. Ti'oop No. 1, Boy Scouts, wfll mleet at 7:30 P. nm. ini the church basemelit. Metkodist Church The 141gh School league will meet Sunday evening tat 6:30 In the Senior_ High rooni. Emma , Bickham will lead the discussion on, "ilthe Golden Rule Work?' Frank Gordon wHleb.In charge. of the social hour. Which wiII be held at the home of Harry Kînne, 1324 Eli- wood, avenue. e.The Girl Scouits of Tro will be the guests ofil o'clock worship service mornlng. The choir w __ Faitb Looks Up to Thes i. 2. and -41 aM thé i e Christmas cards, seais, and tags are on sale now by the Wesleyan Servie, Guiid. The Woman's Auxiiiary board of the Wesley Memorlal hospital wili. meet eonay morning at 19:30 at the BEclld aeuMethodst Episcopal churchOa Park. Phiatheans-.-interdenor-ninational and nationat-ixivite young women to. study a"" worshfip with them iln the East room, Convenlent to: departments.'for younger chIldren. Haliowe'en party1 Thui sday, October M0 at 8 o'ciock, ut the home of Mr.. Nola Toddi-1746 Highland avexiue., to which members and.friends,are invited. The hostesses hope that the guestsý wil core ne icostume. TheYoung Peoples group wiii .ineet' at. 6 ocloek Sanday evenlng ln the Girl Scout room. St0 A ttastine'S Sunday, Otober, 26, wil11be the l9th Su-nday ftr Trinity. -There will .be HoyCmmunion at 8 a. m, church sehools and Bible- cias;,es at 9:45, àndý morntig prayer with addrces et la. ni. Tuesday, October 28, being St. Simon's and St. Jude's Day, there wili be Holy Communion at 8 a. m. The Junior Brothenhood of t.Andrew meets Sunday: afternoon in the. club-, bousel. -TuesdlayaUd7 . )ni, boys', hoir prie- tice. WednesdaY at 7 :30 p).in, St. Augus7- tine's Tiroôp N; Boy Scouts, in parish houoe. Thursday at 7 : 30 p.' ni., Presbyterian 'lroop No. S, Boy Scouts, hlnparish house. Friday, 11 a. ni., Wornienis Associated guilds in the clubhoüse (second-- and fourth Fridays in the month). Friday, 7 p. mi., boys' choir practice. The rector and sorne of our parish- ioners attended the dinner of the Church club of Chicago last night at the. Hotel Isnerman In honor of the new presIdingK bishop, the Rt. Rev. Mr. Perry. The Women's Associated guiids neet in the clubhouse today atil o'clock. Luncheon at noon. Ail womnen of thel îarish invited. 8fr Hubert Wilkin.5, the. famous ex- .piorer, wiil speak a.t the, Sunday Eve- ginige dvi. onu (iitor . ~a.nd'wfil illus-. mrs. 1_ v. vvus,.azîa, mrs. Yvaiteri i'. B3urr, Mrs. H. S. Philbrick, Mrs. Francis M, Schieble, .Mrs. Mary Stev- ens Dickie, Miss Louise, Whitehead, Mrs. Arne. Oldberg, Mrs. Ruth Stodd, Mrs. R. ýD. W. Johnson, Mrs. Allen DP. Albert and Mrs. Sot The 'study grQup, one of the oldest in Evanstoxi, will devote this season to a study, of. the development of American life and culture from 1830 to;,1890.ý The president of the club is Mrs. Roy J. Cook; vice presidents ýare Mrs. Philbrick, and Miss Minnie Perry, and the 'secretary-treasurer is Mrs. E. A. Hatton. Novels Tell Life of Jane Austen, Eniglish, Author The Wilmetteý Public library has. on its shelves a number of utovels by Jane Austen, English novelist of the late eighteenth an d early inineteenth centuries. Amiong tIien are the foi- ldwing: EMMA. -Heroine a pretty, willful girl of- sterling character, ,whose feminine rage for matchmaking and capacity for making mistakes gets herseif and friends into scrapes." MANSFIELD -PARK. "Brings inito natural comparison the several upper ranks of the British upper rniddlc cIass.'" NORTHANGER ÀBBEY. 'Begun as a burlesque of Mrs.-Radcliffe, dle- veloped into the genre7-which was. to be exclusively jane .Austen's, the de-, picting ini sober, faithful colors of the quiet middle-class life she knewv the satire restrained, the comedyal-' pervasive." PERSUASION. "A. girl neither weak nor arbitious,' *who. lets the doubts and dislikes of her-family and friends prevail wvith her, and àgives up the mani she loves because they think hîm -beneath her in family and fortune." PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. " storv witlh an excellent plot, full of. This year the f reshmans team cousîsts of stars like Wilcox and Highland, of the Chicago Athletic association, who swam on the 400-yard relay teamn that equaledthe world record at the Na- ýtional A. A. U.,meet at the Lake Short Athletic. club; Mtirphy' and Kerber,, who, were the mainstays of Maine TowVnship Higb school championis, and Wilkie- of Detroit High school, wbho won the Detroit A. A. U. high and Iow board f ancy diving chamisionship. The last event, the Water Polo game should. create no end of excitersent as the alunii pla-y the varsity. Witb the 'alumnni.>willbe boys who, are stili pla% -: ing the gaine: at the different. clubs and wbo say they want to eshow the varsitv how, the game really, should be 'playred.ý Osi the *alunini 'team, will be' Harry Daniels,, Paul. Corbètt, Dick Howell. Ralph Breyer, Omar' Mil1ler,,Jim Ford. At Schwartz, Don Peterson and Wally Colbatlî. There will be a dance following the tneet.. The following Is the lune-up for the. different events,: 200-yard. relay - varsity r Covode. Vaurjo,'Tiroup, w1ilson, 1Debenham., Alin,, Houghton, Rosen. Freshman,-: .Wilcox, Highland, Murphy, Kekber. Second race.- Varslty:' Debenhani. Aikin, H-oughton. Freshman: Collet. McCurdie, Levy, Coolidge. 100-yard breast -Varsity : Bernolfo, Crawford, Westfali, Itaufmann. Fresh-. man: Lennox, Greenspahn. 50-yard free style-Varsity: Covode, Wilson, McManus. , Freshman: Barne.q, Dedrick. Second race-Varsity: Troupe, vaurlo. Freshman: Wilcox, Highland. Third race-Varsity: Debenhani, Aikin. Freshman: Collet, McCurdie. 100-yard back--:-Varsity: Rosen, Boyer, Roberts. P'reshman: Murphy, Miller.' Pancy diving (10w board)-Varslty: Browning, Anderson, Houghton, Gran- etrÉui. Freshman: Wilkie, Brown, Kordt., 100-yard.- free style--Varslty: Wilson, Vaurlo, Durin. FYeshman: Kerber, Highland., Second. race--Varslty: Aiki.n, Troupe.. Tracy Freman: Wilcok, Collet. Fancy diving (high board)-Varslty: Browning,, Andersoni, Houghton, Cran- strum. Freshinan: Wilkie, Brown, Kordt. 1506-yard ,mnedley - Varsity: Rosen, Bernolfo, Debenham. Freshmnan: Mur- phy, Lennox, MeCurdie. Second race-Varsity: Bo.yer, 'Craw- ford, Covode, Freshnuan: Milllèr, (Ireen- PaIrties. assep oal'- museumn visitors, mer by inside, the ,north en- and Pro Europe. the Cicag - cN n foie the, e uiçy Women's

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