'Code of Scouting Frowris on Habit of Sponginig Ridesi A great deai of discussion is. iii pro gress over Ihitchilk-ik and sp)on-, ging en tour. You noticemany CÔlii- merdiaI cars wvith a caption "No Riders" thereon.- Givi.g *a boy or man , a "u" formier days -was aj real 'favori so coiisi(lëredl.l No onie Scout Executh Cohinn 'Contest in Rope Tying ves Features Trool, Meet Wedtnesd~v. October 22, Troop 4 Last Friday at the. dedication of the Public library in Highland Park . saw a fine- example ' of. Scoutnzgpreparednessthat .I want to ipassa on to <ther Scoutmasters. Troop: 32, H ighland.1 Park, A. D, Bruah, Scoutmaster, r e c e n t 1 y equipp ed itself. with Scout staffi and have been training temeve .1;* .ncr ucô Thw z c .la...AC..n thoughit of trying to sponge ]lis -wNay Is rdyt e rw foe long distanices, and When, a. l)edestriali.at uad pol.B lcn ivas miet on the. road it was unider- themiselves- six feet apart, and- stoo(ý l tat lie' ivas ~îiîgto walk gr gpn thé ends cf thei tfs whee le wntd h go 1f le wsn' abarrier was formed that hed the wiling to wak'w luce lic; viite{wd' in place, where .it. would ho ave beçn impossible otherwise to go., or -provide his own transportation, have kept them back. lie rean( oewlere lie beioîîged. -in England thè Scout staff is Today, considerable iituînblers ý oI used cuite extensively and as we learti of' its advantages, 1I predict persouis roamn the ýcountrv, gettînlig W, wîiî use it in an increasing free rides, andthis bréeds tihe samle rneasure. attitude of inmd and coîrduet ias-;th1el________ ______ hobo stealing rides on freiglit trinsi' or -riding blind" on a passenger traini. Iin ro.ats iAre .iraspea The Ninth Scout Lawsays ."so t hat inDar a lie play pay his own way bc genlerous15f\Tiretahldaet to. thobe in nieed," etc. 'rthe Scout ip at the Chlrist Churcli Parish slîoulId not be guit of- intention. tlîv1 louse October 23. We flrst had tlhe start.ing out on a trîi of exp)lor-ation, xetig then i we lîad soute ice creanî futi or travel, whvIerelby lie plans to 'lîh i heTopso Vi"ek 1 ~had gvnt lçils ltr(ý,- ride at the expense of otliers, tuniess \tr t lmIs hrdv invitd todo so litotherword, \fe whlad our ice creani we played invied t do o. u oter wrdsajje%% gaixne4 1 don't kinow the ie *"hitch-hikinig" is only anotiier -wprd oati-it, l)tthr s h1a i os for 'sponiginig" and is titi-Scotike. First i-ou colint the numiber of boys Pay your way, Scouts. Thiere are tiat tîiere are prescrit. *Thien voti tpoo many "spongers'" in AAmerica niôw. riake as imanv slivs as thère are boyýs Headquarters imost emnphaticaiîy ob- l'lien you put D for cletectiv-e and on jects to Scouts starting to camp or a 1.iither vou pult M for iiiiîrde rer., other Scout funictiolis with. the Witen- Then you iay the slips.on a table and tion of "hitch-hikiig,."ý lut each, person take a slip. If lie ______________-shîouldn ikte1 le would be te Troop 25 Begins Season <etective., If he shouild pjick the, M . lie> woulà be the Murderer.' Tle D wit Ur ~t en goes off;to a- coriner 'by imiiseîf 1 ,Troop 25 hield its first Scout Mèet- and stays thiere .while tlhe others r ing Thursday,_October 9.' Exer-v- off b%, thernselves.. The liglits go (i thing was fille, except* the liits. and the Murderer goes goes arolund Somiebody hiad turned the swi tcn ta find somneonte. When lie does lie' of \Vimte heMtheir veek i meet- iig, at the St. Augustine churchi.. A rope t ,ying contes .t, vas. (hrecte( lml Ioweli1 Coniee of the Fire Patrol. Thée Troop formedlu twoe rank.q, facijig Çachi other. Comee stoo<l at onie end of the linese. Vhen h le votil( cail o«r thénîaine Of a knot,. the Scout Who 'I tied, it flrst. would toss lus rope 0o1 lhe floor anld %would bec(ieclare(l the i wiiier of tljat partictilar event. FolioýNviing the kiio-.t tvuîg, coît est four* sea "1pirate<', fromn Ship 7 en-' tere(l and g.ave* a humble sec 1 nvîting Scouts over 15 v'ears (If age to. join their s(Ita(l-of Sea ýScouits. i vh* ich las suff ered fthe ioss of several boys goîng away to. colege., Evèrv Scot lui'rroôp 4, that at- tended camp) last siimmner plantned-,o go t thebanqruet for M-a-a \\;l CVallcapers., Moiîdav. ()ctoher 27. Ship of Seia, Scouts Soon to Qualify -for 2nd Class: The Wiiiette -Sea* Scout Ship No.. 413, under Skippe r Percy .H. A4n after Continuons wo ,rk aIl sumiiier and fail. wili soon be qutalified-for the rank of a Second Class Ship). Ta) at- tainu this rank at ieast ine Se a Scouits of the Ship inust have paissed the Ordliiarv Sea Scout Tests. Que of thiese tests is a week-end cruise %vliiéi he lovvs have made un4er sal and oat in a recent trip to Great I,akes Naval Station and returu. Th.e group ovns thecir own surfboard, the Argo, in whichi they triade the .trip. Thie retuiriutrip ivas made in goo0d time wvith a' good wind, bjut, rather cold. Thev arrived luXVîM71netté bair-, bor Sunday afternoon, October 19. Folloving a dlean-up of jtle. boat. 'the Sea Scouts wetf through a rowin lrillinl thé -harbor for nmovies takýen ait the tinie b-%,the North Shore Aýrea counicil. Ryboit Is Asked to Be Chairman of Program Body 'Walter . Kipilinger, Rçgional Scout Executive of Region Seveni, comprising the states 'of Michigan, Indiana, illinois and Xisconisin;,, lias requcst.ed Myron' C. Ryboit, Scout Exec utive of the 'North Shore. Arca council to. serve as Chairman of' à cônmmittee. to draft a prograiný and(. conduct a thrée day Semlinar f or thé Scout Executives of the Region, It' be bld( on March 17, 18 ali(1 19 ai th dgewater Beach hotel ln Cliil cago.. Four other E xecutives. one Iroîn each state- of the Regioi ilsev on the Coiiiittee. The theme of thé, entire Seminar wvil be the ",,vy i camiping.," àaIvzing ýevervthing tiiat enters inr*to the dailv 'camp prograii. and weigliing its coumparative valueé wl the cevelopulient of the .scouts, The Sco.uting nmoveienit1 is agg,-res- sively and( constantlv checking evcr\- .tfini it does to determine whýlat -is - est and, most influenti al in its entire' character-infl-uencing and citizenship> training prpgramn, an(1 tis èonlfëeè,e is, expe.cted to show important trend,- ini tliat dir ection and devclop, further valuable technique for use in the.Bov Scout, camps of the Region. Five Patrols in Troop 22 Organize Football Squads The five patrois li, Troop 22 have. organized football sqtiads for inter- patrol competition, each have a cap- tain and there is one gamie a N%-eek. Thle, captains are: *WoIves-Lewis Birdsall. Coibra -john Williams. *Silver Fox--BobSkin kle Flying Eagle-7J>amesi Light.body Beaver-Boh Thiel. The SIilver Fox is ahead, winning tw'o out of two. gamnes.. Ail football iîs entirely extra frôm our Scout work and does not. conflict with our Scout. programn at our meetings.-Ralph Stoetzel, Glencoe Editor, Troop 22 t..ý OL'1g, 1 t -'*l wor J m ter1 )!in4.Vi IIUILII.i.vI\r. O.sborne is won- tte adge-.The that we practiced tying such knots a lnning a public demonstration of to have Teddy with, -the bow uine, sheep shank and others. SOcoutcraft whiclu .is to be given sonre started in less than Ne closed. the meeting with the time during the month of Novemiber The Troop àIl enjoye Scout oath and law.'-Stanîley Coch-j or December.-Ernest, Schaper, Re- ing contes t.-Charl es t.an, Troouy 1, Wilmnette'. portier Troop 3. Wilmette., in-Chief, Winnetka., 1 .r-'-,4. .-au: .-, ~Iiiiig tests for second class, fhrst Patrol is proud iefaý-.nd the menit badge signaling. them. His fine The present job is .the practice of seven seconds. semaphore signaIing, 'wig wag and d the ire mak- the International Morse Code wili Duniap, Editor- be taken up later-Arthur. Jones, Troop 2, Wilmette. L