Photo by National Photogr.aph and Advvrtiidng Comipany Isobel Arnold, /'ri-ciice danscuse, aàüd -Harold Ixo-, frit. wltli the iembers of the Junior ballet of the Chico go Civic Oper a on'av.coiInïngtIoShaw- nc Cou»;tr.v club at 4 o'clockSna aftc,-nomi\ , c br2, ft) prescut foi- hie Cic eOPéra clufb ofIVî, an d u il-bes of Shazol'c "*The Bal- Ic!ii andfIs Relation fi)'Opt'ra(." Miss Édna Weise Becomes Bride of W. Lindenbèrg Miss Edna Weise, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Weise of ,Evaistoni, becaine the bride of Williami H. Lin- denberg, Jr., son of Mr. and Ms.W H. Lindenberg of Glenview road Sat- uir(av-, October 25, at the Bethieheni Lutheran church, the Rev. Paul lIi tcp wlth the rapld developnipent of Wllmette, the Wllmette Coul Materlal Yard ,wlth Its ioderjj equlpmtk,and dependable, sources of Supply, ls rebderliig a superior eoua service to many of the bômtes Ili WIInette. Phone your order for elean, depiendable fuel to Wllmette 4900. Wilett Cal & Material Yard 1301 -Lake4-Ave. gowft of. ivory satin wt a tig it fitting 'cal) of ivory lace and tulle caugit, with orange blossoins. .Hcr flowers, small chrysantlieniurns, it roses, and huies*o'f the valley werc ar- ranged in a shower bouquet. The. maid of onor wore orange' chiffon and the bridesînaids wore golti chiiffon, one mi a lighlt shade, the other in darker, ma~de %vith lace yokes, tiglit' Gas - Batteries -. 011 Tires - Tire Repairing Motor and Body Repairi, in alits branches Phone Wilmette 3064; George Miler Lao M]110V Block North of 'L"p Station 516-4th STREET