mas. n 7740 0p $100 TO $3OO OITTH CASH'YOU NEE-D PROM HO-USEHOLD SA .El NEARLY 1/3, Our rate nearly one-third.Iess thon the IawfuI maxi mum rate. Only husband and wife need sign-no other sign.atures or endorsers ... No;fines, fees or deductions .. As long as a year and ight months to repay. 1737 Howard Street-2ud Flbor lust West of'L" Staaon-Phoac Roges Park 8320 418 Grov 528 Davis St, Evanston Greenleaf 1855 24-Hour NIORT PIIONPgS' - WINNETrKA 643 rvice, WILMETTE 296q, - GREENLEAF 0652 $Ï3,000. Thomas J. Kane is building mIis sIIUUi .yar the other, a two story brick veneer, Program comnittee - Mis-, Aleda with attached t\wýo-car garage, at 315 Larson, Howard school, elhairmnan;., Sterling road,~ at a cos*t of $28,000. Mrs. Laverne Glennion, Central One of the other- perniits wvas for school: Miss Lulu johansen, Tenthi jalterations to a residence. costing onlly street school:, Miss Hernia Wyrnain $500, and there were four .for private Stolp school; Miss Marjorie V"ai] garages, costing $3,200. Homie, Laurel school*, and Mi-s _______________Frances Ferris, Logan schooll. Rufs K P rte Dis;Social cotumittee-Ml'ss Doric Turner, chairman,. Miss Veronic-1 Funerali-HoId Wednesday Carnîody, 'Misà Mae Witcher. Mis Rufus K. Porter, 428 Cuinnor road, Ida Gulîderson, Mrs. Gladysý Herroti Kenilworth, died -on M.\ondaýv at thé a iid «M1iss Frances Donnelly. Highland Park « hospital. Mr. Por- Building -cornmitteè-Miss Heleni ter is survived by bis ividow 11M-.. Hardick, eta:ulig Miss Ro- Helen' Porter, and a soni,,Edward B. ena. Mulford, Tenth street butiiling; Potr. The. funeral services were. Miss Carnie Chase.Sophîdig held Wednesdav afternoon from: is .is Larsoni..Howard: Miss, Pol.- late residelice. Butrial wvas to take' Iv Petri, Logan.' and Mrs.Ma place in tle east. Burghî. Laurel. __________Mrs. Katheryn-Julianis g vice-l)resi-ý --M rs. Vihe Spicer, 312 Essex road, dent of tlhe teacliers' club, Miss Ida;i Kenilivorth is living in Lake F( rest ýGundiersoni s. secretary. and Miss for a mfonth until she ean have posses- Trennal Scott is treasurer.., siônt of her home whichi she rented this:sunîmer; M)vrs. Spicer is occupv- Car Tr'n Over on Lake igthe homie of the late- Caroline, Kirkland (Madami X of thîe Chicago Avenue; Driver Unhurt Tribune) ini Lake Forest. MNrs. Spicer Clarence Zeutschel, 2022 Wilnîieltt is serving lier fourth terni as j1resi- avenue, drivinig a Ford coupe cast on (lent of the Keinil\Northi Neighhorsý Lake avenue about 4 o'çtock Monday clb. imoring suddenly applied the 1rakes - as lie apprpached a barricade at' T.. -enit3-third street, and his car skid- ded, and tumnied 'over. 7Zctscliel. liii F IRST not see the detour sign :atnd re( l lîglV s ~ 1VIOTGA~G ~in tie k> stol). He cscapcd ni! 2Rj u red. LO NSArthuir T .M itoh jr.. son ol« Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. MIcliltosWI business. properties for 5, 10 frotn Williamns college to) spend Iast or 15 ya terms.wekedwtihsprn.Aturs CODY TRUST COMPANY Mr.-o0p-hte 5 Seia 105 out LaSall Steetroad. Kenilworth entertained severai RandoIph 6600 CHICAGO [of lier frt'Ëhnd-sà(lunchèo» and big on Wednesday of this %veek. I'W-Iý"LMETT'E,29* 1 . GREE14L.gA!F. 0692