TRADE, IN, Your OldLigtgFxuves -theyar orth money., Fo'r'a limited'time we will givye you a LI BERAL ALLOWANCE on them in trade for new. fixtures.. Take advantage oàf this* .unusual opportunity. to beautify you r home!, Dannienuark 'Electri -CO* 115f Wilmette Ave. Wilmet.te 214, Open Titesday, thurisday an Satin-day Epenings Paint Up- Clean Up Fix » Up FuiUp )ur approaçhes-is your heating plant B3etter, not wait tilt Jaëk: FrIst leaps. into your raüdiators, but have te eardnow.. Prompt Service Efficieint WorkmanshiP WILLAMB. LUCKE 514 Railroad WE GUARANTEE ALL WORK Avenue 'Telephone Wilm nette 2020-2021 Let the rainbow into your kitchen (COLOR has corne lto the kitchen 0i..rnto the rooni that's a wo- man's own workshop. onat a Tins. H7ave you over had a pair of radio stationsa on your set b.- having like a pair of school girls ...both talking at once.-. a mad jumble and seranibi. of n~oise? It wont happen on the Dow Westinghouse sets., Perfect se- Iectivity of stations, due to the supeir.heterodyiie circuit and, bond pass tuning preselector, is oneof. the many new and pre-emnuent-, Iy dii erent features oft the uew est tEnd' PHONE WILMETTE 1943 First -Greenehouse on Glenview Road I 411 L eof sets serviced-work fuliy guarani i Ave. Wilrnettt Us About Your Pire place Equipment IN The zero 1 ishapep i va w I mow