Matmnee Saturd&ys, StudaYs and Holiday* OnIy Continuoma (from 1:30 Doors open *ev.nings 6:30 Toniàrht-Fsîc!ay and Tomorrow-Saturday Maurice Chevalier and Claudlette Colbert. M. "The f ie. pond" * SudayNov. 2 Gary Cooper. and -Jyne Collyer in "1AbMaa Fwromý Mvon. &Tues., Nov. 3-4 Ginger Rogers. Stanley Smith and Chartes Ruggles in Schwab & Mandel's hilarious stage bit! Wed. &Tkurs., Nov. 5-6 CIludette Colbert and -Kich, itzy-Reckless!. -but shé couldn'get away, wîth Murder! Fr.. & Set.; Nov. 7-8 By. Request: LON CHANEY TALKS in "The UNHOLY* Friday, October 31 "The Big Pond" .,........ Wilmette "Di)tiatia".................. Varsi ty "Holiday" .........Alcyon Saturdgy, Novemnber 1 "The Big Pond" .......W..Wilmnetteý "Cohens end KeIlys in Scotland" . Community House "The Sali from Syracuse" Alcyo'n Sutaday,. November 2 "A,,M\anrom Wi \yomning" .Wilmfette eG t py.................Alcyon, Mionday, November 3 "Qucen High" e....... Wilietie "Aniimal Crackeërs" '...Varsity "Grumipy" .. .. . Alcyon Tuesday, Novexnber 4 "'Qucen High" . Wilmette ."Animal Crackers" ,.. ..Vatsity "lZough Rônmance" ... Comn. House "Romian.ce" .Alcyon Wednei.dayv, November 5' "M-Nansýlaughter"......\Vilmette '*Ai, mal Crackers" .....Varsit-v "Romance" ... .. . Alcyon Thursday, November 6 6"Manslaugliter" . ... .. Wilmette "Africa Speaks" .......Varsity "AiNyb)odys Woman" .. ..Alcyon Friday, November 7 "The Unholy Three'..... ilmette "AÀfrica Speaks".......... Varsity ",The Arizona Kid" ... . Corn. House "dAnybody's Woman"....... Alcyon Friday, Sâturday, Oct. 31-Nov. 1 BEBE DANIS in , gripping scenes, tangled jungles where beasts of prey lie in waiting, vast stretches of wilderness, and people who live primitively-these are but a few glitupses afférded by the. great sound picture, "Af rica, Speaks," at -the Varsity theater in Evanston- Thursday and Friday,; No-' vember 6 'and 7.:. Gripping 'and amaz-. ing, this film briîigs the wonders of a. continent to * the talking screen. Three,,big days, Monday, Tuesday- and Wdedy November, 3, 4 and 5, will be afforded at the Varsity theater by the Fý,our Marx Brothers. in "An imal. Crackers." After scoring lu "The Cocoanuts," these four rëla% tives turn another of their muisital shows into a taikie comedy, and click again. Lillian Roth furnishes a song, b)ut the audience ivili provide continuousbon, for oiie,, tvo or al the Marx' Brothers are on, the seen M: the tiiie. This is strictly a laughing inatter. Trodav (Friday, October 31) and, tonorrow (Saturday), the- Varsity %vili present Bebe Daniels as a circus girl of old New Orleanrs in "Dixiaina," séreen operetta for .which Harry Tfiernev bas written delightful muusic. With Mardi Gras ini techunicolor, a grand spectacle is off ered. Negro spirituals, too, are charming. Everett Marsball, of -Metropolitan famie, miakes his screen debut, and prôves lie bias both voice and personalitv. Woolsey and Wheeler, also, miust not be oyerlooked. Lewis Stone wîiI prôbabiy,.plaY the part joseph> Kilgore created on j.the' stage in "Tbe EasiestWa. Con- sidered the naughtiest play of, the times, the stage, production, some years, ago-,fetuired. France.s Starr and joseph,. Kilgor e. Constance Bennett bas been the lead.,in the film version. BEN.LYON IS PAGED Ben Lyon bas been invited by The showing of "The ' Tnholy Three" on Friday, November 7, with the late Lon Chaney at the height of bis dramatic power, will climax a week of brilliant entertainftierît at the Wilmette theater..Lon Chaney's first talking picture, which is the Iast film in which lie cirer ýplayed, is sur- rounided witb thrills.. surprise s, un- canny sba.dows and shivery Mystery. This production, being sbown e by request. bhas an anazing plot oi -a circus side-show ventriloquist, a mid- gýet and a giant, banided into a sinis- ter triumvirat.e- and going throughi an astoundîiigý As the. yen- triloquist, Cbaney .'"the, man of i thouisand faces,". is. able ta spring sme surprises himself in the .way of five different voices. Elliott Nugent and Lila Lee are two other stars ofi the film. Tdarà (Fridav., October 31') and tmrrow (Sqatutday'), amusemeta the Wilnette ivili hýe frësh. French and -frisky. The reason for this j Maurice Chevalier, smiling'. simgiîg and chewing guni, in "The Big Poud.f' Not onily lias Chevalier a sparkle rtIl his, own, but lhe às' Claudette .Colbert, one of the scrcen,'s most exquiishet,' beauties., to inspire himi in bis, favorite of the film trio wbich comprises "Innocents of Paris," "The Love Parade" and 'The Big Pond." Gary Cooper,. wearing a uniiforii. is more bansome than ever in. "A -Man f rom Wyomiing,", war picture vvith a western titie appearing. at the Wi[- mette Sunday, Noveniber 2. Thei leading lady is bine Collyer, and the storv, is of the way. shie camne into the life of one lankiy westerner who hiad joined the En7tginceer corps and bad become a gallant .soldier in the war. First' class ,hilarit'y iili preva iat the Xilmette on Monday, and Tues7- day, November 3 and 41, duringthe showing of, "Queen Uigh," featuring Stanley Smnith, Ginger Rogers,. Char- lie Ruggles and Frank Morgan. Spappy *sayings ,are abundant in this. victurie vof the tWo auarrelsoine part- leStrip) Take a trip to t of Af rica. Thrill ping-Amaxingi .4 E COMPLIMENT RETURNED Eisenstein, the Russian, -will direct' Dreiser's "Ainerican Tragedy." Well, Tolstoy's "Resurrection" was donc by an Amnerican, and donc well for the nmovies. itube Western Eecrc Sound System,