*liams 'of the National Saféty council, * one of the leading authorities on safety in the cou»try, was the speaker of the evening. The safety council of Central-Laurel P. T., A. is making a plea for safcr streets for' Minette chikiren. Following are resolutions -of, the council which the Central-Laurel P. T.- A., is sponsoring. of1. Standard school signs should, be installed on Lake avenue On each -side. OfTenth. street in order to give betý- ter protection tO the school, children crossing this througb strect. 2. Protection to scbool. children should be given, at >the intersection, of Sixth street and Laurel' avenue.. 3. Parkting on the west side of Tenth street between Lake. and Central ave- nues shoulci be prohibited and appro;- priate sigus should be placed. It is sug- gested that Tenth street,, between Cen- tral and. Lake iavenues shouldbe made a one-way street., 4. *The riesponsi ble> authorities, shoull,1prevent the present use of the afleys-)Wween Linden and Laurel ave- nues, eastof Eighthi street, by taxi- cabs going to and 'fromi- the terminal. These taxicabs make the alley a speed-> way'and thoroughfare, a practice which is quite unsafe in any alley, but par- ticularly dangerous in those alleys im- mediately- adjacent to Laurel school. Speed of ail vehicles should be defi- niitely controlled in alleys. and tbrough movenient should be confined to the streets. 5. A fence shôuld be' provided along KNOWYOUR DitUfflST BBTTBR- lue$ y.s i. . ;areieou& r 2. Within thé Iaw? 3-. An obeient citizen? WHICH?' Mr& Ralph jennings, chairmnan of, the, membership commnittee, reports, that there are only sixty paid mem-. berships to t!bentral-Laurel P.. T. A. There are over five sundred families. Cet busy.and pusht1 Send your'.dues to scbool today by your child. Mrs. Kendrick, chairnian of room mothers, reports splendid attendance' and in test in the room teas. These teas are for ail iothers to hecorne more closely- associated With their child's teacher, to know your chli- dren's friends' mothers, and to Iend a helping. hand With'your childs pro- gressioli. The business mnan's adage: "A mal's judgment is no better than his informa- tion," is applicable to us in our busi- ness of being fathers and mothers. A goid mine of information for us is f ound in "Child Welfare," a magazine publisbed. by the National Congress of Parents and Teachers. It cornes once a month, and - -n dollar a year. Please send your rérmwals and ne* subscriptions to your child welf are wna lit M in whiek Reesu- m Vma teate hanuemilce with you love iss ,&staàw.arie Lingerie, Hosiey, Gloves, Foundation GaOrmenta: 1139 Central Ave. Wimette 4370. PATRONIZE, OUR AD VERTISERS New EeeeMea Neuw «efomlesam Yom -inus 19Ci$gmb vol~u« eil-d.&wn qulft ble mud hou..- cr.sId nbsn.ude aIldbe bylb60iswlng croètd by __NuomlT« c.eo.Lca Meih odi d*butoo, "11i m'inz Ketchup .i~.. m. 1au'*:M OUL s RFSI Shredded Whe-at Z~J FrùulSàIad ,iS Pabst-ett sW d imt.e io Bc«h4Nut Spaghetti 2-9 ...Hm!dRasis ?Ls De-21 it i aifuner f For prescription&a--Doc Druggists dispense the Mercks Iaboratories. The. WHZfl I EVEET- BODYI :tors prescribe and For Ycur MedicineC ie pure products Of JPure Pcôducts as YOU -do. Drlg_-StoreIn the Midle et the BI, W. W)L WmWAGh PEESCEIPTIOX PEAEXACT REPUTÂTION FOR 000»D flesG AIT Lmu . Wi..t,11L Ioéii PRfON E 1198 Lbten*AMERICAN v FMýv enuimm . 30to S.00 1 '