Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Nov 1930, p. 14

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"A Church that Cares" All departments of the Church school meet at 9-30 for worship and instruc- tioft. here ls a class for every boy and girl. The Adult Clans invites aIl men. and wonmen who are lnterested to attend the Sunday morniflg sessions at 9:30. The topic, "Jesus and the American Mifd", uîîder the Ieadérship'ot the, pastor, s proving uuusually intereset4ug and chai- The morningworship service Is at Il o'clock. Dr. Allison *Hll Preach, on the theme "Aristice or Peace" to he devel- oped around the thought,:"Are we living lun an armned truce or lu real !ieace loi sight?" There willho a story for the children entitled "Thie Three Princes" 'after which boys and girls ln the Begin- ner and Primary D)epartffients may be excused for a Iidergarten hour. On-, MWednesday, November 12, atS o'clock a new series of mid-week, serv- icei3,wil hegin, and will be blùilîtarouuid the general themne, "The Horoic Life."ý M4onday, N ovember 10, is the date of M te Baptiat Social Uon meeting. at whloh time Dr. A. M.. MlObnàld, the new, *executive secretary wil h e the speaker, It wlli ho an opportunity for our menm- bers to mnake bis acquaintance and to bear hlm. Regiar nîonthly Meeting- oftthe Wouian's society will be held at thýe church Friday, Novemiber 14.' The Wûmen's Baptist Miion Union mieeting will he.held on'Tuesday, No-F vo*pher 11. The program lis An charge of the Baptist Missionar-y Training school. The American Legion. Auxiliary Nvill ,:tôld an intereitt1ng.meeting on Armistice roight at the, Howard schiool. Today, Friday, November 7, tbere wIll be a. party at the church for the chîl- dron unde'r high school age. comne promptly at four o'clock ; hring a friend wlth you. Do not miss the good timne An store for you. First Congre gational Lake and Wilmnette avenues This church welcomies visltuyrs, Étrang- ors, "and new residents of the -Village who dgasire to >Worship on Sunday morn- ing . Members of the cougregation are desirous of meeting new. friends and making them feiéel at home In Wilmétte. The morning, worshlp service. is held at -10:45 o'clock. Next Sunday thie Rev. O. Schriver will preach on "The New Song," Wilkeep tlis-IS YVALli In MU ani Pi t(> be present. St., Jo/in's Lutizeran Wilniiette and Park avenues, Wilmette., Hermail M. Meyer, l«. A. pastor. 406 Prairie avenue, Telephone 1396. Church telephone 3111. Twenty First Sunday after Trinity. 9 :00 a.n. F irst service anîl sermon 9 :30 a.rn. Sunday sehool and Bible classes : 10 :00,a.m. Adult Bible ciass il11.00 a.m. Second service and sermon Meetings Monday at 7:30: Choir rehearsal Tuesday at 7 :45: Congregation meeting Wednesday. at 4 :00-. Classes for cliii- dren Thursday at 7 :45: Senior Walther league Piriday a, t 7 :45: Julilor Walther league. Saturday at 9 :00 Aý M.:- Classev. for children The annual SALE and SUPPER given )y the Ladies'- Aid and Missionary society with the assistance of the Young People's iocieties of the' church- wiil be .gîven on Thursday afternoon and evenlng, November 13, The varlous circles of the Aid have made elaborate preparutlofl for the day, anid booths of ahl kinds will bo An evidence. The sale wiil begin ut 1 :30 p.m. while supper wifl be served beginning at 5 ;30, The supper tickets are. 75 cents for àduits and 50 cents foim children. The entire procoees of the sale are for the ýbenefit of the church.. Everyone is cordia-liy Invited tô ýomée. The sale and supper. Will. be given in the Sunday school roomes of the church, at Wilniiette and Park avenues. Since the meetings of the two Young people's societies wil have to, be post- poned because of the cantata, HQueen Hsther," which is being given on Thurs- day and Friday 0of this week, these meetings will ha held on Thursday and Friday, November 13 and 14 Instead. Juniors and Seniors please take note. A large crowd of about 60 young p)eople turned out for the Junior -Hal- lowe'en Pa-rty--ýon- Friday evening last and thoroughly enjoyed themnselves. We hope at some future time nlso to In- vite the Junio'rs of Glencoe ajnd of Highland Park to bc our guests. * The Wheatridge Sanitarium Sgealsare 'wlth us again. These seals are aunual-ý ly sold for ý the henefit, of. the Wiheat- rldge Tuherculosio Sanitarium. 'The fund thus obtained la utsed exclusively fox- the--care of charitl patients at thîs sauitarlum. The 'atm of the Walther League Which sponsors this .undertaking is to raise $80,000 through the sale of seals this year. Seli geals, Leaguers,. md buy them. **It s a worthy under-tak- eh schools anad and morning pri n- at m le .classi with ai at l Ma. The wonien of the Associated Guild do not meet today.. Their meetings are on the second and fourth, Fridays of the mnonth.-They wIll thçrefore meet'Friday, Noveniber 14. The church schoi teachers- and. offiý- cers wiil- mneet. in the church assembly roomns In the rear of the .parish house this Pri .day eveuing. fromn 7:15 to. 8È:15. The vestry will meet tonilght In the rector's office at 8 :15.' On Sunday evening, November 99 there will begin a series of talks and, and informal discussions on 4ehurch membership lu the church assemhly roomsÉ, beginning'at 7 p'.m. and ending by 8 p.m. .each Sunday evening,. Their primary purpose As preparation for co+ firmation' for those. unconfirmed. They are for boys and girls and for men and women. Al are:weicome. They wilI meet utlthe Sunday before Christmas when' Bishop Stewart will visit the pa rish for confirmation.- A no)rth shore motor bus will tstke the teachers and officers of the church hool to ur Chicago church. head- quarters at 664 and 666 Rush street, Monday evening, November 10., Leav- in,- the parish bouse nt 5, p..., a cafe- teria supper will, be serned at head- quarters, and courses- of inlstruction: and preparation for church Achool work will be given from 7 to Q o'clock, whien the bus ivilI retw21rn to.Wilmeëtte.. The rector of St. Aug-ijtine('s; *111 conduct, one 'of the courses on "Chut-ch Sehool Adminis- tration.'. Seveuteen courses wil be given by diocesan teachers. Methodist Churciz The miusic for the worship service this Sunday moirning. is as follows: The Or- ,gan, Prelude: "Up the Saguenay"~ by Russell, and '"Bàrcarole" by Fauikes. The Organ Postlude: "Pontifical March', by de la Tombelle. The choir will sing "The Shadow of Thy Wings" 1»' An- drews and "Praise the Lord" by, Ran- degger. Thie High school'leage will visit the Haisted Street- Ilnetitutional 1church Sunda'y afternoou1. All high school stu- dents are urged -to.,meet atý the church Pr0MptlY at 2-:45., A church dinnier wi womien of the chur 6:30 in the dining-ha secured from anvm bserved hy the i. Wednesday at .Tickets may he. nber of. the high. the. proceeds will tThe Woinan's Home Misioriary socle- ty la planning to send a Christnmas Box to a mlnlster's famlly ln Tennessee. The family la composed of five children, ranging froin the ages of five to twenty. Anyone wibhing to nend 'articles oçf clothing or monpy for this needy Îamily la askod to, notify MrI3. E. F. Angel- beck, Wilmette 1482, "or Mrs. . .a a vison, Wllm1ette,1975. Forty.one members of. the Philathea eclaus ar d guests met at the home of Mrs. Nola Todd and. were escorted by a "ghost!" to the bgsement of the Nljýce- ols, home for the, Halllowe'en party, Thursday, October 30. A fineevini. entertaiinent. was given them by the hosteàses, Mrs. Nettie BottomMr.ol Todd, Mrs. Bella MacMorran, and Mrs. Helen Nichols. Last Sunday. morning, at the close of the.Worship Service, sixty officers and- teachers of the1 Church sehool weie *n- stalled during a very impressive cere- monly. The Womfan's, Foreign Missionary so- ciety wilr meet *fO r an ail-day session Thursday, Novemnber 13,. at 10 o'clock. Hospital sewing will be donc in the morning. The afternoon program will begi at tw o'cloc'k. Devotion's: Mrs, D. A. Stoker: "The 'reacher"; Mrs. WV. E. Lindblad; Hostèsses: Miss Hattie B. Latham, Mrs. L., B. Springer, and Mrs. A. J. Nystrom., K enlworth Uinion Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dr. Willett's sermon subject Suada-,' Novembejr 9, will be l'After Twelvc' Years,"1 a sermon**appropriatetoAm- tice Day. The Sunday sehool meets each Sun- day morning at 9 :45. Continuing aý pleasant custom of inter-school visi ta - tion the Sunday sehools of. the two churches of the 'Village met at the Union church for thes Sunday s.-hool hour, last Sunday, November 2. Di-. DanfoYtb gave a address appropriatc to 'Hallôwe'en., The Ladies' Gulld of the church nieete regularly each Monday morning at 10 o'clock te sew for several ýof the worthy and deserving local, charitleý-.ý Ail the, women of the community are lnvited to, come and help them with thîs Important and necessary w ork. The annual Autumn Dînner of the church wifl be held at the IýÇnilworth club Wedneelday, November1;at 6 :30 o'clock. Thie cômmittee ln charge con-' sists< of 1lMrs. James lInh Sta ITtand ing wilho for Porto Rico, and Mrs. Lutheran ehurch. Hoyne andi Lemôyne Juie M. Way, field-worker for the Cou- avenue Suuday eyening November 9. gregaUional Wornaf's Mlssionary Sociefy of Illinois, wIll upeak on conditions An The United Lutheran Tuner Mission P6i-to Rico. The sewing and the pro- soclo-ty wil hold its annual Rl-Al grmare Vrovided by the Cozy Corner Sunday afteruoou, Novemnber 9j at the *Wicker Park Lutiieran church. Thiscongregation extelOds a cordial Qn Thankugvlng Sunday, Ilovember invitation f0 alilPeople on> the North 18. t ti. monlnrworsip >ur >1urShore Who have ne church home. Why Omdo chir vii rouet le àareddrive»aïst a, church of your faith tM ~ ~ UASot n slvng" yworship lu Chicago? Worshipl l- ~sde. Ti. l i vry bautful au-mette,.uWI The Wulmette Book Review club wili meet-Mouday morning,, November 9, at 10 :30 In the Woman's room. The North End division of the Womn- an s Aid society. will meet wlth. Mrs. Elmor Davies, 721 Maclean Avenue,' Kenll.worth, on Monday, atternoon At The 'Young Married People',% gro up *Ill mneet .Tuesday eveuing lu the Wom- anIs roomn. Professor L. E.'Hildehrand, Who has heen a dlscerning visitor ln line last Saturday to attend the ;iver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Andersen. They returned home Tuesday.- Mr. and Mrs. Andersen re- centIy attended the silver, weddingt anniversary party,,of Mr., and Mrs. ChristéÜsen, Mrs., john Dunker -of Peoria was the- housegulest 'of Mrs. George L. Martin of 1046, Elmwood avenue- over the past week-end.-

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