Chandler's is THE .Place tO get -ReaIly' Smoért Creeting ,Cards".. "#Each cwlld is a new gafled oand Msowni -and ~ifulfil i hl. own This important tr u th for mothers and 'fathers, is an extract from Chtid Guid- ance, by Blanton and Blanfon, beng featured in preparation for Children's. Book Week, which begins on: the ilth. Other bocks recommended by the Nýational Committee. for Mental H-ygiene are t'as beeu. murrn vivce-pvV51uvuzt ci class at Lasseli seminary, Auburn- cle, Mass. Miss Ruth Harrison, daughter of MXr. and Mrs. Harry P. Harrison of 338 'Abbottsford road, KeniiWorth, with three of ber friends, is expectinig to spend the Thanksgiving week-end at Del Ment e, CaL. Miss Ruth is aàt Scripps college, Claremont, iCal., this winter. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bartling, 116 Fuùller lane, Winnetka,, enteritained twenty guests at the difiner dance Saturday evening at. the North $hore Golf club. Mrs, Eppig was Evelyn Elizabeth Faw and was graduated last june f rom Marymount college, Tarrytown. Mr. Eppig. is a graduate of St. Fran- cis college, Milwaukee. Mr. Eppig's mother, Mrs. Margaret 1gepig,, lives at 827. Ashland.avenue, Winette. George :Cardinal Mundelein of Chi- cago is an, uncle* of Mr, Eppig and went to New York to officiate atthe wedding which waÉ solemnized in the Church of St. John The Evangelist., In the'business world, Mr. E*ppig is Chicago manager of Shiebler-Gayton, Inc. wbolesale furniture. Mr. and, Mrs. F. -H. Gilchrist, who i have made their home at 925 Central avenue, are moving to: Il Governors road, Bronxville, N. Y. LikeHaving 2Pairs F Glasses' A Irue, sc i.nlific advancrmn-. UNI VIS Bifocals give Ie11.r vision, more comf art and greater safety. (Overstr.tJ $3 Thé Nervous Child (Cemoron) $ 1.70 Cullvating the Child's. Appfleti. (Aldrich) $ 1.60 Growing Up. th. story of How W. kecome Aflve, Are Born ad Grow Up [de Schw.inilzi) $ 1.75 Il purchased a large lawn at the south end of Mohawk road in Indian [ll Estates and will build a fine home there for spring occupancy. The general design of the bouse is, Italian, wîth touches in. detail'.frorn ideas obtaiped by Mr. and Mrs. Per- kinIs while traveling ini the Mediter- ranean and Orient. The conistruction, will be of the increasingly popula type known, as "firesafe" of which type two werè previously buiît'in In- dian Hill Estates. -Joists wiIl be steei witb reinforced monolithic, concrete subfloors. Metal lath wiIl be usedl throughoujt and exterior walls arc miasonry. brick exterior backed w itli insulating hollow cinder -concrete blocks. In busine .ss Mr. Perkinýs is sale- manager of A. J. Nystrom and coQ- pany of Chicago, manufacturers of in1aps. 14r. Perkinis is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin >while Mrs. Perkins was graduated f rom N'orthwestern, from.-the Chicago. Con- servatory' of~ Music and took Post-, graduate work at Wisconsin. Anotherý famiby of nmusic loyers to comie to Indiani Hil! Estates is Mr. and Mrs. Herman Clasen of: 5636 North Leavitt street, Chicago. Mr. Clasen, a teacher in Lane Technical- Highi school, is bu~ilding a pipe organ %Nhichi will bce installed in bis new% hoinc to be buiît next year on Paw- nee road. The Per 'kins will bc neighibors tô Dr. anid Mrs. E. E~. Graham, of 2320 Forestview road, Evanston, who wili niove into their new borne now being conipleted on Iroquois road in a"week or ten days. The Grahami bouse ;' of English type and of such beauty and grade in rendering as to comnianil rnany admiring commentsý It has, every latest improvement, including gas hieat, steel window frames and built-in, fl screens., Mrs. Margar:et ArmOur Morris has bou ght a 100-foot Iawn on- Seneca road and will build a large Colonial, bouse there in the near future. The Morrs lan i 226 feet in denth and. ni- in# pastel green, rose,, 6e or buff.' Gif Shp-PrrtPloor *1645 Orrlngton Ave, Evanstoù Oaington at cbChc TEMLEPHONE UNlvmtsn 68o4