IpLaye4 IhrounI teCouitenya Mr. H. T. Stru>ng and Marshal Field & Co>mpany nt the PACKARD BUILDING 23S7 S. Michigan Ave. i mt the PACKARDBUILDIG II M57 S ilim v~ I PACKARD izd~w~/iaL CAR s P ACKARD announces a new and dis- tinguished series of Individual Custom, cars-designed and buit entirely within tihe Packard factory itself. wbeelbase if desired * A wide range of bôdy types are indluded, each available in, any. color and upholstery you may select from an unlimited choice. Packard Motor Car Comnpany ofClicago EVANSTO)N BRANCH 1735 E. Railroad ýAve. HUBBARD WOODS,,BRANCH IL i i i i i I 'I j 4