Sbguncance wcanesaay eveningsa E ian and Moslem.: 8 o'clock Et the Union Church in M RY ANREIA Nenilwrth. - Merry Harn, soprano, a newconier to Last weck his subject was "Rome, Chicago, "il be beard in recital at the Pagan and Christian." He gave a Playhouse theater on Sunday after- general survey of the historical auj noon,- November 9, at 3 o'clock, as- religous. background of this l'nteres-,t-1 sisted by Frank J3Ibb, accompanist' PA GE GEORGE"' BRUMM.EL' &Bnu Bwmurum e l that avblte of style, would have been de. lighted with the IittW niceties of linea'>d balance that cistinguisl' our acreated"ll fauidons.from.the, usual "copied" ganuents. WC maintuin a Designer end Designing Staff whose sole duty it Is to create styles whIcI are ln hannony with the trend of faslilon. You are -doubly. protected -from syles taore out 0'Fasion endi front egarments too extreme. FASHIONABLE CLOTHES INDU VIDUAI.LY TAILORED The golden text was, "He that coverth bis ins shall not prospen: but whoso confesseth ýand forsaketh theni shall have mercy" (1roverbs 28:1).- Among the* citations which -tom- Prised the lesson-sermon was' the following from, the Bible: "Who, is a -God like unto thee, that pardoneth ihiquity,. and passeth by the tran s. gression of the remunant oQf bis heri- tage? he netaineth. not h.bis, anger for ever, -becauseth,, hle delighteth -in -mercY. HIe- wiff turfi againi, he will have, compassion upon us; he wil subdue. our i niqties;. and .thou wilt cast a1l'tbeir sens into the deptuis of the sea" (Micah.7:18, 19). The lesson sermon also included the following1 passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with. Key to the Scnip- tures," by Mary 'Baker Eddy. "We acknowledge God's forgivenessof sin in the destruction of sin and the spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal. But the belief in gin is punished -so long as the belief lasts" (p. 497). EXHIBITS PAINTINGS Richard Chase, a young Chicagot artist, is exhibiting a group of watere colons at the Woman's club o-f Ev-1 anston. The paintings will be on ex- hibit for the next two weeks, spon-1 sored by the art. deprpnent of the1 club, of which Mrs. Albert H. Ulichi del Tre Re" The audience at this first matinee of the season was moved to abouts and vociferous applauso. Miss Muzio made .a memorabe pie- titre of this role, which. -she sang witii colorful perfection and which sbe acted wîth much finesse. Virgilio, Lazzari, appéaring for the first time tbhis season, gave such.-a characterization of 'the blind king, Archibaldo,,as bas never been given. by this company beforge. 'As smail a man -in stature as .he is, althoughl with a, powerful and deep voice, lie carnies Muzio off the stage on hi s shoulder at the end of the second act. His actingis as superb .as his voice., Rene Maison, who also appeared for the first time ilhis, season in this performance, was particularly suitcd to the noie of the unhappy lover. Th iq opera seems to suit bis, voice and bring o ut bis many good qualities. Casare 1Fromich i, who gave sucha wondenftuI performance last Wednes- day night i La Forza del Destino,. Sunday sang the iupleasant role oi Manfredo with great artistry and beauty of voice. The entire cast of sinigers. were suitably adapted to the difficuitnoies' of this opera and both the singing and acting were done with ease, per- fection and grace. Maestro Moran.. zoni,)conductor, rendered an orches- tral performance - of this tragic toue poem which emphasized -the dramatic Il ARE h ~ir oNu0 WuNGI lu ONm ma Loor S CHULTZ & NORD Cleaners to the Diaoimin.ting 115 2 Central. Avenue, Wilmette Phones 320-f321 lie PEvansto nPhone: Gmüeleaf 6660 I