Qne of the miostc Glatira. Temple Locale for Con- vention at Whicb Prominent Speakers Will Appear The seventh annual meeting -of the" Illinois State -Federation of Temhple Sisterhoods will convene at the North Shore temple, in Glencoe Tuesday, November 11, and Weclnesday, No- vebr12. The convention will open with: registration'at 10 in the ùiorn- ing November 11, ta be followed. bv an executive board meeting at 10:ý45 At 11:15 Mrs. Abraham Weil of Chi- cago, honorary president of the state federation, will formally open-the ses- sion with the invocation to, be fol- lowed by an address of welcôme byý Mrs. Harry L.,Canmann of IHighlandc Park, convention, chairman. Th2 re-> sponse from the :convention to this -welcome «rill be given. by >M rs. joseph-,Hlammerslongh, of Spring- field, Ill., sjecond vice-president of the state fiederation. The luncheon at 12:30 will be, fol- lowed by various reports of secre- taries and committée chairmen. The speakers of the afternoon wil be Mrs. G. George Fox of Chicago,, state president of the federation , who, as presiclent, will deliver her message; and Mrs. Maurice, Steinfeld of St. Louis, national president of the Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, who will speak on "Aimrs, Obligations, and Opportunities of the Sisterhood." Discussion and adjournment are 6:30 o'clock, at whic h R'abbi joseph 'K. Arnold will give the blessing. Greetings will be extended by Mrs. A. W. Purvin cf Chicago, national' chairman on peace, and the benedic-: tion will bc given byRabbi S. Felix >encfelsoh n of Chicago. _. The outstanding . speakers of > the c.'vening .will be Edward Price Bell of the Daily News, and Miss' jane Addams, who will speak to) the con-, vention on «World Peace." ings ofthte year of the F4orum ofthé e e on the Novembier radio prograni League of Women Voters will be of the League of *Women VotersE held on Saturday, November' 8, at over WGN. Benjamin Sq-uires, exec- 2 o'clock, in the Florentine, rooni of utive -secretary of Governor Louis the Congress hotel. Emmerson's recenty appointed comi- The question that is uppermost'in mittçe on unemploymneit, will speak the minds of the ,ent ire. nation, aThýi oven1ber 12; at 2:30, 01 "Stabiliza- Stabilization of Iindustry," Will be tion of )Employment" and Dr. Mollie - discussed' by two of the country's ex. Ra# Croi cara fthe Com-y perts on uinemploymeintproblems.. mittee on ýWomen in Industry for Dr. William L. Leiserson, professor the Illinois league and executive. b of economics at Anitioch college and, head resident, of, the. University of, nationally known as an, autthority on Chicago Settlement will speak on industrial conditions, consulting x-"Hov Unemployment, Affects Woin- pert for various important industrial eni,." Noveniber 26, at the sanie hour., commission.s, an-d member of the .T'he comp lete prégram for the nionth. President's Conference 'on Unemploy- '1be;-Vt omrow ps 1 .Ovember 3Vt oorwMs ment, will discuss, the situation from 1Erie ,W. Stubbs, president, Cook thepoint of view of the, nation. County League of Women Voters. a Dr.Benami M.Squres oftheNov)ember,5-Educatiopal ;Needs of the Dr. enjminM. quirs, f te .State, Miss Minnie ,Whitham, ch air- t University of Chicago; chairmau of man, commiitteeon education,' Illnoisb teAdvisory - board, Illinois Free League of Women Voters. and xecuiveNcovember 1--"The Lame Duck". Con- F.mployment offices, an >iutv ress Convens-ýrs. Laura Hlughesf secretary of Governor Louis Emimer- Lunde, director, Illinois League cf son's Committee on Unemploymenýt, Womfen Voters. will speak from the viewp o f I I_ Novomber 12-Banjarnil Squires. N'lovember 17-Preliinary Reote thes u Itnota e mttteeon Child Wl-t The speeches -%ill be followed by lare Legislation-Mary Ruth Colby, oediscussion. executive secretary et the Illinois opencornmittee on Child- Welfare Legtia-_ Each of the local leagues is plan- t ion.a nin tosen ina dlegtio totheNovember 19-A Forecast ef the Com- iiing. to senninMayorlelttyn*Eiectthe-Carroll Hill meeting.it Eecio iiieting.Wooddy, Department of Politicai Scieence, University of Chicago.h Nsovember 24-The Need et Revlsion et Catholic Club Group to Election Laws-Harold Gosneli,De partment et Politicai Science, Univer- Have St. F rancis Pro gram sisty ot Chicago. 9 November 26)--Dr. Mollie Ray Carroll. h Trhe November meeting of the fine _________ arts department of the WNoinan ' Catbolic ClbAtvd Catholic club of Wilmette will.be held lbAtv Friday, November 14, ait 2 o'clock, at~ in Philanthropg WorkP thI linit- iUL Mr,, 13 qA E>. fanî2-57 Keniworth avenue, Kenilworth. Mrs. GS.Wegner, and Mrs. P. M. Power wiIl be the assisting hostesses of the afternoon. St. Francis of Assisi and his influence on the fine arts will be the subject of the afternoon pro- gram. 'Mrs James Tarletojiwl gv short. histor"y of the lufe of St. Fran- cis. A group of poenis, shfowing 'the influience of his if e on the poetry of his time will be ready by. Mrs. Arthur McMillan. The story of St. -Clare will be told The p hilanthropy department of. the Woman's Catholic club of Wil- mette will meet at the home of Mrs.- George Ludwig, 2758 Broadway, avenue, Evanston, M onday morning,ý November 10, tb sew. Plans are being made for-novel. entertainiment at the Calico hop oný December 6. The commij'ttee for friendly cooper- ation wîth ex-service men will h lold. a party at 2 o'clock the afternoon o1' Tuesday, November 11, in the Womý an's club building. Mrs. Roy Hiacke!t of Kenilworth, is chairman., Other c1 e isaing of knalowe'en ruvcuug MonUay at the nhome oi Mrs. Th e vv imette Garden club meets' « for each table, added Hayes McKinney, 1035 Chestnut ave- this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the r of the~ occasion. Pro- nue. Miss Dorothy Hall, psychiatrie home of Mrs. T. F.. McElroy, 357 afai pasedthefiv- scial worker, and mental bygiene Sunset road, Winnetka, to hear a mark.,Uic chairman of supervisor of the, Infant Welfare So- garden program on "Garden -Remi'is- 1. William Hohues, an- ciety of Chicago, will tell of b er cences of, 1930!' Oficers are ýto bé work. elected. The Garden Club of Illuîaoie is sponr- soring a talkon 4lilies to be given by W. E. Matahall of New York City at 2 o'cloclc Monday, 'November 10, in room 13 of the Palmer bouse. Those interested, whether or flot members of the club, ,are cordialy invited to attend. Expedition November 12 Will Include Visit to Buildings at University of Cbicaýgo The irstof-its series of.tours Willý -b Conducted Novembe 12, by the wyays and nieans, commlittee of the Woman's club of Minette for the benefit of its1 building, fund. Lt is 'lanned to, visit Lorado Taft's newv étudio, the, St. Thomas ,Cathed*ral,, Ida, Noyes Memorial hall, and the University chape!. !Busses,.*ill leave the Woman's club) promptly at 9:30 o'clock in the morti- ing and will:returfi at 4:3à0 in. the, af ternoon. Lunch.eon will be ob- tained in the cafeteria oôf Ida- NIoyes hall at 1. o'clock. Tickets nIay be secured from Mrs. [-arry Barnhill, chairman of thec tour committee, or fromMrs."James W. *Shedden, vice-chàirman, or f rom other members of the committee. As the rnumber of busses 'and their' .apacity is limnited, it is wise to se- cure tickets 'early, the committee alvises. Ida Noyes. hall was -the gif t of La Verne- Noyes as 1a memorial to, his wife, Ida S. Noyes, The architec- ture is Tudor Gothic, with furnish- ings simulating the accumulations of ?'enerations in an old English manor house. Some of the furnishings are from the Noyes home on Lake Shore drive. The hall is divided into three de-> partments, for administrative pur- poses, each with -a separate. hea-d, the Commons, the department of physical, education, and the clubhouse. Ail )rivileges of the, clubhouse are open without fee to1 every university wonian. The opportunities offered. for participation in an enjoyable -so- cial. if e are exceptional. 1 the Com'nions comprises ýthe refec- tory with cafeteria service, the kit-. chens and service rooms. The equip- nent of the department of physical education includes a swimming pool, amain gymnasium with a spectators' iallerv a sinall zvmnasitun' with