consin,. "JCtCoer on thebkokie," "Sunday Morning," and "An After- ioon on Cedar Creek" Kari Buehr bas "Mountain Stream" and ."New Mexico" on ex- Pault.. Trebilcockc is displaying the f ollowing portraits:' "Miss Charlotte Eýckhart,"_ "Dr. C. N. Johnson,"e ,4'Gold Turban," "John 'Stuart Coon- ley," "Russian -Coat," .anid Mrs. Frank Mayer." Rudolph Ingerle is- exhibiting "Tvilight on Nantahala,"Ut. 'St. Conte, Smoky Mountains," "Patterns * on the Mist, " 4Approaching Storm,. Toccana, N. C.," and "Cloudland. Roy Collins exhibits: "Mother and Child,'" .threc still lifeës, and two por- traits. The art committce next. presents *Dr. Jamfes Cousins who will speak. Novenbcr23, on "The Art of Iidia." -Hei will present water color paintingsý bv living artists of India and explain them. For fifteen years heelias been an educator and author'in India and niow is touring the world in the in-. t±erests of international undcrstand- ing through art. Modern English Poetty Discussed in Kenilworth Mrs. William D. MacClintock, who Ieads the Kenilworth Study group, gave a very interesting choice and in- timate talk at this week's meeting on "Contemporary . English Poets." Af ter giving a brief background of the self- satisfied poetry which gave inipetus to the rebellious, f ree poetry of today, she read with simple and clear style, poems by Masefield, Housman, and many others, to show the vivid im-agcry and beautiful imagination shown in the miodern poets. She read with an case and intensity, which gave proof of her love f or poetry and her admiration of these poets. S The meeting was held in the: home of Mrs. Karl Korrady, Essex road,, Kenilworth Monday morning, Novenr ber 3. The next session will be in two weeks. Cards of announcement will be sent to members. shore, gave a review of "Green Pas- tures" as the initial event. Mrs. F ax- on's interpretation and her charm delighited the large assemblage pres- cnt. The. special bridge, Iuncheôn Monday also was. very well attended. Two lectur es by Dudley Çrafts Watson -will be given during- the month, the first, Sunday, November 9, at 4:30, o'clock, on "Meandering Through Holland"; the second, Nô- v ember 23, on 'iMotoring in Ger- tnaniy." Mr. WXatson's lectures have 1een exceedingly popular at the club. The regular Monday bridge.1lunch-. eon o n.,November 10, will have Mrs. Fred. Wolf and, Mrs. Ralph Heilmfan acting as' hostesses. A program 'is scheduled at the club for Tuesday .evening, November 2,un der the direction of- the dra- inatic committee. Thé special football daiice is taking place at Club Vista dcl: Lagoý Saturday' evcning, neber15, with dancing to continue - until 2 o'cIock in th'e morning. The outstanding attraction of the, evening will be the appearance of the Banijo, club of the University. club of Chicago. Miss., Pauline Mvanchester of Glen- coe, pianist, and Oliver Mellum, bani- tone, are to give the program for the next m..usicale, Suniday, Novemiber 30. Thursdav evening, Novemiber 20, a children's party will be field from 5 to 5 :30 o'clock under the direction of Rowena Bastin Bennett of Ravinia. author of children's poems, one book, of which, recently was publishied. Mrs. Norman M acLeish in Junior League Play, Mrs. Normian MacLeish of WVin- nietka, talented Junior league actress, who is wcll knownfor her ability and who played the raIe of Captain Kidçl ini "Treasure Island,' is taking part in the perfo rmances of ý"The Blue, Bird" which opened thie Chicago Junior league children's theater last Saturday. - The play, the elaborate National Junior league production, ln order to make room for our new stock of import.d Xmas gifis w. are of«ïing the. following. exceptional values: Solid Mahogany, Block Front Secretary Desk. ($1 39.00). . $90-OO SoIid Mahogany Fat Top Kneehol. Desk, ($1t25.00). $85.W0 SoIid Ma.ho-ganiy, Quent Anne Desk or "Dressing Table, ($85.00 value)... ........... $50.00 Buled Walnut Desk-A Beauty. ($11 2.00 value). $9500ý Charles of Londonà Sofa, Green Radnor Cloih, Down- Cushions, (was $225.00) .... ý............. $150.00 Maple Wing Chair, in Plum Chintz, (was $400)........ $25.W. 3-gtTablie Lamps-OId English Bronze ad Pewter and Bronze.(See Our- 6rôve St-. Window) 4 Styles,'(reg. $5.0o.$.0....$16.50 Many others proportionatoly reduced., Have you seen the exclusive costume jew.Iry, personotly selectld by Mrs. GQodrich, reasonably'prced?' MLAN £000ItICU -IS UDIo--. Intersor Decorators 15M -Shermian Ave., at Orove St., Evsnstmi- n Phone , Greenleaf 0816 WFiEN A N KLES EFVOKEHIE TAKE' THE SPOLG HT os AV EARTY APPLAUSE, Cadet orchestra that will play for the home of Mis. vW. iK-. i the young people. 1416 Church street, EvanstCi ______________the members of the Northi D..A.Burrili of 812ý Greenwood chapt er as guestà. Mrs Cha avenue returned last night fromn a Parkhill ,will, read Barry's short hunting trip.Uîes. Jo 0971 6,34 C