Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Nov 1930, p. 42

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Mts. Frank Brown, fornierly' of Wilmette, was liostess to the mem- Mrs. C.N. Hurlburt, who bas bers of her bridge luncheon club atreedlrhoea75Greef theEdgwatr Bachbot! "uedayavenue, is making an indefinite stay of this week. in Pasadena. HC WQLCQT'T Local representative of WO.LCQTT'S L IM ITEDP Landscàpe Archif.ects and Encinèers of Jacksoni Michigian Estiniates furînished for gorden anid ail landsc6aèé work. Also mason .work, sFone wals, walks and Pools. Dealers for HANOVER STONE A beauliful sandstone for residence and garden work. Telèphon. CREENLEAF-4687 For Cafalogue and further information Trier Higli school to attend the il- lustrated lecture to be given by Rear P Admirai Richard E~. Byrd, in the Les-a lie F. Gates gymnasium at the higli d school on Fridaynigit, November 28. o Sea Scouts of the nortb shore area, wiIl add color to the event by attend- ing,.the lecture in a body.y É. .D. Frisbie, faculty. sponsor of the Tri-Slip, club, who is in charge of thc ticket sale, states that. a seat seli-out mnay be expected in advance of the date of the- lecture. Reserva-t tiens are extraordinarily heavy, he reports. In making reservations for the lIec-1 ture by- mail residents of the town- slip bave been asked to -enclose a selftdidressed stamped envelope. -Re- quests for, tickets will be filled a s nearly as possible in accordance wvith the wishes of tbose making reserva- tions. Rear Admirai Byrd's lecture ils ex- pected, to attract opne of the largest crowds that las ever packed Leslie F. Gates gymnasium. The lectùic, wil! deal with bis recent expedition.to the South pole. The motion pictures that the fa- mous admirai will -present ini connec-, tion with the lecture will be entireiy new in arrangement and in the ma- jority of scenes shown. The entire effeç.t of the pictures does flot over- lap that of iictures already. sbown in the regular motion picture bouses. A large staff of ushers, comnposed. principally of New Trier Higli school boys assisted by niembers of the fac- ultv, wilf handle the crowd. Townley to See Wildcats- Battie'Indlana Gridders Robert1 W. Townley, athlietic direc- tor at the joseph Sears, .sdhool in Kenilworth, plans to drive to Bom ington, Imd., for the Northwestern- Indiana football game tliis Saturday, November 8. He will take three Boy Scouts with hini. ait this performance and when any croup of players can pass muster with a group of young high scliool stu- lents, who themselves, know the limes of Shakespeare by lieart, there is rnuch in the players f avor. The main additiointo the cast this. year are. amông the feminine roles. M~'iss Mary Hone,.who played Ophelia in. Hamiet,- enacted the. part of Nerissa; the, waiting-maid >to Portia. The writer Iiked her very much in thisý part and believes it.- is better suited to.lier than the rolie of Oplielia. Miss Hone is very beautiful and de- mure and is. very charming. in the Merchant of Ven.ice. Miss Ingeborgý Torrup, as PQrtia, was quite a. novelty, inasinuch as most of the Portias during the past decade or so have been. rather large and mfanly. -Miss Torrup is very petite, very dark and, beauti.ful, with. a very pleasing voic.e. To ber go the bonors of ibis performanice. Fritz Leiber, as, Sbylock the Jew, met with.the entire approval .of the audience an.d took curtain cal! after curtain cal!. at the end of the per- formance,. He had swiftly clianiged from.bis costume as the Jew into his evening clothes and it :was liard foc. beli eve that lie could haveý been. the, same person. The Mercliant of Venice, Antonia, piayed by John Burke, was very well enacted, in fact, the entire comp'any should be mentioned here for their superb work, but space requires we only mention a few of the outstand- ing ones. L.awrence H. Cecil as .Gratiano, Virgilia Cbew. as Jessica, Daugliter of Shylock, and Robert Strauss, as Launcelot Gobbo, the* clown, were those that will be long rememb'ered in their particular parts. Friday evening of this week; the Shakesearean players will present Richard III, Julius, Caesar and As' You Like It.' Last year's perform- ances ýof these tbree plays were ex- cellent and this years presentation rshould be even better with the new female.talent added te the company. Office and Num#rg: West Deerfield Road DEERFoELD, ILLINOIS , - Telephoneia: ~. Deerfield 36 and Highland Park 36 i. Ssusof d. Bergrnm i liis 1erCOMPLETE-LANDSCAPE SERVICE #'~ 4 'This Offir

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