sicn an inspector mndations to the ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Huettmanof 2700. Central Park avrenue, Evanston' annpuncéî the birthý of a son, ]Robert Ellis, on October 6. Mrs. Huettm8n. Ïwas formerly Miss Fae Christiansen, daughter of Mr. and>-'Mrs. A.E. Christiansen of 504 Fifth Street. ROYCEMORE MOTMBRS P4EET The mothers of the sophomore class of Roycernore Upper school met at.the home of Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, M elrose avenue, Kenilworth, ý on, Thujrsday1 morning'of this week., This is one.Of. the co-operative organiza- tions of the school,, whose aim is té encourage .and work -ith' the- teach- ers and faculty. WINTER N-ECESSITIES ANTI-FREEZE SOLUTIONS L iAlkohol, quart ......l.2ic Glycerino, gallon8.5 W sou,'gallon 6 WEED STEEL SKID CHAI-Ns BATTERIEs.l -- WB. Gas- Batteries - Oil Tires - Tire Repairing -Motor and Body Repairing in ail its branches, Phoneý Wilmette 3064- i3 Plate Battery ........... 15 i Ptttelnatt . ..... ...... and up 4th STREET SERVICE Blhock Northg of "L" Station 516-4th STREET ~PAC KA RDI A Safe' Place to Buy . a Used. Car swinging frame containing the pic- tures of more than eight hundred Chicago boys who made.the suprerne sacrifice will be draped with fres"-u laurel :as welI ý*as the, brontze tab!et bearing the. namnes, of the Gold Star sons of Chicago Historical 'Society memrbers. Stringed instruments will render music appropriate to theday. Exhibit Rare Antiques in Chicago Next Week Moreý than one. and une-haîf milIlion dollars wvorth of antiques will be ex- hibited* at, the, Chicago Antiques Ex-> position, 'held in the -Palmer House, November 10 t1o 15,' according to1 an announcement by Felix Mendelsohn, managing director of the expositi6n. One exhibit alone is vallued at. $125,000. The coming exhibit. is the first of a series of. annual asseniblies of choice furniture, rugs, pictures and other fur- nishings îhown by collootors in Chi- cago, New York, Philadelphia, Bos- ton and a number of cities. in the Middle West. Every article will be an authentic piece at least 100 years old. BR IDGE FOR NEWCOMER Mrs. George W. Mayhercy of 1081 Third street entertained at two tables of bridge yesterday afternoon. The guests, were ail neighbors of Mrs. Mayhercy who were invited to mleet Mrs. Alfred Viole of 112 Third'street, who bas reently moved here from udjo ,WhoQ plans te open a private n her homne. *PASS SEWER ORDINANCE An ordinance for -construction of Stormu sewer bouse drains in Laramie avenuie, Leamington avenue, and 'Le- Caire avenue between Wilmette ave- nue and the.. north line of the' first addition to the Wilniette-Laramiie sub- division was passed -on Tuesday night by the Minette Board of Trustees. ~307 Arrane .for a Dinssurailes MPANY 0F CHICAGO ïUBBARD WOODS Greenleaf 6030 Main t.t.tLinden Av*. Shore Cham ber Music association. The remarkabe skill of the four players -and their keent intelligent in,- terpretations cannot be over-stressed. The quartet is composed of Jeno Lener, first vioin; Joseph Smilovit,, second; violin ; Sandor Roth,. viola: and Imre Hartman * violoncello. Each member is a solo artist. with ail the individuality in tonal color and, phras- ingthat the statement im.plies, a nd yet, by some superior ability- eacl is âble to fit inito âniisemble 'that is -bevond criticism. The ensemble' ;-, so perfect, that thé impression is given of one- instrument, which has the color and scope.of four. The tone is like a crystal reflecting varicolored lights. . There 6s distinction in the musié of the Lener.-String quartet, andL oné senses ýa personality or "'soul" iii' the sound, -which 'cornes fromn perfect u n i t y of expression. Schubert's "Death and* the Maiden," his quartet i D niinor, was0 the most outstan diiug offering last Sunday. One was struck by the masterly fluctuations of vol-. ume-from the finest possible thread. of sound to power equalling that,,of a small orchestra. How one quartet can create such volume is, hardly understandable. The Schubert helU! everything, poetry and delicacy in the andante con moto, sparkle and vigo-. in other movements, with a touch of the sinister- and of hectic gaiety. The music told more of the story tluan any words or action could have done. After an excellent rendition of Dvorak's quartet in F major, carne the gracefiil Haydn quartet. in 'F major, with its sensitive rhythms, its, classic beauty and glowing life.. The serenade was exquisite, like a fragile, cobweb spun through purified, sunlit. air, or a-dreamn of some evanescen.t loveliness. Everyone. felt' strangely moved when it wa s oyer, and a faint- Iy audible sigh passed through -the audience. Artistry such as this will make the Lener String quartet livé. Mrs. Walter Marx of Keilworfli Pholno WiImtte 3334 '.4, *4 -~ TUE OIL WEL Bob 'n Mao