Ail Tefephone and C. 0. D. Orders Car.fufly and QuickIy D.livred Charge Acc«i.t Soliitd Lv.. Relialeý Peope Following Pricëes Prevail; at AUl Our Markets, Spring Legs ofLanil ................ .... 28i Hind Quarter of Spring Lamb, lb.. ...... 281/c Tender Cut of Pot Roast, lb ..................28c Fresh Dressed Stewing liens, lb............. 28c 3 to33J'ILs. average Best Brand Sicc<l Bacon, 3 lb .......>.. .. Smoked Calamn, lb........................ 17/c, Freuli Large Pork -Sausage Links, lb... 22c Snaf Freuli Pork Loins (haif or whole), lb .... 241/2ë Dest Creanery Btter, [b ............... 39c and wvâs taken to the Wooastock 1no9- pital. Euneral services for Mrs. lînes were hield' at 9:30 o'clock Tuesdav niorning f rom ber late residence, 600 E. Hilîside avenue, Bar- rington, ta St. Anne's church. Burial took place. at St. Joseph's ceretery in Wilmette.. Besides her busband a coptractor at Barringtpil, and the brother and sister in.Wilniette, Mrs. Bahles is 'survivéd -by five you ng children another brother John, who live ini Texas. TOI MARRY SATURDAY. Walter J. Wright, who has' made, his homie with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Torrey ,of' 1341 Elniwood avenue for the past ten yýears, will, be mùarried Sâtudayafternoon, Nové':etr, t Mis Audne EFllen Eggerding, daugh- ter of Mayor Martin'Eggerding and Mrs. Eggerding'of Addison, M!. A Sreceptioin will follovw the ceremony ai the Lew'is lace.. They *111 live in jOak Park affrer their boneymoon in CAsheville, N. C. Howard May, so n of .Mr. and Mrs.. Lthoniy F. 'May of 1461 Wiiiinette veniue, bas ' lhad the cast i-emoved omn bis leg and is able ta walk about gain. A miontb ago, he broke bis leg Iaying football. the north side of Wilmette avenue near the Village hall and was cross- ing the street to the news stand, He was knocked unconscious wher1 the cab struck hini, and was rushed to. th vanston hospital b h a driver, John Wagner. He returned. to bis home Sunday afternoon and on Wednesday afterfloon bis, condition was reported to be much improved. Noted African Explorer to Talk at Sears School, Mai. John J. Hill, noted African explorer, will: speak to. the. pupil s of the joseph Sears school in Kenil- worth at en assembly to be. held on Friday morning, November 21, at -9> o'lc.Major 1-fi1l is said to be the frst white man ta traverse the Afri- can continent f romn Cape Town t .o Cairo. Hé -will teli1 the pupils strange new facéts about tbe people and re- so urces of the "Dai'k Continent." He wjll corne ta KPnjlworth' under the auspices of the Schiool. Assembly associationl. KENILWORTHOFFICIAL ILL Richard Johnston, one of the vil- lage officiaIs of Kenilworth, has'been ill at bis home, 321 Melrose avenue, with Iinflueliza for two wee'ks. i~ Sharmas A<. ~- .-41p ITON AI 8 041 Centr#i Street 705 Main Street GenIasf 4M55 rViBSUIOf29 Ridge Avenue Phurinacy, OppoRIte St. .7èe»', Chulrcb PHONE WILMETTE 316 Yes-by ail means save; but Dot, to tii.eXtent that. you buy inferior. foods end jeopmrdize the physical welar.ofyour fniy QUALITY b.ilt Iup 0 demmad frPLC .MARKET foodtuff-.and keepi, it Up. for yef we have w.rked for quality ànd we are gosng to keep e'