The BOARD 0F DIRECTORS ARTHUR ANDERSEN Arthur Andersen and Company SEWELL L. AVERY Président United States Gïpsum Co.. SCOTT DROWN. Attorney, NELSON L. BUJCK' V ce President Wm. Wrigley, Jr., Company ROBERT L 'CAMPBELL Associste Counsel Kngapp,ý, Baye, Allen. Cochraîaê& Cushing *WILLIAM A. DYCHE Chairinan of Board WILLIAM EASTMAN Vice 1reident Blakely Printind Comipany OSC AR ýH. HAUGAN vice Chairian Foreman-State Ba nku AUGUSTU S KNIGHT Bortlett, Knight & Company TH ROLJGH-EX PERIE NCýE When a banlc has served a community for fifty-six.ors, il becomes an instegral part cf the> social, commercial<1 and Such is the. story of the State Bank'and Trust Company %which was esleblished shortly affer the Chicago fire to tae care of the banking business of Evanston and the North Shore. if bas grown steadily as the cify lias expandedf or safety has ýalways been ifs irst conidratin, tegether ika forward looking policy. You are invited to use this cumulative,1 experience of fifty-six years. WIRT WRIGI President VIS ILLINOISI E VANS uninf.rrupted,