Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1930, p. 57

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Now in Wilmette The North Shore Chevrolet Sales, new. authorized Chevrolet dealer,. as opened for. business, at 611: Main street, directiy opposite the Chicago and North Western station. W.. K. Egan, formeriy a dealer at 5145 Mil- waukee avenue, Chicago, is president of the concern. A. brother of Mr. Egan is now operating _the Miiw.at-, kee avenue Chevroiet, sales under 'the name of the -Egan Chevrolet Sales. Although the. show. room of the new North ýShore Chevroiet,Sales. is now under construction, there, is -a - temporary display rooni at the rear of where the building, operations are going on 'with a fulli une of new Chevrolet models on display. The new show room is expected to be competd about january I It will have an attractive gray stone front and will be illuminated by a standard Chevrolet sign, wbich, ac- cording to Mr. Egan, wiil greatly en- hance the appearance of Main street in'the business district of Wilmnettýe. A Wilmette Institution The North Shore Chevrolet Sales considers itself a Wiimette institu- tion, Mr. Egan states, and will give residents of this community, and of the north shore the best of Chev-' rolet service. A formai opening, ivil *be held after the building operationixs are comipleted. Meanwhile, the concern will oper- ate as if no rcmnodeling work wvas being done. With a ive thousand dollar part inventory, in stock at al tinies, includingparts for al models * cf Chevroiet cars, for the iast. ten1 yta 1rs, 'and with, ail tool equipment1 necessary toà facilitate quick service, the North Shore Chevrolet ýSales isi prepared to give the b est of service.i Ail of its mechanics were trained at the Chevrolet factory. The con-F cern wiii operate en the , Chevrolett After an exhaustive series of tests in the "cold room," Grahami has de- veloped an intake manifold ýand fuel systeni that proves a -boon, to cold weather operation, yet differs Widely from general practice. The cross- section of the gas passage throughi the manifold bas been made rectang- ular with a wide, fiat.bottoni surface, and the ports 1into- the cylinder block iikewise made rectangular. Changes of direction of the gas flow in the manifoldl are. made at acute, angl es instead of. around. gentjy, curved bends,. so that the gas stream is sharply, reversed just before enter- ing theports. The exlaust -manif old discharges al, exhaust gases at a centrai ýoutiet instead of at thefor- ward end, thus. receiving the- bot gases from aIl cylinders. During coid weather the owner, can easily divert ail this hot, gas through a heater compartment, surrounding the carbti- retor riser by means of a coirtrol Io- cated on the dash. Packard Shows Custom Buit Cars at Salons Strange as it may seem. no Ameri- cati motor car manufacturer until this year, bas ever been an exhihitor in four of the important automobile Shows heid in this country. They are the Cus- tom Car Salons, held in N.,ew York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Sani Fran- cisco. .builclers of the Unitedi States dispIay bodies 'of their design and manufac- ture on ,several different niakes of This yçar forthe first time one of the motor car mhanufacturers will1 ex-, hibit in al four Salons. The 'Pack- ard Motor. Car company will cxhibit individual custom cars produced, in its own custo mbody shops. At the Chicago Salon, November 8. Packard displayed four differentj ligu t lut Vil-Xdc .teOCH *OI. Simiiar displays were scheduled for the New York Salon, Noveniber 30, Los Angeles Salon on February 7 and San Francisco Salon February 21. Show Big Inecase in Federal, Aid Mileage As. a result. of the increase in' fed- eral aid funds from $75,000,000 >.to $125,000,000 for the fiscal year july 1, 1930, to June 30, 193.1, a material increase in the -total federal,aid mile- aâge improved and the numfber of me p phone Wilm.ett z600 HART. numl>er of men employed on the roads was as great as 4,80 during the mouth of May. The increasedlunds also gave additional employment. to* those working *in quarries, engaged in transpoÎting road material, -and similar tasks in connection with high- way building. Ini August thé féderal aid prograni alone gave employmenit to 48,000 men. OIL, BURNERS Loe.t Motor Repa Shop in, Wibnutt. 1 NE VER CLOSED 1 r~ çlrnurl .Ph... Waimt 721 MAIN STREET W!LMETTE. ILL. A. B. VAN DEUSEN THE OIL -WELLý Bob la Mac main. at Lnden ve phone Wlmgett. 3M4. Call the Vsed Car Dep.riammnt #a Arruwugo for a Deuseuuradie PACKAIRD MOToR CUR COMPANY 0F CmcAoo 925LINENAVENUE, HUBBARD WOODS Winuotka 3070. Gr.enl.mf6»3 MOTwOSSRVIC LASTIO0DAYS! We are closing up our used car lot located next » door to our Main store on December lut. Af ter this date, used cars wll b. sold from the Main Store at 925 Linden, Avenue,. Hubbard Woods., ------------

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