BEAUTIFUL PERMANENTS Pic.d $16 .. ....$ Mnm-TU.amySpi Shuoo--Fmàgir Wave .....$1,00 Maniture.............foc FOR eaCarita. salon L 21 Entrance-Tbe Daug Store, in tbe 'Middle of the iBlock i.W.WM. WINÉERGi 6. FR0l BODY PJIESCUIPTION PHABMACT IGoisa IRÉPUTATION FOR 000D»FDr(iXOS 1183 L...,....1....j4 17 LindenAv. WIn«,II - il I WQRK FOR BADGES The girls of Troop 1 are marny interesting things in pi tion for, our first class badgc have been. working,.onh weights and distances. As anil tion-we were given eight coi such as cups, sugar bowls, . etc., and had, to guess the' each -could hold. -They were tricki" and most of. the- girls they -didn't, know, as much a! thought they did.-Isabel J Scribe Troop 1. Omicron chap ter of Alpha 1 Phi 7sorority held opeiai house the gaine on Satuùrdav ýat theC- bouse ii Evans.ton for, their ait DUCEUSEr1926 DBEUMR 19217 DUCEMBER 1928 DECECMBER 1929, DCmBER 1930. ýg for tlieir, homle- sRussia, made "The Bell Is Dreail doing Tinkling," surpassingly beautifuî als repaa sung by the Don Cossacks at OrcIie,ý- ýe etra hall last Siinday afternoon. heïghts, Nostalgia for the country to w-1liicli ilustra- they no longer belong crept irito t1ue itainers voices of the -36 men who mak e u:, botties, the chorus, and they pouredont thei aiounit hearts, with' the long,9 sustainie( "quite phrases of the Russian folk song. L5 they vibranicy:in the basses and restraini laskilis, mellowness in the. falsetto of ýtile tenors made the song ont, of the out- standing peaksiii a program of peaks. E~psilon Thiese men, dressed in loose, black e after. blouse ,s, baggy trousers. with a redi chapter stripe on the side, and. knee-highi, umnae. black, boots, caused a sensation l)oîlî Sunday afternoon ,a1.nd. Wedncgsd'a-%. evening. Nothing. like their.singinig bas ever.beenl heard in -this part ýof the country, critics aiid.laymen agree. TJnder the guidance of their:,dimiinu- ~tive leader, Serge jaroff, they handik thieir voices like masters. Their pianissimos are softer and fluer lian the pianissixpos of any othier inaIe chorus, and their sudden crescendos *and startling power are unbelievahie. dramatic beyond description. The men can be boisterous,. 'ni- flamed witb sudden bursts of spirit, and then théir voices Corne thuniider- ing out with a will. No maie chiortis ever, heard here boasts of individtuals with voices so deep and meliow ànd round as the Don Cossacks. 'rîie\- DECEMBER, of our fourth of the norti 1 marks the completion year of service to the people ashore. We, take. this ank 'one and ail for their aumost. pin-point tone. Additional scope. is givenilthie. chorus because of three tenors .ilio sing falsetto-tones which are miore ik~e a contralto's or a high.bos alto voice. They are soft, flexible tones, and jaroif calIS. them ont sil f nllyý. Helen'Rosemnary Kalmes Married on November 22 -Mr. and Mrs. Martin KaInes ke--Âve. & C. N. W. Ry. MARC US micK, ember 3 4. a I qmi' ___à 11