The celebration,. which began last, Friday with a tea at which menibers of the Evanston Junior League 'were hostesses, a fashion .show, With man- nequins displ.aying the làtest :styles. and many oPther events throughout the store, will continue through Sat- urday, Nov. 29, wben the store will remain open until 9 at night as'usual. The aniniversary, celebratioti will corne to a climax Friday and Satur-. day when the store re-o-pens after the, Thanksgiving holiday.. The en- làrged Toy section will open Friday and Santa Claus, jolliÎer than. ever, wil arrive to gÉreet the,childreni. A feature of bis arrivai will be a bag ful of toys -from wbich cbildren may- "grab" a toy at tencenits a grab. At that tine the store will take on. a Christmas '.atmosphere,, with .carol singers strolling throughout the store singi ng Christmas carols, attractive decorations and cisplays for Christ- mas and~ gif t suggestio~ns ~on, every hand. At il1:30 Saturday morning, IEdith Heal, author of "}Iow the World Began" will talk to children in the book section on the third floor. On the fourth floor Miss Maude Thonipson will give informai fashion talks, while mannequins. display new, fabric fashions. : The holiday tables, set by members of the Junior league, will' be on ex- hibit until the celebration ends Sat- urday evening, and the exhibit of *be- a book party for childr.en inW the book section 'and afterwards children are invited to go to the second floor and shake 1iands with Santa Claus. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SE-RYICES "'Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias: Mesmerism and Hypnotism. De- niounced," -will be the subject at the services ini the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wilniette Sunday morning, November 30, at 11 . o'clock. Sunday schoot, convenes at 9:45 O'clock. --- a. x.n..o *... ii Lon ne iJA L11 western university. campus. Upsilon chapter is the Northwestern univer- sity chapter of the fraternity. O . A. Oaks, another New Trier High sch ol teacher, is president of. th e chapter.> H. H.' Herron,' also a imember of the New Trier' faculty, had charge of the, initiation. At. the meeting of Upsilon chapter Tuesday night plais, were, discutssed, for an open meeting sponsored by the. chapter which, will.'be held at Evanston Township High. school Tuesday, December 9 when, Supt. William J. Bogan oôf the- Chicago public schools will speak. Men téach- ers of'New Trier,> Evanston, and Deerfield High schools and superin- tendents-,and principals of granimar schools on the,'north 'shore -and ini Chicago have been invited to attend this meeting. U. Thneater to Enter Musical Revue, Field One field of the stage neyer before touched by the Northwestern Uriver- sity theater, that of the musical revue, will be the subject of its next produc- tion. The show. has been named "Serap-Book" because of the variety of its parts. It will be presented Dec;ý 8, 9, 10 and Il at Annie May Swift hall. This production will stand out also because it will be part of the Junior promenade- week festivities. nd id dents. Twenty-two skits, many of thtni comnedies. of college life, and numbers by a trained dancing and singing. chorus- will:compose the revue. Music will consist of songs froni some of the recent professional shows, to be played by a Istudent orchestra con- ducted by Floyd Eldridge. The cast, of 75 is being directed jointly by IQe Miller, who with Fld- Wednesday and Thursday, « Wednesday and Thursday,. D.,.ember 3-4 December 10-11 Yupyit saîeon:style kere. We are tailors to sOMeO Of<e best dresded men of America.: A littke-detadIi ere-anode thefe-et touches in every suit that lenott* tht han-d ol the artitglàs -wel 'as the: artisans W è re out Of th I,ê h let oop, >Hence da*le marlcatly 1Iow prie.~ s J ~ Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Ordi H. Go. LINDWAL L Highest Gr'ade Upholstea'ing. 80 Oukk Strot. Ettabli.hbed 1895 Ph. Winuetka 145 '"JUIT ON THE MIG F THE HUNMENT OO 4