LWU z ana make *v ping minute count WEARABLE CIFrS FOR CHIýLDýREN: T61fs2foô6 A fwo-piece Jersey dress in English blue, n-avy, scarlef or Onl> $ 1*9. g reen. brownd. Afine Zephyr yarn sweater in pinlc, maize, 1green or-orchid. Warmand, A warm failored:Beacon robe in bright Inédian paterns'. Silk cord finish and fie. $g.50. Girls 8 fl 10. An all-wool jersey sweater in green, tan, navy, powder or cocoa., Smartl $3.50. A o clegiae"blazeër wifh silç cord finish $4.95. striped bathrobe and fie. Only H ERE'ARýEmGIFTS Boys W.Iii -LIK:E A black horsehide leather coat, sheep lined and, with a,Wambino cllar, sizes 6, to 2 years, 17.0 Sweaters make practical gifts for boys. These are in brushed wool or heather. mix- f ures with round or V neck. $2.956, Or how about pyjamas in either middy or coat style. *8 to 18. $1 .50 and $ 1.95. Wosh suifs for liffle boys from 2 to 6. Fine broadcloth in many colors. $1 .95. Christmas' fies for boys, nifd dcrepe in solid colons and sf ripes. U pwardýs.from SOc. Lord's Boys' Section-F irst, Floor TOILETRIES ...A WE 1 cQE GI FTý Aspecialpr - Christmas r gift sale of> Renaud's Sweet Pea orOrchid in attractive gift -package, $2.50 voe each $ 1 Here's a set of Yardley's toiletres ... soap, face powder and lavenjer wafer, $2.25; Yardley's Men s set-. leather case with shaving stick, lIotio.n 4nd talcum, it' is Iow, priced at $2.75. Have you seen the dew Le Debut Double Compact with the NI n, profite cover, if is $2.50. A ery spcaWitbtle. of Houbig*nt's. perfumnes . . . 9Quelq#t, Fleurs, Ideal,. Au Matin and- Bois Dormant,,each $2.65. Du Barry adjustable treatmenf. Beauty Kit, le*ther case with: mirror and com'rplefe beauty, A lovely gift, low af $25. UNDERTHINÇS! AN. INTIMATE CI FT Step-Ins, Chemises and Dance Sets of pure dye, silk ini flesh, and p each, fempfin gly priced at $ 1.95. Sfýunning lace, frimmed gowns. of crepe de chine and, french finish rp.. lace yokes and lace medallions. $5.95, Silk Pyjamas,. either fuck-in ýor over-bIouse styles, pure dye silk, many colors, $6.95. Lounging Pyjamas, three piece sets end 'Jamta-gowns'" with:coats. $1 0.95 to $27.50.ý Mefallasse. Robes with. a warm wool chaf11s lining. Pink or blue. $ 17.95. Be. utif ul Negligees of cut with ostrich feather. Blue' SANTA, A. warmn thee-piece, legging set of St. Maréy's blanket cloth in Pink or blue, slide fasteners, of course. $160.50. If baby lives ouf of 'fown why not send him an all-wool crib blanket in. pink, blue or. green. $4.95. They're 50 easy to mail. These hand-quilted Japanese silk buhtings in Pink or blue are only $3.50. A carniage cover to match is $ 1. Soft and fleecy wrapping blankets in pnk. or blue are specially priced at 85c. SUC -CESTS Hand-made sillc bonnets wifh, light inside padding, daintily frimmed, upwards from, $2.25. velvet tnlmmed or Flame, $3.5. -r o fivel U Ô miss 12 tol 6 I I