ktlmu. *d of thuanks, obitu- te or ot)her affalrs 9publlshed, w'Ill be rate&. >111 save lf xte action! Before man settled on the north shore: Lake MichigaIn was as beautiful as it is now. On many a niorning in the pioncer Kee> t yersthe eastern sky was as glorious as it ever, bas Reutf t been sinice that. tinle. Tbhe oaks and elms and, mnaples were just as impressive. Andthe: Skokie even then could, have provided a multitude of seenes for painters, if there had been any in the neighborhood.. In 1930 there are bundreds of pieces of "improved" property in the north shore district. Houses, roads, sidewalks, and gardeis, have taken the place. of unadorned nature. And to ou r mind the "improved"- version >is as beautiful as the original,' except for, some certain unlovely features. Signs on trees detract definitely. froni the Ioveliness of our Iandscape. Unsigbtly.' * ronster bill boards cannot decorate na- ture.1 Vacant lots cluttered ¶vth refuse of several kinds are not good t6 look at. We f ound the north shore beautiful. Let us keép it beautiful. Even in- sucb an enlightened. section of M linois as this: north. shore of ours there *may stili be found aduits Who. act as 'if Education they believed that ,their education çnded, and for A dgeis justly ended, with their last vear in Lyramma1~r e obstruç-, ýoball of the ce ýory and snugly Does ocial1930, bas been making Does ocialan exhaustive study of' Work Pay? the. murder areas and the areas of juvénile delin- quency in New Orleans, La,. In the beart of the Irish..Channet, for a radiu's of one- baîâf'mile fromn the tpresent day Kingsley' Fosthere i not, one spot for jvnl delinqueficy and oniy one 'spot for. murder. For twenty-five years at Kingsley Flouse, -Eleanor McMain, beginning with a modest program of clubs and classes and games for thé younger boys,' and. girls of that neighborhood., bhas lived and worked to develop a strong socia . 1settiement -which now bas a. $350,600 plant. Cities change and the relation between cause and efec is neyer certain, yet such dramnatic testi- mnony of the ultitnate- value of the charac- ter building programs of pur settiernents, our- Chris tian associations, and our Scouts is again substantiated by the fact that in ail the records of our Juvénile Court no boy who had ever been a mnember of the Scouts appears. -Christnmas Seals will first be ôffered for' sale on the day after Tbanksgiving. For a. week, after that date school tchildren will have the seals or statnps, on baud to sell to friends and relatives. You will, also find the stamps offered for sale in> stores. As Christmas Day approaches with its appealing message of good will to .alý men, give agenerous thoughtto your, unfortuiiate fellowmfen. Buy Christma«s Seals. There are obvious signs thaï Chicago * azrbage is flot a lovely word, but it is much less unlovely than the evil resuits ,of improper garbage disposai. The moral is wrap your refuse in sufficient pape.r to belp it burn easiiy. variety Îs now a Some of us are collecting Christmas Sa vings checks. Others are wishing, they had signed 'up last D)ecember at 'saMuch per. we.ek toWard such Christmas checks.l Basketball 'takes th center of the stage in prep and collegiate circljes. New Trier High school launches its :Inter.- scholastic swimming competition. Less, thanl four weeks in ivhich to icomplete your Christmas.,shopping Saine number of weeks in, whicl- ta con template h possibility of a white Christmas. heyoungsters'il, soon be home :for vacation.- Fil Ossifer clips toweèks off the work schedxile 'to round out last summ.er's twelve- week siesta. The rest of us toil as usual. Xhatta Life 1 Qverheard a good citizen the other day sug- gesting that New Trier authorities-who 'appear to be in search of more classroom space at the h1, school-convert the expansive Leslie F. Gates' gymnasium into classrooms and forget silly athletics and gymnasium activities. And we thoughit that the last, of, that type' of. ciftizen had passed out at least two-decades ago., Wilmette, residents wbo take their fôootball (entertainment) seriously Mnust bave experienced a distinct sensé of pride last Saturday when the line-ups of the Irish .and Purpie revealed two local celebrities as principals in the opposing casts. Reference is, of course, to jack Riley of North- western and Alvin Cuiver of Notre Dame. If it's just the samne to ycou, Doc, we'Il take tht nickel. Anid the piump oid bird vi by now have reached the hash stage. ,Grade Separation *wù Loe'.bave immedic