Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1930, p. 40

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RARE BOOK0S, At Lord#$ you Wfll find imited: and fifst, .ditons in exquisite, bindings. Some of the. finest ère ised belowI Two Years, Defore The. Most' By2Rchard Henry Dana. Jr. Illustrations by Edward A. Wilson. Walden or Life'In The Woods -By*Henry David Thoreau Witb an introduction by .Ray- mond Adams. Il1ustrated by Rudolph 1Ruzcka. Lirmîted- *edition. Tales By Edger Alan Poe Illustrated by W. A. lYwiggiis, The above books repre- sent an unusual piece of *American book mnaking. Le Morte Dorthur R y Sir Thomas Malory, Knt. With illustrations after water color drawings by W. Russel Flint, R. W. S. Specially bound. Sandro Botticelli And The Florentine Renaissance By Yulio Yashiro Thes i. eaAnd The Jungle. By H. M. Tomlinson. A limnited-signed edition illus-* trated. witlx woodcutsbly, Clare Leighton. The Complete Anqier tangleci in a Ut.nincv ..IVIA It is difficult to analyze its inter- est. It is not "heavy." In fact, the unthiniking might caîl it a lgt novel. The scene- is laid ini a foreign land, but the author is thoroughly familiar witb ber background for she- sDent two. years in war-torn, China. There is a zestful dash of madventure and. just a toucb of mystiery. In.,one particular she does not an- tagonize the occidenital' mmtd as'does ouise jordan Miln-in "eeast of the Lanterns". and othier, books; she shows the good'and bad qualities of the 'oiiental and, occtidental rather than compaing the good qualities of tbe oriental to the bad qualities. of the occidental. To the discriniinat-, ing reader, it makes her book, far more in structive and'better reading. ln reading, one sees a picture of war-torn: China1 througb the eyes of an occidental, one is- taken into' a Chinese "pleasure house" by a -beau- tiful lkek and sees how a general, may spend bis time, and bow mucb of a gentleman a higb caste Chinese can be. There are very human inci- dents in the story showing a close observation of character. One illus- tration will suffice. Wben Megan, the Auxerican girl wbô has corne to China to marry ber missionary fiancé, takes hier tenipor- ary hostess, the wife of a missionary who has long been in China, to the Astor hotel for tea,. "sbe-was touched to see that Mrs, Jackson consjdered tbis casual invitation -an occasion of social importance and that in the crowded lobby she lost her aid oi assurance and becaine suddeuly. a timid, badly dressed woman, but one wbo is nevertlxeless enjoying herself.",' THE CACTUS BOOK -r*--A. D. Houghton. Macmillan. "This bandy littie volume is designied for the aimateur who-is -interested in cactus dnd cactus growing. 0f course it isn't designied for the rank amna- teur but for one who is beginning to be seriously interested in the culture of these spiny plants. The back of the book is -one of may learn how to propogate tile plants, how to make indoor garclens. and .outdoor gardens, and above all., learn to get the nlost out of these fascinating plants., May it be said that it is dangerous to dip into this book?' The enthusiasm. of Dr. Hougbton for cacti is« catching and, one is liable to'bebitten by the col- eco'sgerm. NAPOLEON'S STORY BOOK. BYý Hill and Maxwell. .Macmillan., The stories in this book are Corsic- an fairyand folk tales, of the sort handed déwn by wàýd of moüth among the peasants. They are ple.as- antlY.told -by,young, Naulioône's nurse. Good Fainies and, Wizards and lElves and ail women of m'ystic peoples wend'their way through these pages. The- illustrgtions are cleverly de- vised in black anid white.., There is no. intimation that the authors are, "talking do Wn" to theyounig read ers,1 and hère is no fussiness about the tales.1 Each tale is a unit in itself and al are niost exciting for younger and1 older alike. JANE-LOUISE'S COOK BOOK. By Louise Price Bell. Coward- Mc-ýI Cann. Little girls who are the happy pos- ses sors of electric stovPs on *whicb they can cook wItb a freetlom (from danger that was unknown in their grançlmothers' youth will rejoice in this volume of recipes which pictures ingredients and utensils in line as well as by words. It contains a series of simple recipes for dishes adapted to the palate of the young, and with its drawing to make plain-the instruc- ions in script which are .beyond theJ powers of tiny tots t0 deqipher,i should be an excellent manual even for the child' too Young to re ad. THE MISSING KATCHINA. Byi Grace Moon. Doubleday, Dorai. As a story to interest children, up AT THE FORE 0F THE, YEAR A t thse fore of the year, and on Candie-. mas Day. Ail cari y at Mass I remarked her7--, Likc the deu' on giree» corn, as -bright and as clear Were 'ker eyes, iand ler voice was the starling's. J-tith bragging iind.lie$, I tlought that her mimd- IVd ett gage, and theu zwin her withý But through Spring and through Sium-ý mner she lias left me to *rise Every day wüith a pain that,, will, slay mie! 0 cone, O0rny l'ove, ere 'the if e from me goes If your hand but to lightly lay oit me,, And a grief tale arway that none else can rerove-., for izow 'tis thse reaPing of barliyf The above is from Padriac Column's, new -volume of poetry called- "01d' Pastlures", c anieo portraits, of -Irish, peasants,' sketchés of I rish céountry, and tales from: the ,vast >heri tage .of Irish legend, published by MacMillan. Mn. Colum's popularity' denived f rom his Irish prose andpoetry folk tales will flot suifer from this book, but neither will' it be ýgneatly ad- green Reniai Library' .Lower loor f many kinds Âircraft Book for Boy..by Verrill, football, London,. Harpe .r. Thisbok, by a woman wbo itrial by jury, etc. :humon in these is an expenienced pilot, gives much 'undant fo'od for information about the bow and why of present day aviation. a'

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