Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1930, p. 42

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S aturday, Jiecember 6. The'.iRev. jean i" Âiea8r5UL >LanW<btoWflfl9 a1 Clyde Lamont Hay of Chicago wilI gtving the prograi.. réad the.:service ut 4:30 o'clo:ck in' Miss Harnîlton is a memnber of the afternoon in, the homie'of the Herbert Butler's* artist ciass. She bride'sParnsad a, reception wïIf returned receritlyu fter asummer in follow immediately afterwards.. Europe- studyirig, at Fontainebleau Miss Nicholson b as chosen as bier ,*ithGùillaùnie.Remiy. Miss Hail- attendants, Mrs. Frank Rich Morri- 'ton, made ber debut in a recitai at son of Chicago, the former Kathryn Kimbal hall lasi summer. At that I<lley of Winette, to be bler matroriý time Edward Moore wrote as fol-, of bonor, and as bier bridesrnaid, Mrs. low : "She is. a young and appar- Oscar J. Hollenbacb of Evanston;' ently talented player., In works, of formerly Winifred Seng of Wilmette. mjrdmnin h îpae Donad MFaddn o Peoia tofirm tone of good qualiiy, and, con-* -*'serve as. Mr. Vett.es, best manr- and Mr. als, frry irtor .o Layon ay f Cicgo iilush3.the Hamiltoni Club. chorus that ap- Out-of-town guests at the.> wedding peared'before Presidenit Hoover, and~ will include' Mrs. Alice C. Nicholson a soloist at tbe Winnetka Congrega- of Cncinnati and Mrs. onald Mc- t ional church, ut present is in charge Fadden of Peoria. of the Oriental quartet',in Chicago. L The ertertaining preceding the He is to, siixg a ýgroàupof selections. weddirig comrnenced last month. O Aiohrrnpofsog wilh October 28, Mrs. .Walter Engle of 'presented by Miss Nelegar ~who is a Chicago .was bostess at a luncheon at pupil of Mme. Edith Bideau Nor- the Woman's Athletic club., Novern- mnelli. She bas appeared before the ber 8, Mr. and Mrs, Franik R. Morri- Evanstori Business and Professional son gave a dinner at their home in Women's club at the National Col- Chicago and on November 14, Mrs. lege of Education anid at the Auburn E. P. Vette of Chicago ertertained at Park' Study club in Beverly His. a lingerie shower and bridge at her She *bas giveri many musicales at the, bomne. Georgian hotel. November 18, .Mrs. A. A. McKinley Two musicales are scheduled dur- and Mrs. Eric Collinis of Evanston irig December at the Vista, del L ago. were hostesses at a linen 'shower The special nonthly bridge luncheon and bridge ini Miss Nicholsor's honi- is planned for December 1, at 1. or.,*Miss Agnes Bichi .of Wilrnette o'clock. A prize *wiil be given for gave a luricheon anid matinee party each table. Mrs. R. J. Gouldy; Mrs. November 19, and on Noveniber 26, W. A. $heriff s, Mrs. C. A. Tydings. Mrs. W. Armstrong of Highland, and Mrs. F. P. Kutteri are the bost- Park entertained at-ln-heon at the esses. Mrs. Ralpb M. Long is chair- Arts club.. mani of the special parties., Parties, that are yet: to corne in- clude thé luncheori and stockiig KvnilWorth Club Heairs f shower ut which Mrs. Oscar, Hollen_ en bach of Evann will be hoest- LaV-onne, Field's Recital.. day, and the kitcheri sbower ýand Th eiwr cu pesnda bride- Miss Vera Leahy ý,of Evaris- TeKnwot lb.rsne tonIs gvig ovmber 29. 'MrÉ. and very beautiful and charming enter-. tr.ihlon willhavethe rida taiiler iast Friday evening for the f dinner in their borne December 3, and eiUoYIfleld nof the memberesMis Thursday, December 4, Miss Ruth Laon-il n'SnigPcue. Finn will ho bostess at the spinster She sirigs. and draws as she sings, À. è..-hý nChéon illustrating and visuaiizirig ber songs in Miss Calhouns home, 740 Green- wood avenue. It wiIi be a candie- iight service, and, the Rev. D1. H. Cornell wiil ofilciate. Miss Caiboun wilI be attended by Marion Born of Wiirnette as rnaid Of honor,' and by her smnall sister, iAudrey, as -flower girl.- Mr. Gode will be axtended by William Lane, ,of Wiimette, as best-mari A. dinner wili follow the wedding ceremnony, which will be attended by, the relatives -of Miss. Caîboun, and, Mr., Gode. T.he bridai couple. will motor to, Florid;a,, returning in three weeks :to make 'their home at 4602 Grove street, Nules Center. A number of affairs have beeti eiven for Miss Calhoun, recently. On Sunday evening, November 9, Mrs. Chester L.. Persing and Miss rIoe Mack entertained at a surpris YW.C. A cabinet reunion and 'a bathroom shower. Miss, Calhoun waàs a memfber of the cabinet -.white at Northwestern' university. On Wed- nesday evening, November 19, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Phelps Welles of Evanston entertained the bridai party at dinner. On Friday evening,, No- veniber 21, Miss Helen Ellis and Miss Vera Xloerber 'of Wilrnette enter- tained ten couples at bridge in honor of Miss Calhouri and Mr. Gode. at Miss Ellis' home in Wilmette. On Saturday evening, Mr. Lane gaveî formai dinner, and a theater party, followed by dancing. M~r. and Mrs. D,. Gode of Iowa. the grandparents of the bridegroom will arrive in 'Kenilworth in time to attend. the wedîng. Shawnee Juniors Have Dance at Club Toniqht One of the rnost color 'fut Parties o! the nionth at Shawnee is the Junior <Aànce tnnight for young people ol hiL-h schonl are. The dancing, ctarts' Pt 9 o'rlork. linsts and hostesses are M r. and Mrs. Eari R. Neir and Mr. and Mrs. George. Dorman of Wii- mette, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Allen of F.vanston, and ,Mr. and Mrs. A. L. 7"cember 2, bEÈinning at 10. o'clock in Mr. and Mrs. Joseph1 bthe morniug. Central, avenue. announ( TOWN gagemeait of their dau ve TW CLUB DANCEi SATURDAY Susanne, to Louis Robe] ter The Town club will dance at the son of W. a.nd Mms L. Kenilworth. club tomiorrow evcning. of Oak Park Easzab, 21M e the en- ,hter, Ethel rt Jourdan, X~. Jourdan IEpiscopaI churcli in a -double ring cererny by Dir. Horace G. Snith.ý A reception followed. Tbe bride was dressed in. ivory. satin. made. on Grecian lnes, with a, two-pointed -train. She wore a veil ofBattenburg lace in rose design' wbich -was brought f rom Switzerland. She carried cila1 > es. The churcb .was completeiy lit with candies wbich formed the decoratiori. Mrs. Smnith,' who was ,rnatron., of honor for ber daughter;- wore rust colored lace .andý carried calla Miies ini a tea-rose. shade. Mrs. Lysie Smith, the bridesrnaid, wore tea rose satin and carried, rust colored calla fiues. Little Ellen Smith, the flower girl, woire yellow crepe de chine. Eari Goff was best mari, Paul Graves, Walter Robey, Rayrnond Caris,, ail of Chicago, and Lysie Smnith of Evanstori, brother of the; ~bride, were the ushers. Dr. Smith gave bis daugbter away and both parents accompanied tbe bridait p arty to the altar, it being their fortieth wedding anniversary. rt was the thirty-sixth wedding an ni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. George Keilholtz of Seattle, parents of: the bridegroorn. Miss Margaret Stafford of Wilrnette sang at the wedding.1 At the receptiori and supper whicb foiiowed the ceremonv in the church * parlors, Miss Ruth John son of Chi- cago, Miss Ethel' Mac Sturgeon of Evariston, formerly of Wilniette, Miss. Mary Eleanor Wilhite of Win- netka, anid Mrs. Raymnond Caris of Chicago were assistirig hostesses. M 'iss Lola Miller, a cousiri of the, bride,. played the piano during th,_ý reception. Jens Jensen Is Speaker.. on Garden .Club Pro gram The Wilrnette Garden club is hbav- irig an evening meeting Friday, De- cember 5. Husbands of members are invited to attend the guest night pro- gramn. The bostess will be Mrs. John Bridge Ber» fit Tueadag The Kappa' Alpha Theta Mothers' club is giving a bridge party at' 2 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, Decem- ber 2, at the sorority hQuse. The proceeds are. for. the Nortbwestern, S$ettlernent house and'Theta fund.

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