, -'l - Why worry about those, unexpected guests?- .Why labor to. preëpar e for that lnhen1dne or card party at home? You may ittinglyentertain any guests at the Tavern. Here you wiII find the service and quie of your Own dining rQOM.. Heire, if you w-ish, you may have a Private Dîning Rooni. Whe n in town lunch o r dine at "Çoo" North Michigan Avenue PRIVATE PARKING -SPACE To makea gift distinctive requirmes flot mer moneY, but tkought and :careiee a bW had at theprice.*of "-counter merianie>coc and original articles of lasting value-am'bat. Hand- coloured engravingsofOdLdotraivy framd. hesehav thefinness of a Baxter print, and are as sof t in, colour tones as à Flemish tapestry. $.0ad Sets of OId English, Coka1 lses in grèen or whi-e 3o the glass. Exceptional Philadeiphia tavern table in. perfect 'Condition. $ 85. âo. OdEnglish sWi nging shaving mirrors, $ 12.5o and up. Needlepoint, and bead work footstools,, $il. oand up.> Neediepoint table mats and purses, $5,-o and up. rdrs frfn cabinet repairs are 'invited. ANTIÇtEs 7elephone F%'iNue:ka 3<70 4 i Deccm ber Svecial* Ju&t -Imagine!!!l A substantiadly made, punci are proof,, reversi- Th e Churchili1 We'avers JI Ashop of uiiusual interè,st a revelation ini sof t. II!The Chimneys 156 Center Street Telephone Winnetka 446 TelePho,. F7innetka 3182 MIRS. GUY STUART BAILEY in t~. charge. ~rIf (IX iu~n' ern ýTelephoner Wirnnetka 1617 çha rge. 1 -