'I _FIE-NROFWARffMOUSE PACKING LONG DISTANCE HAULING CHAIRS AND TABLEKS FOIR, lENT FPOU, ALL OCCASIONS ;9uas cdompereIJICUw "Prebablv the niost ercouragig -109, a loss of 62qt -factor ini the realty financing situa- totalled, but $17,605 tion is the fact that the great era of speculation in real est ate securities compared with $11 lis at an end. The inexperienced and when this type of over-optimistic lenders who contri- about 23% of the buted to over-building have apparent- ly Iearned a Iesscon and one' of the new real. estate seç greatest menaces to 'Sound r eaîty' Statistics showink financinpg. bas. been removed." new realty finai 67% Dêecil..in 1930 Fiicancing months of 1930j, s Statistics compiled i the 'review same perioéd of a, showed that, the volume of new real 1928 follow; estate bond, note and -stock fluanëh Bondr-1930, $147.4j in the United States ,ithe nfirs 700,650; 1928,,$66O,514l ten ontà o ý1930, aggregated but: ,23,330;199, $7,19,, $16,02,270-thé Iowest level in seven TotaIs-1930, - $165,0 years. This is a décline of 67%l froru 623,980. 1928, $738,364, i tacvulunc oi ie sme eria « October R.akty *Statistics comçpik showed that new C bond offerinigs ggrg a gain of -apProxima montb, 'but declinè tober 1929. There n issues totalling $10o stock offerings aggr Analysis of the T showed that resicler counted for more t flnancing and abov office building and commercial structure about the sanie volui ous financingconsisti lateral ttust certifica October financing flned to tbe'larger York, Chicago, B3altij accounting for 67% oý N-ew York led with gregating $2,600,000, Second with a volut followed by Chicagoý issue, and Detroit wil talling $775,00. Th the financing was wi includi-ng the 'cities Louisville, Maco .n,' Va., Philadelphia, St. sas City. ComParativ. Moui The review stated WILMETTE 32 resi- npany of Chi- a was sold recenitly Ii Painter and Decorto,' rea d le u ra et lIM p h ma tu ing com pany ý G~enaf Poee 7~ :Aida M. Comiskei consideration. vztn ~ ~ ~ iý aTOUO, n L IpI aiL is auvertising counsel far YeRiverckOfis Corporation. The e ~.Stok fnancing bureau is desigiied sPecifically -to 5,120 this year, as assist the individual realtor luin hj. 12,923,330 ini 1929, individual local advertising.' 4 issue com prised, More than eighty local real estate entire volume of. boards, representing upwards of 8,000 curidies. active members, are sposru h tg thevoumeofnew advertising service, bureau, g thevolue ofwhich, it is planned,. wil be ready to ig in the first ten serve realtors by.the first of the vear. ~ompredwi th Wih te inauguration of the new .year ago, and' in service the national association will be'enabled for the first timne to offer 17,150;2, $388,- the individual. realtor advertising he >,00. 929 - can use locally i his. own business. ~5,1'20; $11,t is designed'solely to help the reail- '2,270;l929, $501,- tor get mlore business fori bis own ,281. individual firm, to - prepare practical, Issus ~* usable niaterial wbich the local mani cap secure -through bis. board. Her- flin the reviÏew bert U. Nelson, ýexecutive secretary of )ctoer sockan'ithenational association, says. in out -egated, $10,625.1e., lining details -of the new undertaking ately 9% over last 'Skillful 'and well, coniceived advertis- of 65% from Oc- ing on the part of inidividual r ealtors Vere sixiten bond mayý be4 exp.ected to build up1 for real 0-55M0anxd two estate cçonsumer' interest sucb as egatig $270,120.. the im~portance of the commodity.de- month's flnancing serves, and such as bas been 50 suc- ntial projec-ts ac-_ cessfully induced in the public con- than 40% of- the sciousnessby the volumino2s> adver- ut 25% was -for tising-ca-nmPaîtgus vunducted on be- Sother types of' half of comipetitive commodities, most es. There 'was also notably the automobile. With real me of misceîlanie- estate better -advertiÈed more 'of W! ng largely of col- .will be sold, and the flrm doing good tes. advertising vyill get a larger shaire cOf was largely con- the business. cities, with New The new service to individuals will more and Detroit supplement the, advertising service f the entire total. which the associationi has for 'Soin- three issues ag- time furnishel to its emiibe boards Baltimore was and through which member boards me of $2,750,000, have brought to the public of their with a $1,000,000) own cities the advantages. of invest- itl two issues to- ment in home town real estate and ie remainder of the security of deailing with a, realtor. ,idely distributed, ,f Indianapoli-3, A.J. StUits to Mang Louis and Kanl.ý Evanston Reaity Office Albert J Stults of E;. E;. Stis ,thly statistic Realty company has been nuade.' tha 6rt m rt-supervisor of the firm's activity in the tha first ort orth shore area and manager of the~ Sil FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS -on bouses, opartments and business, properties for 5, 10 or 15 yeqr ferms. CODY TRUST COMPANY. 105 SoutLaS.8Street Rand@ph 6m0 c H ic Au0 STORAGE MAIN ST. I Monoy fo L.oan'on1 Illmnois a: an MOVING Imm