White veIvet with peerl-studded gold fra.me feshions a deinty eve- ning bag. . $4.95. GIintiag motel beads feshion ào-second bag. with etcbed gold framre. -1- $4.95., Others, S2.95 tf049.95. Exotic. novel and inter.sting. the new jewelry for e.vening combines the. gleem of peari witk the glint -d rbinestone .: . <ad offen the glow of rmby.. eme.ald ..a.ýnd sap-. phire colorlng$ 1'as .we. . Prices. range from $3.99 toa $9.95. 16-.button glace ýkid gloîes in blaclc or white are ultra-smart fo! evening wear. .priced et $8.50. The smartest eveni ng slppers ère in white ta be , tinted) faille. satin or moôire. in strap or pump~ style,' with diversification of gold and silver kid . . . $ 10.50, Ottiers $5.15P ta o .0 The delicate haze. or s'kin tints in hosiery are correct for ail evening wear. Phoenix Du-Sheer chffons, with picot tops and French heIs Ore ev6iIabIe et $1.65 to $7.50.1- Nothls,9 profects the fragile-loo&. ing .veninfg slipper .s o opletely and so smartly as the quilted black carniage boot. warmiy and efFectively fur.-tnimmed .$0 Acç essories-First Floor Acceaories-First Floor AilIs ot oldThat Glî'tters t- At' FORMERLY aOSENBERG'S I e e