the Westmoreland Country club lfti Saturday to drive to Miami, Fia., where they plan to stay for some. time~. THE MODERN JESSEIJAMES An acquaintanice of mine who bas travelied pretty much ail over thc, world once t old me that in.certa ,in parts of the Orient, it is, not .'con- sidered to be in any way criminal to stea-býýut to get caugbt at, it is one of the cardinal sins. To these peo- pie dishonesty is a virtue-ýso long as the thief is an efficient one. Fortunateiy thià. code of ethics does flot hoid in civili'zed America., Neyer- theless, we occasionaliy, hear a wrath- fui motorist teiiing, bow he was o ver- charged for a new, tire or for. re- pairs in some distant town or village., while on a vacation or business.trip. And so long as lit takes all kinds to make a wortd"' just so long will there be ~sme person to talce advantage of your necessity. You can avoid "the necessity," how- ever, by being sure your car is in per- fect order béfore leaving on such a trip. A visit to our Preventorium wili eliminate the possibiiity of yourbeing held up -by one of these legaiized' road agents.. Motors Service, 721 Main Street, phone Wilmette 2600-2601. re is "E" or 'excc , from the third1 tinclusive, is iisted he bas a grade of Henry K Urion,. who lives at 1025. Mohaswk road, W:imette, tuas elected last tuec* lt embership on -thte eecj&tive cfn»tittee Of Region Seven, embracing the four states bordering on Lake Michigait, Wisconsin, Illinois, Insdiazna and Michigan. Mr. Urion is a member of the Executive board of the North Shore Area council and has been quite active in council affairs as <eil as the establishmnent of the council camp in Wisconsin. The Executive cornmittee of Region Seven, of which Phillip .Reed of Chi- cago is' chairman, is responsible for ail Scouting activities in the region. There are no-w 95,782 Scouts and 22,M3 Scàuiters (aduit leaders) regis- tered in .104 local councils »p rr HOUSEHOLD*S RATE ON LOANS 0F- Charnes A Steele, 676 ,(reen- wood avenue, Glencoe, tuas elected chai rman of. th,- Regiomil Camp- ing committee of Region Seven, Boy Scouts of America at the an- nual regional meeting held Wed- nesday, December 3, at, the IIdge- wvater Beach hotel in Chicago. Mr. Steele' bas been chairman of the Camping committee of the North Shore Area council since the council was organized in December 1926. His cornmittee bas handled the establish- ment and building of 'Camp Ma -Ka- Ja-Wan ini 1a ngi a de couûty, Wis. National officials commented f avor- abiy on this camp last' summer. In bis capacity' as chairman of the Regional Camping commîttee -Mr. Steele wiil have oversight and pro- motion of B3oy Scout camps in Region Seven compris ing tbe four states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. Region Seven is th e largest of the twelve regions of the United States and leads off the others in the amount of camping activities. e to the he honor in effort Foiiowving are the honor students:. MONOiR SOCIETY Slxth Grade Mary Barrett, Chariene Driver, Peggy Kecham. Arend Knoop, Jane Krause, Benjie Mackinnon,. ,Suzanne. Maurer, Jeannette Robertson, Blle Stebbins, Donald, Stillman. Seveuth Grade Charles Bemis,, Lucie. Dix, Jeaniue Geitber, Marjorie Griffes, Doris Heaton, Shirley, Hermiann, Miriam Holmed, Richard- Hoimes,', Alice Kelly, Gilbert MeIntosh, Jean Small, John Sprenger, Annrette Williams.. Eighth Grade Shirley Bothof,. Barbara Clark, EÉlinor Clark. Russelli Cooke, Dorothy Deacon, Roy Demmon, Priscilla Hawiey, Tom >Hildebrandt, Cecelia MacKinnon, Louise Watson, Paul Wright. Third Grades Barbara Bell, Cynthia Fay, Charlotte Huck, Virginia Huck, Stella Jannotta, Betty Jordan,. Paul Kelly, Joan- Kilner, Betty Jane Knlght, Mimi Streed, *Bar- bara Buehler, Betty Ann Faulstiek, Dorothy Hendrlckaon, Mary Ltdecker, Peggy Marsh, Nancy McCloud, Robert' Ostermann, George Rothermel, Eliza-' beth Simon, Ralph Starrett, Earl Toops,, Nancy Welshaar. Fourti Grades Robert Andersen, Robert Barr, Tom, Ellis, Charles. Griffes, Martha- Hall, Dorothy Henderson, Madelin Jergensen, Joan Ketcham, JackLç awson, Mary Mlntosh, Bernice Modîne, Eleanor Morrison, James Robertson, Elaine' Rotherinel, Jean Schrei, Bud Stillman, Mary Thornton, Susan Wolfe, Betty Becker, Suzanne Erwin, Winston Fred- erick, Myrtle Holloway, Frank Knoop, Shirley Scarratt, John Seerley, Ruth Streed, Shirley Wagner, Phyllis Whee- Iock. FilftlI Grades Normuan Bemis, Janlet Colvin, John Deacon* Klrkpatrick DilllIng, Jonatha.n Dix, Suzanne Hatuxhurat, Thomas Kelth, Marion Meslck, Betty Murray, James Olin, Betty Schrel, IRuth Sprenger, Jane Bignell, Margaret Boozer, George Brown, Louise I3urkhard, Bredin Burns, Suzanne Fisher, Patricia. Graver, Luèy Huck, Harniet Imus, Nadine Klnney, Seeley Lodwick, lEvelyn Uontanaro, Dana Morrison, June. Toopa, Jimmie Waring, Mary Wolf.. Slxth Grade Mary Barrett, Suzanne Blair, Bettle J. Cooke, Geraldine 'Cox, Charlene Driver, Edith Gillett, Ruth Holland, Peggy' Ketcham, Jane Krause, Jeanette Robertson, Ben jie MacKi&nnon, Burton Smith, Billie Stebbipe, Popal%, Stillmn. - mnh r& ,A.u are now looking for an apartment and have decided to live in Beverly His. 'Mn. Babcock and bis bride spent two weeks motoring through- out the Sou'th, spending some time in New Orleaims. STORtM SASH sud STORM DOR3 Phne Wil1.s.t.131 or 190 HÔFFMANN JROS. MgS Central Ave.